


  1 int main(int argc, char **argv)
  2 {
  3     int ch, longindex, ret, port = SD_LISTEN_PORT, io_port = SD_LISTEN_PORT;
  4     int rc = 1;
  5     const char *dirp = DEFAULT_OBJECT_DIR, *short_options;
  6     char *dir, *pid_file = NULL, *bindaddr = NULL, log_path[PATH_MAX],
  7          *argp = NULL;
  8     bool explicit_addr = false;
  9     bool daemonize = true;
 10     int32_t nr_vnodes = -1;
 11     int64_t zone = -1;
 12     uint32_t max_dynamic_threads = 0;
 13     struct option *long_options;
 14 #ifdef HAVE_HTTP
 15     const char *http_options = NULL;
 16 #endif
 17     static struct logger_user_info sheep_info;
 18     struct stat logdir_st;
 19     enum log_dst_type log_dst_type;
 21     sys->cinfo.flags |= SD_CLUSTER_FLAG_AUTO_VNODES;  // vnode 策略
 22     sys->node_status = SD_NODE_STATUS_INITIALIZATION;
 24     sys->rthrottling.max_exec_count = 0;       // 恢复时间间隔和策略
 25     sys->rthrottling.queue_work_interval = 0;
 26     sys->rthrottling.throttling = false;
 27     // 处理各种崩溃异常的注册处理函数
 28     install_crash_handler(crash_handler);
 29     signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
 30     // 捕获signal信号处理,信号发生时发开并创建日志文件
 31     install_sighandler(SIGHUP, sighup_handler, false);
 32     // 解析命令行参数
 33     long_options = build_long_options(sheep_options);
 34     short_options = build_short_options(sheep_options);
 35     while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options,
 36                  &longindex)) >= 0) {
 37         switch (ch) {
 38         case 'p':
 39             port = str_to_u16(optarg);
 40             if (errno != 0 || port < 1) {
 41                 sd_err("Invalid port number '%s'", optarg);
 42                 exit(1);
 43             }
 44             break;
 45         case 'P':
 46             pid_file = optarg;
 47             break;
 48 #ifdef HAVE_HTTP
 49         case 'r':
 50             http_options = optarg;
 51             break;
 52 #endif
 53         case 'l':
 54             if (option_parse(optarg, ",", log_parsers) < 0)
 55                 exit(1);
 56             break;
 57         case 'n':
 58             sys->nosync = true;
 59             break;
 60         case 'y':
 61             if (!str_to_addr(optarg, sys->this_node.nid.addr)) {
 62                 sd_err("Invalid address: '%s'", optarg);
 63                 exit(1);
 64             }
 65             explicit_addr = true;
 66             break;
 67         case 'D':
 68             sys->backend_dio = true;
 69             break;
 70         case 'f':
 71             daemonize = false;
 72             break;
 73         case 'g':
 74             if (nr_vnodes > 0) {
 75                 sd_err("Options '-g' and '-V' can not be both specified");
 76                 exit(1);
 77             }
 78             nr_vnodes = 0;
 79             break;
 80         case 'z':
 81             zone = str_to_u32(optarg);
 82             if (errno != 0) {
 83                 sd_err("Invalid zone id '%s': must be "
 84                        "an integer between 0 and %u", optarg,
 85                        UINT32_MAX);
 86                 exit(1);
 87             }
 88             sys-> = zone;
 89             break;
 90         case 'u':
 91             sys->upgrade = true;
 92             break;
 93         case 'c':
 94             sys->cdrv = find_cdrv(optarg);
 95             if (!sys->cdrv) {
 96                 sd_err("Invalid cluster driver '%s'", optarg);
 97                 show_features(0);
 98                 exit(1);
 99             }
101             sys->cdrv_option = get_cdrv_option(sys->cdrv, optarg);
102             break;
103         case 'i':
