[信息收集] Cloud Computing相关资源

由于项目需要, 这几天在了解一些云计算(Cloud Computing)方面的东西.
这里收集了一些相关的论文, 会议/期刊以及网上的资源.

注意:  本帖只是粗略收集了一些相关资源, 收集的内容不是很全面, 质量也参差不齐. 鉴于本人精力有限, 不一定会去做进一步整理.

CLOUD 2009 (International Conference on Cloud Computing)
First workshop on Cloud Computing and its Applications (CCA'08) 组委会的人都挺牛的(Werner Vogels@Amazon, Charlie Catlett@ANL, Ian Foster@ANL等这种级别的)
CCGrid 2009 (Cloud Computing是其中一个比较hot的topic, rank: 49/421)
CloudDB 2009 (The First International Workshop on Cloud Data Management)
Grid Computing Environments Workshop
Cloud Computing @ ICSE 2009
Special Issue of Journal of Network and Computer Applications on "Recent Advances in Cloud Computing" (CFP)
ICWS 2009 (Related topic: Web services supporting Cloud Computing)
Future Generation Computer Systems(ELSEVIER出版的期刊)
Cloud Slam'09  a virtual, online event, 侧重工业界.
IEEE Xplore里搜索"Cloud Computing"
ACM里搜索"Cloud Computing"

Cloud Computing@IBM  中文版
Cloud Computing@developWorks
Cloud computing@wikipedia  (References里列举了很多相关资料)
Cloud Computing Resource Center@DEITEL
中国云计算(Chinacloud.cn) (国内云计算的一个门户网站, 解放军理工大学教授刘鹏教授创办)
Cloud Computing Wiki (收集云计算有关的各类资源)

CloudSim (Rajkumar Buyya, GRIDS Lab, University of Melbourne)
一个用java实现的Cloud模拟器, 目前版本是1.0 beta

Michael Miller. 云计算. 机械工业出版社. 2009.  译者:姜进磊 孙瑞志 向勇 等   合著者:史美林  (233页)

Rajkumar Buyya, Chee Shin Yeo, Srikumar Venugopal. Market-Oriented Cloud Computing Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities, HPCC, 2008 (gs:15)
Brian Hayes, Cloud Computing. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 51, No. 7, July 2008 (gs:10)
S Lohr, Google and IBM join in 'cloud computing' research, New York Times, 2007,
Aaron Weiss, Computing in the clouds, netWorker, 2007
M Armbrust, A Fox, R Griffith, AD Joseph, et.al. Above the clouds: A Berkeley view of cloud computing. Tech. Rep 2009
I Foster, Y Zhao, I Raicu, S Lu. Cloud Computing and Grid Computing 360-Degree Compared, Grid Computing Environments Workshop, 2008
MA Vouk. Cloud computing—Issues, research and implementations, Information Technology Interfaces, 2008
Buyya, Rajkumar; Yeo, Chee Shin; Venugopal, Srikumar; Broberg, James; Brandic, Ivona. Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2009
Lin, Geng; Fu, David; Zhu, Jinzy; Dasmalchi, Glenn. Cloud computing: IT as a service. IT Professional, 2009
Voas, Jeffrey; Zhang, Jia. Cloud computing: New wine or just a new bottle? IT Professional,2009
         Hutchinson, C; Ward, J; Castilon, K. Navigating the Next-Generation Application Architecture. IT Professional,2009
         Grossman, R L. The Case for Cloud Computing. IT Professional,2009
         Weinhardt, C; Anandasivam, A; Blau, B; Stosser, J. Business Models in the Service World. IT Professional,2009
Erdogmus, Hakan. Cloud computing: Does Nirvana hide behind the Nebula? IEEE Software, 2009
Milojicic, Dejan. Cloud computing: Interview with Russ Daniels and Franco Travostino. IEEE Internet Computing, 2008
Judith Myerson. Cloud computing versus grid computing. IBM developworks. 2009
posted @ 2009-05-08 16:15  玉泉老博  阅读(1742)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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