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随笔分类 -  具体技术--决策变元选择策略

摘要:CaDiCaL Modification – Watch Sat Norbert Mantheynmanthey@conp-solutions.comDresden, Germany CaDiCaL Modification – Watch Sat Abstract—The solver CADIC 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-05-30 15:16 海阔凭鱼跃越 编辑
文献学习——Adaptive restart strategies for conflict driven SAT solvers
摘要:Adaptive restart strategies for conflict driven SAT solvers International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing SAT 2008: Th 阅读全文
posted @ 2021-11-19 10:10 海阔凭鱼跃越 编辑
文献学习——Evaluating CDCL Variable Scoring Schemes
摘要:Evaluating CDCL Variable Scoring Schemes International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing SAT 2015: Theory and Applicatio 阅读全文
posted @ 2021-11-19 09:22 海阔凭鱼跃越 编辑
决策变元选择_决策分支策略——文献学习Exponential Recency Weighted Average Branching Heuristic for SAT Solvers
摘要:Exponential Recency Weighted Average Branching Heuristic for SAT Solvers Jia Hui Liang, Vijay Ganesh, Pascal Poupart,等. Exponential Recency Weighted A 阅读全文
posted @ 2020-06-28 09:58 海阔凭鱼跃越 编辑