104             if (option_parse(optarg, ",", ionic_parsers) < 0)
105                 exit(1);
107             if (!str_to_addr(io_addr, sys->this_node.nid.io_addr)) {
108                 sd_err("Bad addr: '%s'", io_addr);
109                 exit(1);
110             }
112             if (io_pt)
113                 if (sscanf(io_pt, "%u", &io_port) != 1) {
114                     sd_err("Bad port '%s'", io_pt);
115                     exit(1);
116                 }
117             sys->this_node.nid.io_port = io_port;
118 #ifdef HAVE_ACCELIO
119             if (!strcmp(io_transport, "tcp"))
120                 sys->this_node.nid.io_transport_type =
121                     IO_TRANSPORT_TYPE_TCP;
122             else if (!strcmp(io_transport, "rdma"))
123                 sys->this_node.nid.io_transport_type =
124                     IO_TRANSPORT_TYPE_RDMA;
125             else {
126                 sd_err("unknown transport type: %s",
127                        io_transport);
128                 exit(1);
129             }
130 #endif
131             break;
132         case 'j':
133             uatomic_set_true(&sys->use_journal);
134             if (option_parse(optarg, ",", journal_parsers) < 0)
135                 exit(1);
136             if (!jsize) {
137                 sd_err("you must specify size for journal");
138                 exit(1);
139             }
140             break;
141         case 'b':
142             if (!inetaddr_is_valid(optarg))
143                 exit(1);
144             bindaddr = optarg;
145             break;
146         case 'h':
147             usage(0);
148             break;
149         case 'R':
150             if (option_parse(optarg, ",", recovery_parsers) < 0)
151                 exit(1);
152             sys->rthrottling.max_exec_count = max_exec_count;
153             sys->rthrottling.queue_work_interval
154                          = queue_work_interval;
155             if (max_exec_count > 0 && queue_work_interval > 0)
156                 sys->rthrottling.throttling = true;
157             break;
158         case 'v':
159             fprintf(stdout, "Sheepdog daemon version %s\n",
160                 PACKAGE_VERSION);
161             show_features(1);
162             exit(0);
163             break;
164         case 'V':
165             sys->cinfo.flags &= ~SD_CLUSTER_FLAG_AUTO_VNODES;
166             if (nr_vnodes == 0) {
167                 sd_err("Options '-g' and '-V' can not be both specified");
168                 exit(1);
169             }
170             nr_vnodes = str_to_u16(optarg);
171             if (errno != 0 || nr_vnodes < 1) {
172                 sd_err("Invalid number of vnodes '%s': must be "
173                     "an integer between 1 and %u",
174                     optarg, UINT16_MAX);
175                 exit(1);
176             }
177             break;
178         case 'W':
179             wildcard_recovery = true;
180             break;
181         case 'w':
182             if (option_parse(optarg, ",", wq_parsers) < 0)
183                 exit(1);
184             break;
185         case 'x':
186             max_dynamic_threads = str_to_u32(optarg);
187             if (errno != 0 || max_dynamic_threads < 1) {
188                 sd_err("Invalid number of threads '%s': "
189                        "must be an integer between 1 and %"PRIu32,
190                        optarg, UINT32_MAX);
191                 exit(1);
192             }
193             set_max_dynamic_threads((size_t)max_dynamic_threads);
194             break;
195         default:
196             usage(1);
197             break;
198         }
199     }
