一, 写在前面
1. 前面我写过一个vuex10分钟入门 传送门
2. React-redux网上有好多文档,又臭又长,明明很简单的问题,硬是让新人更晕了~, 我写这个文章的目的是让新人在20分钟之内明白这是怎么回事.
3. 创建你的react环境, 推荐你使用creat-react-app,我已将代码放到gitHub,所以你可以直接clone下来,感觉不错可以给我一个star.
. ├── src #开发目录 | | | ├──action #action的文件 | | | ├──components #展示组件 | | | ├──containers #容器组件,主页 | | | ├──reducers #reducer文件 | | | |——routes #路由文件,容器组件 | | | |——static #静态文件 | | | ├──stores #store配置文件 | | | | | └──index.js #入口文件 | ├── build #发布目录 ├── node_modules #包文件夹 ├── .gitignore ├── .jshintrc ├── package.json #环境配置 └── #使用说明
"dependencies": {
"axios": "^0.16.2",
"element-react": "^1.0.19",
"element-theme-default": "^1.3.7",
"react": "^15.6.1",
"react-dom": "^15.6.1",
"react-redux": "^5.0.5",
"redux": "^3.7.0"
// index.js 入口文件
import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import { createStore } from 'redux' import { Provider } from 'react-redux' //import { Button,Alert } from 'element-react'; import 'element-theme-default'; import App,{SubComponent} from './containers/app.js'; //容器组件 import counter_SubComponent from './reducers/index.js'; // reducers createStore(counter),counter_SubComponent // 生成Store const store = createStore(counter_SubComponent) ReactDOM.render( <Provider store={store}> <div> <App /> <SubComponent /> </div> </Provider>, document.getElementById('root') ) /* * `store` 由 Redux 的 `createStore(reducer)` 生成 * `state` 通过 `store.getState()` 获取,本质上一般是一个存储着整个应用状态的**对象** * `action` 本质上是一个包含 `type` 属性的普通**对象**,由 Action Creator (**函数**) 产生 * 改变 `state` 必须 `dispatch` 一个 `action` * `reducer` 本质上是根据 `action.type` 来更新 `state` 并返回 `nextState` 的**函数** * `reducer` 必须返回值,否则 `nextState` 即为 `undefined` * 实际上,**`state` 就是所有 `reducer` 返回值的汇总**(本教程只有一个 `reducer`,主要是应用场景比较简单) > Action Creator => `action` => `store.dispatch(action)` => `reducer(state, action)` => ~~`原 state`~~ `state = nextState` */
/* * action cretae 这个在action\actions.js */ // Action // export const increaseAction = { type: 'increase' } // export const decreaseAction = { type: 'decrease' } // export const subTest = { type: 'test' } export const increaseAction = (text) => { return { type: 'increase', text } } export const decreaseAction = (text) => { return { type: 'decrease', text } } export const subTest = (text) => { return { type: 'test', text } } //返回一个action对象,用来关联对应的reducer,将data保存到store。 export const saveReducer = (data) => ({ type: 'SAVE_REDUCER', data })
components\Counter.js 计数器组件
import React, { Component } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { Button } from 'element-react'; // React component class Counter extends Component { render() { ////从组件的props属性中导入2个方法和一个变量 const { value, onIncreaseClick, onDecreaseClick } = this.props; console.log('主组件里this.props:'); console.log(this.props); return ( <div> <span>{value}</span> <Button type="primary" onClick={onIncreaseClick}>增加数据</Button> <Button type="primary" onClick={onDecreaseClick}>减少数据</Button> </div> ) } } Counter.propTypes = { value: PropTypes.number.isRequired, onIncreaseClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onDecreaseClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired } export default Counter
components\SubComponent.js 异步加载数据组件
import React, { Component } from 'react' // import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { Alert, Button,Table } from 'element-react'; export default class SubComponent extends Component { constructor(){ super(); this.state ={ title:'' } } componentWillMount() { let id = 9999; this.props.getTest(id) //发送get请求,然后数据 自动写到state里 } render() { console.log('另一个组件里的: this.props:'); console.log(this.props); const { test="--", testData, onTest } = this.props; let columnName=[ { label: "标题", prop: "title", width: 180 }, { label: "年份", prop: "year", } ]; return ( <div> <Alert title={test} type="info" /> <Button type="primary" onClick={onTest}>Change</Button> <Table style={{width: '100%'}} columns={columnName} maxHeight={200} data={testData.movies} /> </div> ) } }
