hibernate 封装 2008-11-12 17:21 (分类:默认分类)

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有幸和一个技术比较厉害的同事做项目,本来快要失败的项目被死死的整活了,以下是他对hibernate的封装,可以放在线程里使用的哦(以前不知道呢,-_-!,hibernate的功能真大啊 )

package com.eclink.editp.dao;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;

import com.cn.hibernate.SessionFactory;

 * @author xiongying
 * @Date 2006-02-25
 * @declare 关于HIBERNATE的相关方法的封装
public class HibernateDao {
 private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HibernateDao.class);
 List list = new ArrayList();
     * @param entityName
     * @param id
     * @return
 public Object get(Class entityName, Serializable id) {
  logger.info("get(Class entityName, int id) - start");
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();//最好是工具生成的SessionFactory,自己写比较麻烦,想我这种菜鸟还会出错
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Object object = session.get(entityName, id);
   logger.info("get(Class entityName, int id) - end");
   return object;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("get(Class entityName, int id) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("get(Class entityName, int id) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());

  * @param object
  * @return
 public boolean delete(Object object) {
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  logger.info("delete(Object object) - start");
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   logger.info("delete(Object object) - end");
   return true;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("delete(Object object) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("delete(Object object) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());

  * @param object
  * @return
  * @throws HibernateException
 public boolean save(Object object) {
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  logger.info("save(Object object) - start");
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   logger.info("save(Object object) - end");
   return true;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("save(Object object) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("save(Object object) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());

  * @param object
  * @return
  * @throws HibernateException
 public boolean update(Object object) {
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  logger.info("update(Object object) - start");
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   logger.info("update(Object object) - end");
   return true;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("update(Object object) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("update(Object object) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());

  * @param object
  * @return
  * @throws HibernateException
 public boolean saveOrUpdate(Object object) {
  System.out.println("=============== saveOrUpdate() start =================");
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  logger.info("saveOrUpdate(Object) - start");
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   logger.info("saveOrUpdate(Object) - end");
   System.out.println("============== saveOrUpdate() end =================");
   return true;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("saveOrUpdate(Object object) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("saveOrUpdate(Object) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());

  * @param sql
  * @param parameter
  * @return
  * @throws HibernateException
 public boolean update(String sql, Object[] parameter) {
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  logger.info("update(String sql, Object[] parameter) - start");
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
   setQueryParameterValues(query, parameter);
   logger.info("update(String sql, Object[] parameter) - end");
   return true;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("update(String sql, Object[] parameter) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("update(String sql, Object[] parameter) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());

  * @param sql
  * @return
 public List find(String sql) {
  logger.info("find(String, String, int) - start");
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
   list = query.list();
   logger.info("find(String, String, int) - end");
   return list;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("find(String, String, int) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("find(String, String, int) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());

  * 位置参数查询
  * @param sql
  * @param parameter
  * @return
 public List find(String sql, Object[] parameter) {
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  logger.info("find(String sql, Object[] object) - start");
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
   setQueryParameterValues(query, parameter);
   list = query.list();
   logger.info("find(String sql, Object[] object) - end");
   return list;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("find(String sql, Object[] object) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("find(String sql, Object[] object) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());
  * 命名参数查询
  * @param sql
  * @param name
  * @param parameter
  * @return
 public List find(String sql, String[] name, Object[] parameter) {
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  logger.info("find(String sql, String[] name, Object[] object)  - start");
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
   setQueryParameterValues(query, name, parameter);
   list = query.list();
   logger.info("find(String sql, String[] name, Object[] object)  - end");
   return list;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("find(String sql, String[] name, Object[] object)  throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("find(String sql, String[] name, Object[] object)  object) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());
  * @param sql
  * @param firstSize
  * @param pageSize
  * @return
 public List findPage(String sql, int firstSize, int pageSize) {
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  try {
   logger.info("findPage(String sql, int firstSize, int pageSize) - start");
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
   list = query.list();
   logger.info("findPage(String sql, int firstSize, int pageSize)) - end");
   return list;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("findPage(String sql, int firstSize, int pageSize) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("findPage(String sql, int firstSize, int pageSize) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());

  * 位置参数 分页查询
  * @param sql
  * @param parameter
  * @param firstSize
  * @param pageSize
  * @return
 public List findPage(String sql, Object[] parameter, int firstSize, int pageSize) {
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  logger.info("findPage(String sql, Object[] object, int firstSize, int maxSize) - start");
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
   setQueryParameterValues(query, parameter);
   list = query.list();
   logger.info("findPage(String sql, Object[] object, int firstSize, int maxSize) - end");
   return list;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("findPage(String sql, Object[] object, int firstSize, int maxSize) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("findPage(String sql, Object[] object, int firstSize, int maxSize) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());
  * 命名参数 分页查询
  * @param sql
  * @param name
  * @param parameter
  * @param firstSize
  * @param pageSize
  * @return
 public List findPage(String sql, String[] name , Object[] parameter, int firstSize, int pageSize) {
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  logger.info("findPage(String sql, String[] name , Object[] object, int firstSize, int maxSize) - start");
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
   setQueryParameterValues(query, name ,parameter);
   list = query.list();
   logger.info("findPage(String sql, String[] name , Object[] object, int firstSize, int maxSize) - end");
   return list;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("findPage(String sql, String[] name , Object[] object, int firstSize, int maxSize) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("findPage(String sql, String[] name , Object[] object, int firstSize, int maxSize) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());