201     #ifdef HAVE_DISKVNODES
202     sys->cinfo.flags |= SD_CLUSTER_FLAG_DISKMODE;
203     #endif
205     sheep_info.port = port;
206     early_log_init(log_format, &sheep_info);
208     if (nr_vnodes == 0) {
209         sys->gateway_only = true;
210         sys->disk_space = 0;
211     } else if (nr_vnodes == -1)
212         nr_vnodes = SD_DEFAULT_VNODES;
214     if (optind != argc) {
215         argp = strdup(argv[optind]);
216         dirp = strtok(argv[optind], ",");
217     }
219     ret = sd_inode_actor_init(sheep_bnode_writer, sheep_bnode_reader);
220     if (ret)
221         exit(1);
223     if (!strcmp(log_dst, "default"))
224         log_dst_type = LOG_DST_DEFAULT;
225     else if (!strcmp(log_dst, "stdout"))init_path_space
226         log_dst_type = LOG_DST_STDOUT;
227     else if (!strcmp(log_dst, "syslog"))
228         log_dst_type = LOG_DST_SYSLOG;
229     else {
230         sd_err("invalid type of log destination: %s", log_dst);
231         exit(1);
232     }
234     if (logdir) {
235         if (log_dst_type != LOG_DST_DEFAULT) {
236             sd_err("logdir (%s) is specified but logging"
237                    " destination is %s", logdir,
238                    log_dst_type == LOG_DST_STDOUT
239                    ? "stdout" : "syslog");
240             exit(1);
241         }
243         memset(&logdir_st, 0, sizeof(logdir_st));
244         ret = stat(logdir, &logdir_st);
245         if (ret < 0) {
246             sd_err("stat() failed on %s, %m", logdir);
247             exit(1);
248         }
250         if (!S_ISDIR(logdir_st.st_mode)) {
251             sd_err("log dir: %s is not a directory", logdir);
252             exit(1);
253         }
254     }
255     // 创建基本目录
256     ret = init_base_path(dirp);
257     if (ret)
258         exit(1);
260     dir = realpath(dirp, NULL);
261     if (!dir) {
262         sd_err("%m");
263         exit(1);
264     }
266     snprintf(log_path, sizeof(log_path), "%s/" LOG_FILE_NAME,
267          logdir ?: dir);
269     free(logdir);
271     srandom(port);
273     if (daemonize && log_dst_type == LOG_DST_STDOUT)
274         daemonize = false;
275     // 创建sheep进程并对基本目录上锁
276     if (lock_and_daemon(daemonize, dir)) {
277         free(argp);
278         goto cleanup_dir;
279     }
281 #ifdef HAVE_ACCELIO
282     sd_xio_init();
283     xio_init_main_ctx();
284 #endif
285     // 日志操作
286     ret = log_init(program_name, log_dst_type, log_level, log_path);
287     if (ret) {
288         free(argp);
289         goto cleanup_dir;
290     }
291     // 初始化obj,epoch,config路径
292     ret = init_global_pathnames(dir, argp);
293     free(argp);
294     if (ret)
295         goto cleanup_log;
296     // 创建epoll事件触发机制
297     ret = init_event(EPOLL_SIZE);
298     if (ret)
299         goto cleanup_log;
300     // 初始化节点配置文件
301     ret = init_node_config_file();
302     if (ret)
303         goto cleanup_log;
304     // 初始化配置文件
305     ret = init_config_file();
306     if (ret)
307         goto cleanup_log;
308     // 创建网络连接或者io操作的监听端口,监听客户端qemu的连接请求listen_handler
309     // 并于client_handler绑定
310     ret = create_listen_port(bindaddr, port);
311     if (ret)
312         goto cleanup_log;
314 #ifndef HAVE_ACCELIO
315     if (io_addr && create_listen_port(io_addr, io_port))  // 端口是7000
316         goto cleanup_log;
317 #else
318     if (io_addr) {
319         bool rdma;
321         if (!strcmp(io_transport, "rdma"))
322             rdma = true;
323         else {
324             sd_assert(!strcmp(io_transport, "tcp"));
325             rdma = false;
326         }
328         if (xio_create_listen_port(io_addr, io_port, rdma))
329             goto cleanup_log;
330     } else {
