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by a humble autodidact


看起来好像很明智,“基本功”多么神圣的字眼。但是再从另一个角度看“C语言作为基本功”呢?Joel Spolsky的博客:

A very senior Microsoft developer who moved to Google told me that Google works and thinks at a higher level of abstraction than Microsoft. "Google uses Bayesian filtering the way Microsoft uses the if statement," he said.


If Microsoft doesn't shed this habit of "thinking in if statements" they're only going to fall further behind.

这也难怪,想想Microsoft是怎么发家的-- 把GUI硬塞进CPU慢的几乎跑不动内存少的几乎没有的破PC。不能不说这是一个杰作,要完成这样的杰作,C语言自然是要练到汇编的效率的。Google靠的是什么呢?MapReduce。MapReduce不是仅靠基本功扎实的C程序员想得出来的。Microsoft的搜索引擎如此suck,是和要求“C语言基本功”,源出于同一企业文化。

写到这里,我估计我已经被误解成C语言不行吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸了。天地良心,首先我深知“C语言 基本功”的意义,第二我也多多少少有一点基本功,我甚至还学习过《Writing Solid Code》这种如今已经不热门的东西。我真正的意思是:编程的要务,是尽量提高抽象级。好像考查“C语言基本功”的招聘题,除了C的语法、语义,这些基本的基本功,以及C的一些traps&pitfalls以外,很多的一类题就是sequence operation,比如写个memcpy、memmove什么的,然后为了增加难度,在“src和dst部分重叠时的行为”上搞出点花样,要不然就是binary search,quicksort(quicksort相当难哦,我记得前两年有人发现《Programming Pearls》里的quicksort有个bug,但是找了半天找不到那篇文章了)。不知道那些招聘的经理们意识到没有,当一个程序员写if-then-else和循环的时候,他已经犯下罪过了:

If-then-else makes a binary choice, which is fine when there are really exactly two cases to consider; but often there are more than two possibilities, in which case if-then-else imposes a kind of “Boolean bottleneck” that requires complex case analysis to be reduced to a tree of binary decisions. This decision tree then imposes an arbitrary time ordering of decisions that may not be relevant to the description of the computation.

Loops connote sequential execution of successive iterations, and furthermore rely on side effects in the loop body to make progress, making it difficult for a compiler to recognize potential parallelism.

--Guy Steele, Thoughts on language design, DDJ Jan 2006




终于回忆起来了,原来是《Programming Pearls》 里的binary search有个bug:

posted on 2008-09-22 01:21  yushih  阅读(356)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报