MapKit and the camera is WhereIsMyCar

The MapKit framework

Working with maps and the current user location


Storing and retrieving camera images

including mobile-related functionality like mapping.

take a simple app multidiemnsional.

the map view, including centering zooming and pinning locations on the map.

image picker, 


add a map to the project and use that map to view the user's location.

CoreLocation will also enable you to find the user;s  location 

without a map by using the CoreLocation framework

find a nearby street address to the users location and you;ll store notes from the usr.

the pin is also a view,

pop-up from the pin

Entering text uses a view and so does picking an image and display it.

a textview for taking notes and a Done button related to that view.

A map view can be added to a view or set as a controller's view.



posted @ 2013-01-02 18:17  顺武  阅读(162)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报