331         sd_err("accelio is enabled but io address (-i) isn't passed, exiting");
332         goto cleanup_log;
333     }
334 #endif
335     // 同一台主机的进程间通信,创建socket和绑定端口
336     ret = init_unix_domain_socket(dir);
337     if (ret)
338         goto cleanup_log;
339     // 本地请求的初始化,注册local_req_handler事件:local_req_handler
340     local_request_init();
341     // 信号事件的初始化:signal_handler
342     ret = init_signal();
343     if (ret)
344         goto cleanup_log;
346     /* This function must be called before create_cluster() */
347     ret = init_disk_space(dir);
348     if (ret)
349         goto cleanup_log;
350     // 创建集群
351     ret = create_cluster(port, zone, nr_vnodes, explicit_addr);
352     if (ret) {
353         sd_err("failed to create sheepdog cluster");
354         goto cleanup_log;
355     }
356     // 监控节点连接状态
357     ret = start_node_connectivity_monitor();
358     if (ret)
359         goto cleanup_journal;
361     /* We should init trace for work queue before journal init */
362     ret = wq_trace_init();
363     if (ret) {
364         sd_err("failed to init trace for work queue");
365         goto cleanup_log;
366     }
368     /* We should init journal file before backend init */
369     if (uatomic_is_true(&sys->use_journal)) {
370         if (!strlen(jpath))
371             /* internal journal */
372             memcpy(jpath, dir, strlen(dir));
373         sd_debug("%s, %"PRIu64", %d", jpath, jsize, jskip);
374         // 创建journal文件,根据条件判断是否需要恢复
375         ret = journal_file_init(jpath, jsize, jskip);  
376         if (ret)
377             goto cleanup_cluster;
378     }
380     init_fec();
382     /* 创建工作队列,分为三种:单线程,动态线程,固定个数的线程
383      * After this function, we are multi-threaded.
384      *
385      * Put those init functions that need single threaded environment, for
386      * e.g, signal handling, above this call and those need multi-threaded
387      * environment, for e.g, work queues below.
388      */
389     ret = create_work_queues();
390     if (ret)
391         goto cleanup_journal;
393     ret = sockfd_init();
394     if (ret)
395         goto cleanup_journal;
396     // 初始化存储驱动
397     ret = init_store_driver(sys->gateway_only);
398     if (ret)
399         goto cleanup_journal;
401     ret = trace_init();
402     if (ret)
403         goto cleanup_journal;
405     #ifdef HAVE_HTTP
406     if (http_options && http_init(http_options) != 0)
407         goto cleanup_journal;
408     #endif
410     #ifdef HAVE_NFS
411     ret = nfs_init(NULL);
412     if (ret)
413         goto cleanup_journal;
414     #endif
416     if (pid_file && (create_pidfile(pid_file) != 0)) {
417         sd_err("failed to pid file '%s' - %m", pid_file);
418         goto cleanup_journal;
419     }
421     if (chdir(dir) < 0) {
422         sd_err("failed to chdir to %s: %m", dir);
423         goto cleanup_pid_file;
424     }
426     check_host_env();
427     sd_info("sheepdog daemon (version %s) started", PACKAGE_VERSION);
429     while (sys->nr_outstanding_reqs != 0 ||
430            (sys->cinfo.status != SD_STATUS_KILLED &&
431         sys->cinfo.status != SD_STATUS_SHUTDOWN))
432         event_loop(-1);
434     rc = 0;
435     sd_info("shutdown");
437 cleanup_pid_file:
438     if (pid_file)
439         unlink(pid_file);
441 cleanup_journal:
442     if (uatomic_is_true(&sys->use_journal)) {
443         sd_info("cleaning journal file");
444         clean_journal_file(jpath);
445     }
447 cleanup_cluster:
448     leave_cluster();
450 cleanup_log:
451     log_close();
453 cleanup_dir:
454     free(dir);
456     return rc;
457 }




 1 static struct cluster_driver cdrv_zookeeper = {
