[论文收集] ICSOC 2009 论文集

ICSOC2009的Accepted paper list已经公布了, 不过论文暂时还不能下载.

Session 1 - Composition

Facilitating Workflow Interoperation using Artifact-centric Hubs
-- Hull, Richard; Narendra, Nanjangud; Nigam, Anil
Aspect Orientation for Composite Services in the Telecommunication Domain
-- Niemöller, Jorg;Levenshteyn Roman; etc.
Intelligent Overload Control for Composite Web Services
-- Meulenhoff, Pieter; Ostendorf, Dennis; Zivkovic, Miroslav; Meeuwissen, Hendrik; Gijsen, Bart

Session 2 - Discovery

Trust‐Oriented Composite Services Selection and Discovery
-- Li, Lei; Wang, Yan; Lim, Ee_Peng
A Two‐Tiered Approach to Enabling Enhanced Service Discovery in Embedded Peer‐to‐Peer Systems
-- Fuentes, Thaizel; Corfini, Sara; Brogi, Antonio
Web Service Selection with Incomplete or Inconsistent User Preferences
wang, hongbing

Session 3 - Design principles

Energy‐aware Design of Service‐Based Applications
-- Ferreira, Alexandre Mello; Kritikos, Kyriakos; Pernici, Barbara
Action Patterns in Business Process Models
-- Smirnov, Sergey; Weidlich, Matthias; Mendling, Jan; Weske, Mathias
Artifact‐Centric Workflow Dominance
-- Calvanese, Diego; De Giacomo, Giuseppe; Hull, Rick; Su, Jianwen

Session 4 - Customization and adaptation

Requirements‐Driven Collaborative Choreography Customization
-- Mahfouz, Ayman; Barroca, Leonor; Laney, Robin; Nuseibeh, Bashar
An Automatic Approach to Enable Replacement of Conversational Services
-- Cavallaro, Luca; Di Nitto, Elisabetta; Pradella, Matteo
Towards Adaptable SOA:Model Driven Development, Context and Aspect
-- HAMMOUDI, Slimane; MONFORT, Valérie

Session 5 - Negotiation, agreements and compliance

Modelling Service Level Agreements with Binary Decision Diagrams
-- Kotsokalis, Constantinos; Yahyapour, Ramin; Rojas Gonzalez, Miguel Angel
Provider‐Composer Negotiations for Semantic Robustness in Service Compositions
-- Lecue, Freddy; Mehandjiev, Nikolay; Wajid, Usman
Evaluating Contract Compatibility for Service Composition in The SeCO2 Framework
-- Comerio, Marco; Truong, Hong‐Linh; De Paoli, Flavio; Dustdar, Schahram
Explaining the Non‐Compliance between Templates and Agreement Offers in WS‐Agreement
-- Müller, Carlos; Resinas, Manuel; Ruiz‐Cortés, Antonio

Session 6 – Selection

A Probabilistic Approach to Service Selection with Conditional Contracts and Usage Patterns
-- Klein, Adrian Helmut David; Ishikawa, Fuyuki; Bauer, Bernhard
ServiceTrust: Supporting Reputation‐Oriented Service Selection
-- He, Qiang; Yan, Jun; Jin, Hai; Yang, Yun
QoS Browsing for Web Service Selection
-- Ding, Chen; Sambamoorthy, Preethy

Session 7 - Platforms & infrastructures

An Orchestration as a Service Infrastructure using Grid Technologies and WS‐BPEL 
-- Höing, André;Scherp, Guido;Gudenkauf, Stefan;Meister, Dirk;Brinkmann, André
The FAST Platform: An Open and Semantically‐enriched Platform for Designing Multi‐Channel and Enterprise‐Class Gadgets
-- Hoyer, Volker; Till, Janner; Delchev, Ivan; Lopez, Javier; etc.
Message‐Oriented Middleware with QoS Awareness    
-- Yang, Hao; Kim, Minkyong; Karenos, Kyriakos; Ye, Fan; Lei, Hui

