Animation and Graphics —— Property Animation


The view animation system provides the capability to only animate View objects, so if you wanted to animate non-View objects, you have to implement your own code to do so. The view animation system is also constrained in the fact that it only exposes a few aspects of a View object to animate, such as the scaling and rotation of a View but not the background color, for instance.

Another disadvantage of the view animation system is that it only modified where the View was drawn, and not the actual View itself. For instance, if you animated a button to move across the screen, the button draws correctly, but the actual location where you can click the button does not change, so you have to implement your own logic to handle this.

With the property animation system, these constraints are completely removed, and you can animate any property of any object (Views and non-Views) and the object itself is actually modified. The property animation system is also more robust in the way it carries out animation. At a high level, you assign animators to the properties that you want to animate, such as color, position, or size and can define aspects of the animation such as interpolation and synchronization of multiple animators.

The view animation system, however, takes less time to setup and requires less code to write. If view animation accomplishes everything that you need to do, or if your existing code already works the way you want, there is no need to use the property animation system. It also might make sense to use both animation systems for different situations if the use case arises.

Animation有好几种,比起View Animation,Property Animation限制更少,不需要是View类,拥有动画的对象也不会得等到动画演示完之后才能使用。


总的来说,Property Animation分为三个流程:(需配官方图观看)

To start an animation, create a ValueAnimator and give it the starting and ending values for the property that you want to animate, along with the duration of the animation. When you call start() the animation begins. During the whole animation, the ValueAnimator calculates an elapsed fraction between 0 and 1, based on the duration of the animation and how much time has elapsed. The elapsed fraction represents the percentage of time that the animation has completed, 0 meaning 0% and 1 meaning 100%. For example, in Figure 1, the elapsed fraction at t = 10 ms would be .25 because the total duration is t = 40 ms.

When the ValueAnimator is done calculating an elapsed fraction, it calls the TimeInterpolator that is currently set, to calculate an interpolated fraction. An interpolated fraction maps the elapsed fraction to a new fraction that takes into account the time interpolation that is set. For example, in Figure 2, because the animation slowly accelerates, the interpolated fraction, about .15, is less than the elapsed fraction, .25, at t = 10 ms. In Figure 1, the interpolated fraction is always the same as the elapsed fraction.

When the interpolated fraction is calculated, ValueAnimator calls the appropriate TypeEvaluator, to calculate the value of the property that you are animating, based on the interpolated fraction, the starting value, and the ending value of the animation. For example, in Figure 2, the interpolated fraction was .15 at t = 10 ms, so the value for the property at that time would be .15 X (40 - 0), or 6.


  第二,将这个时间点作为参数交给 TimeInterpolator。这个很不好理解,但是配上官方的figure1和figure2就能明白,这里决定了随着时间的发展,值的变化趋势,是直线还是二次函数等等。

  第三,将第二产生的值交给 TypeEvaluator 进行计算,获得最后真正的值。








posted @ 2014-03-22 12:02  yutoulck  阅读(249)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报