Backbone Who is your friend 实例学习

Backbone.js Tutorial    Who is your friend


backbone 官方将backbone 描述成能为重web应用提供结构化的方案。在使用了backbone 一周后,不管尺寸大小,我都会backbone .


我也非常渴于听到你关于Javascript MVC的想法,以及任何有利于Javascript逻辑的库。



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Backbone.js Tutorial – by noob for noobs

The official website describes Backbone.js as a library to supply structure to Javascript heavy web applications. After using Backbone.js for a week I could never see myself building any sort of Javascript functionality regardless of size without using Backbone.js or alternatives.

I have decided to write a quick introduction for those trying to grasp the mechanics behind it. I am only a beginner also and would love suggestions and tips to improve my code.

I am also very curious to hear what you think about how MVC ties into Javascript development and the most effective library you have used for logically organizing your Javascript.

Would be great to get a discussion on MVC vs MVVM vs others etc leave comments at the bottom!

Also could you implement this example better in another framework?

Understanding the Model View Controller Paradigm

I have used many frameworks which promote that they use MVC. I don’t think I have ever seen the same fundamental principals implemented the same way.

Backbone.js has 4 classes: Models, Views, Controllers and Collections. The Models and Collections class work hand in hand and when combined essentially make up the M(model) of MVC.

The main concept I follow when using Backbone.js is to make Views listen for changes in the Model and react accordingly. I would recommend bookmarking the homepage documentation and I perusing the annotated source code.

Getting started

I am going to run you through a basic tutorial that should get you on the right path if you are a bit lost like I was when I started.

First of all we are going to just setup a basic page and include Backbone.js and Underscore.js(a dependency of Backbone.js)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>I have a back bone</title>
<button id="add-friend">Add Friend</button>
<ul id="friends-list">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

第二步: 建立主视图

每个视图都与一个dom 元素有关,你可以在这里读为什么。


如果元素不存在,,backbone 会试图创建它

			window.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
					"click #add-friend" : "showPrompt"
				showPrompt: function(){
					var friend_name = prompt("Who is your friend?");



			var appview = new AppView;





Backbone 里的model 可以代表任何对象,在这里是一个朋友。我们可以不考虑结构来构造model ,但是不能遍历它们。因此backbone 创建了collection Class 来组织对象。
我们现在来写些代码向Friend Collection中增加朋友,当数据改变时新增一条数据

window.Friend = Backbone.Model.extend({
				name: null

			window.Friends = Backbone.Collection.extend({
				initialize: function(models,option) {

			window.AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
				initialize: function() {
					this.friends = new Friends(null,{view:this});
					"click #add-friend" : "showPrompt"
				showPrompt: function(){
					var friend_name = prompt("Who is your friend?");
					var friend_model = new Friend({name:friend_name});
				addFriendLi:function(model) {
					$('#friends-list').append("<li>" + model.get('name') + '</li>');


			var appview = new AppView;



建立了模型,  Friend,  json对象定义属性,, 集合Friends   初始化initialize方法  绑定了事件 this.bind('add')  事件名称   ,指定视图的处理函数

参数为models 与option

AppView  initialize  里初始化Collection   传入空,以及本视图,增加处理函数。。。。


可以看出主视图建立Collection  Collection里写兼听 ,,,一有改变就触发事件。。。。



posted @ 2012-02-23 23:25  顺武  阅读(2934)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报