
International World Wide Web Conference(WWW)Web领域内的顶级会议, 今年是第18, 在马德里召开. 本届会议录用率是13%(105/823), 比较稳定: 08, 07年的录用率和接收论文数分别是12%(103) , 15%(111). 好的会议期刊就是大气, 会议还没召开, 接收的论文就已经全盘放到了网上, 可随便下载.
    这个会议涉及的topic很多, 分为10几个track, 每年也会有几篇Web Service/SOA方向的论文, 先把相关的论文名字摘录下来:

[] Mohammad Alrifai and Thomas Risse.  Combining Global Optimization with Local Selection for Efficient QoS-aware Service Composition
[] William Conner, Arun Iyengar, Thomas Mikalsen, Isabelle Rouvellou and Klara Nahrstedt. A  Trust Management Framework for Service-Oriented Environments
[] Lijun Mei, Zhenyu Zhang, W.K. Chan and T.H. Tse.  Test Case Prioritization in Regression 
[] Testing of Service-Oriented Business Applications, Thomas Meinl and Benjamin Blau
[] Web Service Derivatives

[] Automatic Web Service Composition with Abstraction and Refinement  
Hyunyoung Kil (The Pennsylvania State University), Wonhong Nam (The Pennsylvania State University), Dongwon Lee (The Pennsylvania State University)
[] Where to Adapt Dynamic Service Compositions  
Bo Jiang (The University of Hong Kong),W. K. Chan (City University of Hong Kong),Zhenyu Zhang (The University of Hong Kong),   T. H. Tse (The University of Hong Kong)
[] SGPS: A Semantic Scheme for Web Service Similarity  
Sourish Dasgupta (University of Missouri, Kansas City),Satish Bhat (University of Missouri, Kansas City), Yugyung Lee (University of Missouri, Kansas City)
[] Automated Synthesis of Composite Services with Correctness Guarantee  
Ting Deng (Beihang University),Jinpeng Huai (Beihang University),Xianxian Li (Beihang University),Zongxia Du (Beihang University),Huipeng Guo (Beihang University)

Developers Track
[] Ted DRAKE. The Future of Vertical Search Engines with Yahoo! Boss
[] Sheila Méndez Nú?ez, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo and Javier De Andrés. Towards a Semantic Web Environment for XBRL

WWW2009 Program Information
     Refereed Papers Track (focus on research in all areas of the Web)
     Developer’s Track (focus on the WWW development community)


WWW 2009 国内成就统计(附论文列表)

posted @ 2009-04-08 16:57  玉泉老博  阅读(669)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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