[论文收集] Clustering Algorithm在Web Service领域应用相关论文

1. Clustering方法与服务组合

(((service composition) WN KY) AND ((cluster algorithm) WN KY)) 


[1]    H. Han, H. Jun, S. Kim, and Y. Heon, "A skyline approach to the matchmaking web service," presented at 2009 9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, CCGRID 2009, May 18, 2009 - May 21, 2009, Shanghai, China, 2009.
[2]    J. Sopena, L. Arantes, F. Legond-Aubry, and P. Sens, "Building effective mutual exclusion services for grids," Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 49, pp. 84-107, 2009.
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[4]    L. Dekar and H. Kheddouci, "A graph b-coloring based method for composition-oriented Web services classification," presented at 17th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, ISMIS 2008, May 20, 2008 - May 23, 2008, Toronto, Canada, 2008.
[5]    W. Ni, L. Liu, C. Wu, and W. Liu, "Conceptual correlation-based method for grid service composition," Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, vol. 47, pp. 1581-1585, 2007.
[6]    J. Jingwen, L. Jin, J. Jingyi, and K. Nahrstedt, "Large-scale QoS-aware service-oriented networking with a clustering-based approach," presented at 16th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks 2007, ICCCN 2007, August 13, 2007 - August 16, 2007, Honolulu, HI, United states, 2007.
[7]    H. Yang, J. Chen, X. Meng, and B. Qiu, "Dynamically traveling web service clustering based on spatial and temporal aspects," presented at 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, ER 2007, November 5, 2007 - November 9, 2007, Auckland, New zealand, 2007.
[8]    A. S. Ali, O. F. Rana, and I. J. Taylor, "Web services composition for distributed data mining," presented at International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops 2005, ICPP 2005, June 14, 2005 - June 17, 2005, Oslo, Norway, 2005.
[9]    B. Raman and R. H. Katz, "An architecture for highly available wide-area service composition," Computer Communications, vol. 26, pp. 1727-1740, 2003.

2. Clustering方法与Web服务(除服务组合外)

( ((clustering algorithm) WN KY) AND ((("web service") WN KY) NOT (((service composition) WN KY)) ) ) 

删选前52条, 手工删选后19条如下.

[1].    Yi, L. and G. Shu. WSRF-based distributed visualization. in 2009 9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, CCGRID 2009, May 18, 2009 - May 21, 2009. 2009. Shanghai, China: IEEE Computer Society.
[2].    Lo, S.H. Design and implementation the incremental clustering algorithm for geotagged photos on a map-enabled photo web service. in 2009 10th International Conference on Mobile Data Management: Systems, Services and Middleware, MDM 2009, May 18, 2009 - May 20, 2009. 2009. Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
[3].    Halem, M., et al. , Service-Oriented Atmospheric Radiances (SOAR): Gridding and analysis services for multisensor aqua IR radiance data for climate studies. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2009. 47(1): p. 114-122.
[4].    Wu, B., R. Bi, and Q. Ye, Design and implementation of SOA-based integrative tools for network analysis and visualization. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), 2008. 15(SUPPL.): p. 32-36.
[5].    Cui, L., et al. , Method for web services classification. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2008. 4(1): p. 29-34.
[6].    Dong, S. and C.H. Chi. Effective web service retrieval based on Clustering. in 4th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge, and Grid, SKG 2008, December 3, 2008 - December 5, 2008. 2008. Beijing, China: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
[7].    Liu, L., et al.  User personalized services based on semantic web for pervasive computing. in 2008 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA08, October 6, 2008 - October 8, 2008. 2008. Alexandria, Egypt: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
[8].    Dong, S. and C. Chi-Hung. A clustering-based approach for assisting semantic web service retrieval. in IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2008, September 23, 2008 - September 26, 2008. 2008. Beijing, China: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
[9].    Wang, L. and X.L. Yu. A method measuring semantic relatedness for concepts in ontology base. in 4th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications, ICITA 2007, January 15, 2007 - January 18, 2007. 2007. Harbin, China: Charles Sturt University.
[10].    Halem, M., et al.  Service oriented atmospheric radiances (SOAR): A web service research tool for the gridding and synthesis of multi-sensor satellite radiance data for weather and climate studies. in 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Webist 2007, March 3, 2007 - March 6, 2007. 2007. Barcelona, Spain: INSTICC Press.
[11].    Wei, X., et al.  Platform EGO Web service gateway. in 2nd IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, APSCC 2007, December 11, 2007 - December 14, 2007. 2007. Tsukuba, Japan: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
[12].    Huang, L. Production rule based selection decision for dynamic flexible workflow. in E-Science 2007, 3rd IEEE International Conference on E-Science and Grid Computing, December 10, 2007 - December 13, 2007. 2007. Bangalore, India: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
[13].    Salas, J., et al.  WS-replication: A framework for highly available web services. in 15th International Conference on World Wide Web, May 23, 2006 - May 26, 2006. 2006. Edinburgh, Scotland, United kingdom: Association for Computing Machinery.
[14].    Saraee, M., et al.  Viability of implementing data mining algorithms as a web service. in 2005 International Symposium on Web Services and Applications, ISWS'05, June 27, 2005 - June 30, 2005. 2005. Las Vegas, NV, United states: CSREA Press.
[15].    Hu, H.P., et al.  An adaptive security end-system model based on active defense. in 2004 9th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, ICCS, September 6, 2004 - September 9, 2004. 2004. Singapore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
[16].    Zhang, Z. and H. Yang. Incubating services in legacy systems for architectural migration. in Proceedings - 11th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC 2004, November 30, 2004 - December 3, 2004. 2004. Busan, Korea, Republic of: IEEE Computer Society.
[17].    Chung, I.-. and J.K. Hollingsworth. Automated cluster-based web service performance tuning. in Proceedings - 13th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, June 4, 2004 - June 6, 2004. 2004. Honolulu, HI, United states: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
[18].    Wietrzyk, V., et al.  Distributed replication and caching: A mechanism for architecting responsive web services. in Proceedings - 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA 2004, March 29, 2004 - March 31, 2004. 2004. Fukuoka, Japan: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
[19].    Yang, W.J., et al. , Research on personalized Web service. Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 2003. 37(3): p. 278-282.


(1) 以上结果是在EI Village里获得, 搜索日期是2009-11-10. 上面列出的有些文章可能是无关的.

(2) 经过验证, EI Village中, 关键词加上引号后, 也是词组严格匹配的作用(同google). 并且"web service"会匹配web service, web-service这类词, 但是不会匹配web services.

(3) EI中Controlled terms不可靠, Controlled terms里有"Web Services"的很多文章都跟web service无关.

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