Workflow是F#的一个强大功能,既便不深入编译器,也不用stack hack,我们也可以用F#模拟出amb,从而更优雅得写出解决如回溯查找一类问题的程序。先从最简单的例子开始:
let nc0 =
nondeter { let! x = Amb.choose [1;2;3]
return x}
let nc1 =
nondeter { let! x = Amb.choose [1;2]
let! y = Amb.choose [3;4]
return (x,y)
的选择,x取下一个值2,y重新开始取值3。最后y取4,x,y所有可能的取值用光。nc1的结果为(1, 3)、 (1, 4)、 (2, 3)、
(2, 4)。
let nc2 =
nondeter{ let! y = Amb.choose [10;20;30]
let! x = Amb.choose [1;2;3]
let! z = Amb.choose [3;4;5]
do Amb.require(x+y/10>z)
return x+y+z}
这段程序的含义是:对所有的y∈{10, 20, 30} x∈{1,2,3} z∈{3,4,5},只要有满足x+y/10>z的x、y、z取值,就返回x+y+z。
求所有的变量用let <id> = Amb.preserve
<value>的形式初始化,得到<id>的类型为ref<type of
<id>的值时写do <id>:= <new
let nc7 =
nondeter {let c = Amb.preserve 0
while !c < 2 do
let! x = Amb.choose [0; 1]
do printfn "c=%d x=%d" !c x
do c:= !c+1
得到nc7的类型为seq<unit>,原因是nodeter内没有return,所以不返回任何东西,只利用其运行过程中的副效应(do printfn ...),遍历nc7,控制台上打印出:
c=0 x=0
c=1 x=0
c=1 x=1
c=0 x=1
c=1 x=0
c=1 x=1
type Answer =
| A = 0
| B = 1
| C = 2
| D = 3
| E = 4
Each of the function represents a question.
The function is given the "answers" array of answers, in which
the questions before index "endassign" are assigned answers.
Each function checks whether "this" answer is the only correct answer of
the question it presents.
let checkers = [|
(fun answers endassign this ->
let firstB = [|1;2;3;4;5|].[Enum.to_int this]
firstB >= endassign ||
(answers |> Array.tryfind_index (fun x->x=Answer.B))
(fun answers endassign this ->
let idx=[|1;2;3;4;5|].[Enum.to_int this]
answers |> Seq.take endassign //ignore unchoiced ones
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.mapi (fun i x->(i, x))
|> Seq.for_all (fun (i,(pred,suc))->
if i=idx then pred=suc
else pred<>suc)
(fun answers endassign this ->
let same=[|0;1;3;6;5|].[Enum.to_int this]
same>=endassign || answers.[same]=this
(fun answers endassign this ->
let numA = [|0;1;2;4;5|].[Enum.to_int this]
endassign < (Array.length answers) or
answers |> Seq.filter (fun x->x=Answer.A)
|> Seq.length = numA
(fun answers endassign this ->
let same=[|9;8;7;6;5|].[Enum.to_int this]
same>=endassign || answers.[same]=this
(fun answers endassign this ->
endassign < (Array.length answers) or
let counts = Array.create 5 0
for a in answers do
counts.[Enum.to_int a] <- counts.[Enum.to_int a]+1
match counts |> Seq.filter (fun c->c=counts.[0]) |> Seq.length with
|1 -> this=Answer.E
|2 -> this<>Answer.E &&
counts.[[|1;2;3;4|].[Enum.to_int this]]=counts.[0]
|_ -> false // multiple correct answers is not allowed
(fun answers endassign this ->
endassign <= 7 or
let next = answers.[7]
[|4;3;2;1;0|].[Enum.to_int this] =
abs (Enum.to_int this)-(Enum.to_int next)
(fun answers endassign this ->
endassign < (Array.length answers) or
(answers |> Seq.filter (fun a->a=Answer.A || a=Answer.E)
|> Seq.length) = [|2;3;4;5;6|].[Enum.to_int this]
(fun answers endassign this ->
endassign < (Array.length answers) or
let numCon =answers |> Seq.filter (fun a->a<>Answer.A && a<>Answer.E)
|> Seq.length
] |> Seq.filter (fun (a,c)-> this=a && (c |> Seq.exists (fun x->x=numCon) ))
|> Seq.length
(fun answers endassign this->true)
Build a nondeterministic "routine" to find the answers
let solution =
nondeter{let answers=Array.create (Array.length checkers) Answer.A //arbitrary
let c=Amb.preserve 0
while !c<(Array.length checkers) do
let! a=Amb.choose [Answer.A;Answer.B;Answer.C;Answer.D;Answer.E]
do answers.[!c]<- a
do c:= !c+1
if not (checkers |> Seq.take !c
|> Seq.mapi (fun i chk->chk answers !c answers.[i])
|> Seq.for_all (fun b->b))
// the answers so far don't satisfy the problem
// so backtrack
else if !c=(Array.length checkers) then
// all requirements are satisfied
do printfn "find an answer %A" answers
} solution
exception ChooseFailException of unit
type NondeterBuilder() =
let mutable reverterBuilders:list<unit->(unit->unit)> = []
member b.Bind(amb, f) = // call f with each choice in amb and collect the results
let reverters = reverterBuilders |> (fun b->b())
let trychoice c= reverters |> Seq.iter (fun r->r()) //todo: don't revert at the first time
try Some(f c)
with ChooseFailException() -> None
let picksome s = seq{for x in s when x<>None -> Option.get x}
{for x in (amb |> trychoice |> picksome) ->> x }
member b.Return(x) = Seq.singleton x
member b.Let(v,f) = f v //???: {yield! f v}
//member b.For(range, body) =
member b.Delay(f:unit->seq<'a>) = { yield! f()}
member b.Combine((e1:seq<unit>), (e2:seq<'a>)) = //fixme: clear revert list
{for _ in e1 ->> e2}
member b.Zero() = Seq.singleton ()
member b.While(cond, (body: seq<unit>)) =
let rec (evalwhile cond body):seq<unit> =
{if cond() then for _ in body ->>(evalwhile cond body)
else yield ()}
evalwhile cond body
member b.AddRevertible (r:'a ref) =
let rb () =
let old = !r
fun () -> r:=old
reverterBuilders <- rb::reverterBuilders
let nondeter = new NondeterBuilder()
module Amb =
let choose (c:#seq<'a>) = c
let fail () = raise (ChooseFailException())
let require cond = if not cond then fail()
let preserve v =
let r = ref v
nondeter.AddRevertible r
let run nc = nc |> Seq.iter (fun _->())