[文章笔记] Wanted: Best Practices for Collaborative Translation (2011)

Time:  2 hours
Timespan:  Mar 27 – Mar 28, 2012




          全称:Translation Automation User Society
          成立时间:Nov 2004
          简介:an innovation think tank and interoperability watchdog for the translation industry.
          Envision:translation as a standard feature, a ubiquitous service. Like the internet, electricity, and water, translation is one of the basic needs of human civilization.
          Mission:increase the size and significance of the translation industry to help the world communicate better.

    作者Alain Désilets是National Research Council of Canada的Research Officer, 目前在研究"how Massive Online Collaboration and in particular wiki, will change the world of translation and multilingual content creation"。



1. collaborative技术在翻译领域的应用的几种形式

  • Agile translation teamware:使用类似wiki的系统,多人协同翻译一个较大的项目,这些人员可以有不同的专业背景(译员、领域专家、管理人员等)。
  • Collaborative terminology resources:类似Wikipedia这样的平台,创建和维护规模很大的术语资源。
  • Translation memory sharing:组织及个人相互之间共享多语种对应的翻译语句。
  • Online marketplaces for translators:例子有ProZ, TranslatorsCafe, Translated.net
  • Translation crowdsourcing:例子有Facebook上的一个功能,Haiti Relief (见文中索引)
  • Post-editing by the crowd:人工对机器翻译的结果进行改进。


2. 协同翻译面临的一些共同问题

  • Business Goals:比如可以降低成本、招募到合格的翻译人员、缩短翻译周期等。
  • Quality Control:如何在这个"decentralized"环境中确保译文的质量?具体的方法有Entry Exam, Peer Review, Automatic Reputation Management等,详细可见本博文最后给出的链接。另外,原文引文[11]中提到在某些情况下,协同翻译也有可能获得更高质量的结果,称此为"wisdom of crowd effect"。
  • Crowd Motivation:作者写这篇文章时,他尚未发现完全由经济利益驱动的案例。作者预言: "Finally, there will be cases where money is the only realistic incentive, and an open question is the extend to which this type of situation will predominate or not"。
  • Role of Professionals:作者认为职业人士可以承担"revise and vet the final result"这类比较关键的任务,并且crowdsourcing有可能会催生适合专业人士的新的工作类型,比如"crowd motivation and coaching"。
  • Parallelism and De-contextualization:这里提到了"granularity of chunks";De-contextualization指的是分块后会丢失上下文信息。


3. 网上有对应这篇文章的一个网页,收集协同翻译的"Best practices and patterns":


posted @ 2012-03-28 08:52  玉泉老博  阅读(301)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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