[资料整理] Web Service Pricing方向几篇论文
Qian Candy Tang, Hsing Kenneth Cheng: Optimal location and pricing of Web services intermediary. Decision Support Systems 40(1): 129-141 (2005)
Web Service intermediary (WSI): 这个角色就是composer.
问题:we consider the joint decision of location and pricing problem in a market of complementary Web services.
市场上有两个Provider分别提供S1, S2, WSI可以把S1,S2组合成一个服务提供给用户,
用户选择时可以直接向WSI请求合成服务, 也可以向Providers分别请求服务,自己合成.
从price+response time的角度来考虑.
对于WSI来说, Providers是它的竞争者, WSI要选取合适的location, 使得在竞争中具有价格和response time的优势.
Oliver Günther, Gerrit Tamm, Frank Leymann, Pricing web services, Int. J. Business Process Integration and Management, Vol. 2, No.2 pp. 132 - 140, 2007
本文技术性不强, 是作者的一个调查报告, 设计了一些问题, 根据由200多个学生回答 ,得到了一些结论, 如
用户更倾向于自己来组合服务, ;
常见的定价机制: usage-based pricing model, subscription, auction, negotiation

分析了WS的Price的一些因素: Price validity, Conditions, Refund procedure等. 不涉及WS Composition
Jia Zhang, Ning Zhang, Liang-Jie Zhang: Auction-Based Pricing Model for Web Service Providers. Int. J. Web Service Res. 3(3): 82-107 (2006)
论文想法比较简单, 不过相当能YY.
Inbal Yahav, Avigdor Gal, Nathan Larson: Bid-Based Approach for Pricing Web Service. OTM Conferences (1) 2006: 360-376
相关的工作: (1) Pricing Web Services (2) Online Scheduling
Martin Bernhardt, Oliver Hinz: Creating Value with Interactive Pricing Mechanisms - A Web Service-Oriented Architecture. CEC 2005: 339-346
利用web service/SOA实现的互动定价机制
George Eby Mathew, Joseph Shields, Vikas Verma: QoS Based Pricing for Web Services. WISE Workshops 2004: 264-276
Kevin Ho, John Sum, Gilbert H. Young: Pricing Web Services. GPC 2006: 147-156