Session 8 - Short Paper I

Learning the Control‐flow Perspective of a Business Process using ICN‐based Process Models
-- Rembert, Aubrey J.; Ellis, Clarence A.
Fine‐Grained Recommendation systems for service attribute exchange
-- Staite, Christopher; Bahsoon, Rami; Wolak, Stephen
A Generative Framework for Service Process Composition
-- Thiagarajan, Rajesh; Mayer, Wolfgang; Stumptner, Markus
Achieving Predictability and Service Differentiation in Web Services
-- Gamini Abhaya, Vidura; Tari, Zahir; Bertok, Peter

Session 9 – Security

Incorporating Security Requirements into the Service Composition: From Modelling to Execution
-- Rosa, Nelson Souto; Souza, André;etc.
End‐to‐End Security for Enterprise Mashups
-- Rosenberg, Florian; Khalaf, Rania; Duftler, Matthew; etc.
A Genetic Algorithms‐based Approach for Optimized Self‐protection in a Pervasive Service Middleware
-- Zhang, Weishan; Schuette, Julian; Ingstrup, Mads; Hansen, Klaus M.

Session 10 - Short papers II

Role of Process Modeling in Software Service Design  
-- Patig, Susanne; Wesenberg, Harald
Assisting Trustworthiness based Web Services Selection Using the Fidelity of Websites
-- Wang, Lijie; Liu, Fei; Li, Ge; Gu, Liang; Zhang, Liangjie; Xie, Bing
Web Service Search on Large Scale
-- Steinmetz, Nathalie; Lausen, Holger; Brunner, Manuel
Enabling Adaptation of Pervasive Flows: Built‐in Contextual Adaptation
-- Marconi, Annapaola; Pistore, Marco; etc.

Session 11 - Modeling & design

A service‐oriented UML profile with formal support
-- Lluch Lafuente, Alberto; Bruni, Roberto; Hözl, Matthias; etc.
Designing workflows on the fly using e‐BioFlow
-- Wassink, Ingo; Ooms, Matthijs; van der Vet, Paul E.
Measuring the Quality of Service Oriented Design
-- Sindhgatta, Renuka; Sengupta, Bikram; Ponnalagu, Karthikeyan

Session 12 - Validation & verification

Specification, Verification and Explanation of Violation for Data Aware Compliance Rules 
-- Awad, Ahmed; Weidlich, Matthias; Weske, Mathias
Generating Interface Grammars from WSDL for Automated Verification of Web Services
-- Halle, Sylvain; Hughes, Graham; Bultan, Tevfik; Alkhalaf, Muath
Satisfaction of Control Objectives by Control Processes   
-- Marino, Daniela; Massacci, Fabio; Micheletti, Andrea; etc.

Session 13 - Reputation and ranking

Effective and Flexible NFP‐based Ranking of Web Services
-- Palmonari, Matteo; Comerio, Marco; De Paoli, Flavio
Combining Quality of Service and Social Information for Ranking Services
--Wu, Qinyi; Iyengar, Arun; Subramanian, Revathi; etc.
Web Services Reputation Assessment Using a Hidden Markov Model
-- Malik, Zaki; Akbar, Ihsan; Bouguettaya, Athman

Session 14 - Service management

MC‐Cube: Mastering Customizable Compliance in the Cloud
-- Anstett, Tobias Markus; Karastoyanova, Dimka;etc.
Another Approach to Service Instance Migration
-- Liske, Nannette; Lohmann, Niels; Stahl, Christian; Wolf, Karsten
Distributed, Cross‐Domain Configuration Management  
-- Pasquale, Liliana; Laredo, Jim; Ludwig, Heiko; etc.

Session 15 - Industry papers

Using Mashup Integration Services in B2B Scenarios 
--Siebeck, Robert ;Janner, Till ;Schroth, Christoph ;etc.
Lessons Learned from Composing Web Services and Human Activities
-- Lin, Donghui ;Murakami, Yoshiaki ;etc.
Medical equipment maintenance workflow monitoring with service‐oriented multi‐agent services
-- Lopez, Beatriz ;Martín, Alberto ;Daroca, David ;etc.
Improving quality of the service engagement process using a GUI‐based software tool
-- Rhodes, James;Chen, Tianwei;Councill, Isaac G;etc.
Tenant Behavior Analysis in Software as a Service Environment
-- Duan, Ning;Zhang, Xin;Sun, Wei;Jiang, Zhongbo

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