容器组件 container\App.js
/*容器组件 */ /* mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps把这个各自放到Counter和subCounter各自的组件里会不会更好? */ import { getData} from '../plugs/fetchData' import { Message } from 'element-react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux' import {increaseAction, decreaseAction, subTest, saveReducer} from '../action/actions.js'; import Counter from '../components/Counter.js'; //UI组件 import subCounter from '../components/subCounter.js'; // Map Redux state to component props function mapStateToProps(state) { console.log('主容器组件里app:state:'); console.log(state); return { value: state.counter.count, // test: state.SubComponent.test, //testData: state.SubComponent.testData } } //mapStateToProps会订阅 Store,每当state更新的时候,就会自动执行,重新计算 UI 组件的参数,从而触发 UI 组件的重新渲染。 // Map Redux actions to component props function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return { onIncreaseClick: () => { dispatch(increaseAction()); Message('你刚做了Add的操作'); }, //调用Reducer onDecreaseClick: () => { dispatch(decreaseAction()); Message('你刚做了减少的操作'); } } } //如果mapDispatchToProps是一个函数,会得到dispatch和ownProps(容器组件的props对象)两个参数。 //这里建议的函数,组件可以通过 this.prop读取 // Map Redux state to component props function mapSubStateToProps(state) { console.log('子容器组件里app:state:'); console.log(state); return { //value: state.counter.count, test: state.SubComponent.test, testData: state.SubComponent.testData } } function mapSubCounterDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return { onTest: () => { dispatch(subTest()); Message('你刚做了subTest的操作'); }, //调用Reducer getTest:(id)=> { try { getData(`/facebook/react-native/master/docs/MoviesExample.json`,{id:id}).then(response=>{ //axios返回的数据是用response.data包括的,和jquery不一样 console.log(; dispatch(saveReducer(; }) // let response = await getData(`/facebook/react-native/master/docs/MoviesExample.json?id=${id}`) // await dispatch(saveReducer( } catch (error) { console.log('error: ', error) } } } } // Connected Component export const SubComponent= connect( mapSubStateToProps, mapSubCounterDispatchToProps )(subCounter) const App= connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )(Counter) export default App //连接 UI组件Counter 生成一个容器组件App //connect方法接受两个参数:mapStateToProps和mapDispatchToProps。 //它们定义了 UI 组件的业务逻辑。 //前者负责输入逻辑,即将state映射到 UI 组件的参数(props), mapStateToProps会订阅 Store,每当state更新的时候,就会自动执行,重新计算 UI 组件的参数,从而触发 UI 组件的重新渲染。 //后者负责输出逻辑,即将用户对 UI 组件的操作映射成 Action。
recuders recuders\index.js
import { combineReducers } from 'redux' // Action // const increaseAction = { type: 'increase' } // const decreaseAction = { type: 'decrease' } // Reducer function counter(state = { count: 0 }, action) { const count = state.count switch (action.type) { case 'increase': return { count: count + 1 } case 'decrease': return { count: count - 1 } default: return state } } let initState = { testData: [], test: 'default' } function SubComponent(state = initState, action) { switch (action.type) { case 'test': return { ...state, test: 'test12345' } case 'SAVE_REDUCER': return { ...state, testData: } default: return state } } //以后的业务里 这些reducers拆分成多个,这里分别导入进来 const counter_SubComponent = combineReducers({ counter, SubComponent }) export default counter_SubComponent; //合并reducers让 const store = createStore(counter_SubComponent)生成一个状态
import axios from 'axios' //BASE_URL是默认的url地址,如果你安装了webpack,可以在webpack配置全局变量 //axios.defaults.baseURL = BASE_URL; //如果没有安装webpack,就使用下面这种写法 axios.defaults.baseURL = "" export const getData = (url, param) => { return ( axios.get(`${url}`, {params:param}) ); } export const postData = (url, param) => { return (`${url}`, param) ); }