Unable to start PyCharm Community at all! FOLLOW
Created October 31, 2021 16:54 I recently using PyCharm for my project until one day when I open PyCharm, it doesn't start at all! It stuck at the screen below for forever! When I open Task Manager it said that PyCharm use about 100-300 MB of RAM out of 8GB and using 0% CPU. After multiple time trying to kill it using Task Manager then open it again, it still stuck at that screen. I decided to reinstall PyCharm but it still stuck then reinstall it again but with JetBrain Toolbox! Still not work... So, I try to uninstall PyCharm then clear all JetBrain folders in %LocalAppData% and %AppData% but it still not works. Is there any possible solution for this problem?
>Address already in use: bind To lock folders IDE is starting a server on localhost, it tries to bind on the first available port between 6942 and 6991, this exception is thrown if IDE was not able to bind on any of the ports in this range. All 50 ports are unlikely to be already used on a machine, so it appears to be a networking issue or some security software which doesn't permit IDE to bind on any port in this range even on localhost interface. Usually a simple PC restart solves this issue. Let me know how it goes.
From <https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409002362898> |
问题描述: 今天无法启动intelliJ系软件pycharm,经研究是端口问题。 目标端口未被占用但发现被保护 解决hyper-V开启导致的端口问题: 方案一: From https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/3171#issuecomment-459205576 the workaround worked for me, the steps are:
dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V
netsh int ipv4 add excludedportrange protocol=tcp startport=6942 numberofports=10
dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V /All when your system is back, you will be able to bind to that port successfully. 方案二: 重启电脑并立即开启目标软件也可以解决。
From <https://blog.cyanoxygen.xyz/posts/HyperV-vs-preserved-ports/>