  * 滚动查询
  * @param sql
  * @param parameter
  * @return
 public List findScrollable(String sql, Object[] parameter) {
  Session session = null;
  Transaction tx = null;
  logger.info("findScrollable(String sql, Object[] object) - start");
  ScrollableResults srs = null;
  List list = new ArrayList();
  int j;
  try {
   session = SessionFactory.currentSession();
   tx = session.beginTransaction();
   Query query = session.createQuery(sql);
   System.out.println("query before");
   setQueryParameterValues(query, parameter);
   srs = query.scroll();// ===有滚动;
   while (srs.next()) {
    Vector vec = new Vector();
    j = 0;
    // ===将查询的字段值循环放入到集合中;
    while (true) {
     try {
      vec.add(srs.get(j)); // ===当没有字段值时,此处自动会抛出一个异常终止;
     } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("findScrollable(String sql, Object[] object)", e);
   logger.info("findScrollable(String sql, Object[] object) - end");
   return list;
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("findScrollable(String sql, Object[] object) throw exception = ", e);
   try {
    if (tx != null) tx.rollback();
   } catch (HibernateException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException("tx.rollbacd() throw exception = " + ex.toString());
   throw new RuntimeException("findScrollable(String sql, Object[] object) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  } finally {
   try {
    if (session != null) SessionFactory.closeSession(); 
   } catch (HibernateException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("SessionFactory.closeSession() throw exception = " + e.toString());
  * 位置参数设置
  * @param query
  * @param parameter
 public void setQueryParameterValues(Query query, Object[] parameter){
  logger.info("setQueryParameterValues(Query query, Object[] object) - start");
  try {
    for(int i=0;i<parameter.length;i++)  query.setParameter(i,parameter[i]); 
   logger.info("setQueryParameterValues(Query query, Object[] object) - end");
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("setQueryParameterValues(Query query, Object[] object) throw exception = ", e);   
   throw new RuntimeException("setQueryParameterValues(Query query, Object[] object) throw exception = " + e.toString());
  * 命名参数设置
  * @param query
  * @param name
  * @param parameter
 public void setQueryParameterValues(Query query, String[] name , Object[] parameter){  
  logger.info("setQueryParameterValues(Query query, String[] str , Object[] object) - start");
  try {
   if (name.length != parameter.length) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("setQueryParameterValues(Query query, String[] name , Object[] parameter) = Length of paramNames array must match length of values array");
   if(name!=null && parameter!=null){
    for(int i=0;i<name.length;i++) query.setParameter(name[i],parameter[i]);
   logger.info("setQueryParameterValues(Query query, String[] str , Object[] object) - end");
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("setQueryParameterValues(Query query, String[] str , Object[] object) throw exception = ", e);   
   throw new RuntimeException("setQueryParameterValues(Query query, String[] str , Object[] object) throw exception = " + e.toString());

  * @param parameter
  * @param query
  * @throws HibernateException
 public void setQueryParameter(Query query, Object[] parameter){
  logger.info("setQueryParameter(Query query, Object[] object) - start");
  Object pValue = null;
  try {
   if (parameter != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < parameter.length; i++) {
     pValue = parameter[i];
     if (pValue instanceof String) {
      query.setString(i, (String) pValue);
     } else if (pValue instanceof Integer) {
      query.setInteger(i, ((Integer) pValue).intValue());
     } else if (pValue instanceof Boolean) {
      query.setBoolean(i, ((Boolean) pValue).booleanValue());
     } else if (pValue instanceof Short) {
      query.setShort(i, ((Short) pValue).shortValue());
     } else if (pValue instanceof Long) {
      query.setLong(i, ((Long) pValue).longValue());
     } else if (pValue instanceof Float) {
      query.setFloat(i, ((Float) pValue).floatValue());
     } else if (pValue instanceof Double) {
      query.setDouble(i, ((Double) pValue).doubleValue());
     } else if (pValue instanceof BigDecimal) {
      query.setBigDecimal(i, (BigDecimal) pValue);
     } else if (pValue instanceof Byte) {
      query.setByte(i, ((Byte) pValue).byteValue());
     } else if (pValue instanceof java.sql.Date) {
      query.setDate(i, java.sql.Date.valueOf(pValue.toString()));
     } else if (pValue instanceof java.sql.Time) {
      query.setTime(i, java.sql.Time.valueOf(pValue.toString()));
     } else if (pValue instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
      query.setTimestamp(i, java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(pValue.toString()));
     } else if (pValue instanceof java.util.Date) {
      query.setDate(i, java.sql.Date.valueOf(pValue.toString()));
     } else {
      // query.setObject(i, pValue);
   logger.info("setQueryParameter(Query query, Object[] object) - end");
  } catch (HibernateException e) {
   logger.error("setQueryParameter(Query query, Object[] object)", e);  
   throw new RuntimeException("setQueryParameter(Query query, Object[] object) throw exception = " + e.toString());



posted on 2011-03-17 22:29  yusha72  阅读(264)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
