749. 约翰的后花园

749. 约翰的后花园


约翰想在他家后面的空地上建一个后花园,现在有两种砖,一种3 dm的高度,7 dm的高度。约翰想围成x dm的墙。如果约翰能做到,输出YES,否则输出NO。


Example 1:

Input : x = 10
Output : "YES"
Explanation :
x = 3 + 7:That is, you need one batch of 3 dm height bricks and one batch of 7 dm height bricks.

Example 2:

Input : x = 5
Output : "NO"
John can not enclose a high 5 dm wall with 3 dm height bricks and 7 dm height bricks.

Example 3:

Input : x = 13
Output : "YES"
Explanation :
x = 2 * 3 + 7:That is, you need two batch of 3 dm height bricks and one batch of 7 dm height bricks.


X是一个整数,取值范围为 [3, 1000]

class Solution:
    @param x: the wall's height
    @return: YES or NO
    def isBuild(self, x):
        # write you code here
        if x%3 == 0 or x%7%3 == 0:
            return 'YES'
        elif x%3 == 1:
            if x>7:
                return 'YES'
        return 'NO'


posted @ 2020-03-21 20:59  风不再来  阅读(231)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报