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Danilo Ardagna, Barbara Pernici, "Adaptive Service Composition in Flexible Processes," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 369-384, June 2007 (IP)
理由: 相关论文里基本都引用这篇
顾志峰等. Web服务之间数据关联的建模与应用. 计算机学报, 2008
Seog-Chan Oh, Dongwon Lee, Soundar R.T. Kumara, "Effective Web Service Composition in Diverse and Large-Scale Service Networks," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 15-32, Jan.-Mar. 2008, doi:10.1109/TSC.2008.1
理由: 服务组合, ICEBE05数据集, 使用WSBen产生数据集
AA Patil, SA Oundhakar, AP Sheth, K Verma. Meteor-s web service annotation framework, WWW, 2004 (gs:272)
理由: 经典
Rajkumar Buyya. Cloud Computing and Emerging IT Platforms: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering Computing as the 5th Utility,FGCS 2009.
Adaptive and dynamic service composition in eFlow, CAiSE 2000
理由: Yu Tao等论文里多次引用; dynamic & adaptive service composition mechnism
MH ter Beek, A Bucchiarone, S Gnesi, A Survey on Service Composition Approaches: From Industrial Standards to Formal Methods,2006
理由: 综述论文, 各种标准介绍
Xiaohui Gu, Klara Nahrstedt, Bin Yu, Spidernet: An integrated peer-to-peer service composition framework, HPDC, 2004
理由: service composition, p2p, DAG, failure recovery
MC Jaeger, G Rojec-Goldmann, G Muhl, QoS Aggregation in Web Service Compositions (gs: 36), EEE, 2005
理由:以前读过, 待整理
Tao Yu, Yue Zhang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Efficient algorithms for Web services selection with end-to-end QoS constraints. TWEB 1(1): (2007)
理由: 这篇是Tao Yu一系列论文中最后最全面的一篇
G Canfora, et.al. QoS-aware replanning of composite web services, ICWS, 2005
理由: 经常被引
G Chafle, K Dasgupta, A Kumar et.al. Adaptation in web service composition and execution, ICWS 2006
理由:可能跟yu tao的back up path类似
San-Yih Hwang, Haojun Wang, Jian Tang, Jaideep Srivastava, A probabilistic approach to modeling and estimating the QoS of web-services-based workflows, Information Sciences, 2007
理由: composite service QoS aggregation
Rainer Berbner, Michael Spahn, Nicolas Repp, Oliver Heckmann, Ralf Steinmetz, "Heuristics for QoS-aware Web Service Composition," ICWS2006
理由:在realtime和heavey load条件下挑选WS以满足Overall QoS要求
Jiamao Liu, Chenhui Fan, Ning Gu, Web Services Automatic Composition with Minimal Execution Price, ICWS, 2005
蒋哲远 韩江洪 王钊. 动态的QoS感知Web服务选择和组合优化模型. 计算机学报, 2009
理由: 最新的, 计算机学报, 相关
S Nepal, J Zic. A Conflict Neighbouring Negotiation Algorithm for Resource Services in Dynamic Collaborations. SCC 2008
理由: service negotiation, collaborations
NC Narendra, K Ponnalagu, K Gomadam, AP Sheth. Variation Oriented Service Composition and Adaptation (VOSCA): A Work in Progress. SCC, 2007 (poster)
理由: if no perfect match can be found, VOSCA provide a principled way to analyze how well services match the requirements of each module
Wu BY, Chi CH, Xu SJ et al. QoS requirement generation and algorithm selection for composite service based on reference vector. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 24(2): 357–372 Mar. 2009
理由: QoS, 服务组合, JCST, 最新
李祯,杨放春,苏森. 基于模糊多属性决策理论的语义Web 服务组合算法, 软件学报,2009
理由: 看过这几位作者的论文
Vuong Xuan Tran, Hidekazu Tsuji, Ryosuke Masuda. A new QoS ontology and its QoS-based ranking algorithm for Web services. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory Volume 17, Issue 8, September 2009, Pages 1378-1398.
Marco Comuzzi, Barbara Pernici. A framework for QoS-based Web service contracting. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) Volume 3 , Issue 3 (June 2009)
Luciano Baresi, et al. Multi-Dimensional Service Compositions. ICSE Companion 2009
M. Vaquero et al, A Break in the Clouds: Toward a Cloud Definition, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2009
理由:SIGCOMM, cloud
M Armbrust, A Fox, R Griffith, AD Joseph, et.al. Above the clouds: A Berkeley view of cloud computing. Tech. Rep 2009
理由: 云计算目前很经典的一篇
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Last updated at: 2010-1-19