 2     .name       = "zookeeper",
 4     .init       = zk_init,
 5     .join       = zk_join,
 6     .leave      = zk_leave,
 7     .notify     = zk_notify,
 8     .block      = zk_block,
 9     .unblock    = zk_unblock,
10     .lock         = zk_lock,
11     .unlock       = zk_unlock,
12     .update_node  = zk_update_node,
13     .get_local_addr = get_local_addr,
14 };


 1 static int zk_init(const char *option)
 2 {
 3     char *hosts, *to, *p;
 4     int ret, timeo;
 5     char conn[MAX_NODE_STR_LEN];
 7     if (!option) {
 8         sd_err("You must specify zookeeper servers.");
 9         return -1;
10     }
11     // 入参:timeout
12     hosts = strtok((char *)option, "=");
13     if ((to = strtok(NULL, "="))) {
14         if (sscanf(to, "%u", &zk_timeout) != 1) {
15             sd_err("Invalid parameter for timeout");
16             return -1;
17         }
18         p = strstr(hosts, "timeout");
19         *--p = '\0';
20     }
21     pstrcpy(conn, MAX_NODE_STR_LEN, hosts);
22     if (!strchr(conn, '/'))
23         strcat(d, DEFAULT_BASE);
24     if (zk_prepare_root(conn) != 0) {
25         sd_err("failed to initialize zk server %s", conn);
26         return -1;
27     }
29     sd_info("version %d.%d.%d, address %s, timeout %d", ZOO_MAJOR_VERSION,
30         ZOO_MINOR_VERSION, ZOO_PATCH_VERSION, conn, zk_timeout);
31     if (zk_connect(conn, zk_watcher, zk_timeout) < 0)
32         return -1;
34     timeo = zoo_recv_timeout(zhandle);
35     sd_info("the negotiated session timeout is %d", timeo);
37     uatomic_set_false(&stop);
38     uatomic_set_false(&is_master);
39     if (zk_queue_init() != ZOK)
40         return -1;
42     efd = eventfd(0, EFD_NONBLOCK);
43     if (efd < 0) {
44         sd_err("failed to create an event fd: %m");
45         return -1;
46     }
48     ret = register_event(efd, zk_event_handler, NULL);
49     if (ret) {
50         sd_err("failed to register zookeeper event handler (%d)", ret);
51         return -1;
52     }
54     /* init distributed lock structures */
55     cluster_locks_table = xzalloc(sizeof(struct hlist_head) *
56                       HASH_BUCKET_NR);
57     for (uint64_t i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKET_NR; i++) {
58         INIT_HLIST_HEAD(cluster_locks_table + i);
59         sd_init_mutex(table_locks + i);
60     }
62     ret = zk_init_node(LOCK_ZNODE);
63     if (ret != ZOK) {
64         sd_err("Failed to create %s %s", LOCK_ZNODE, zerror(ret));
65         free(cluster_locks_table);
66         return -1;
67     }
68     return 0;
69 }

ret = create_cluster(port, zone, nr_vnodes, explicit_addr);  // 创建sheepdog集群

 1 int create_cluster(int port, int64_t zone, int nr_vnodes,
 2            bool explicit_addr)
 3 {
 4     int nr_nodes = 0, ret, i, vnodes = 0;
 6     if (!sys->cdrv) {
 7         sys->cdrv = find_cdrv(DEFAULT_CLUSTER_DRIVER);
 8         sd_debug("use %s cluster driver as default",
 9              DEFAULT_CLUSTER_DRIVER);
10     }
12     ret = sys->cdrv->init(sys->cdrv_option);   // zk init
13     if (ret < 0)
14         return -1;
16     if (!explicit_addr) {
17         ret = sys->cdrv->get_local_addr(sys->this_node.nid.addr);
19         if (ret < 0)
20             return -1;
21     }
23     sys->this_node.nid.port = port;
24     sys->this_node.nr_vnodes = nr_vnodes;
25     if (zone == -1) {   // zone id的获取方法,ip地址+12,然后将其低四位左移
26         /* use last 4 bytes as zone id */
27         uint8_t *b = sys->this_node.nid.addr + 12;
28         sys-> = b[0] | b[1] << 8 | b[2] << 16 | b[3] << 24;
29     } else
30         sys-> = zone;
31     sd_debug("zone id = %u", sys->;
33     sys-> = sys->disk_space;
35     update_node_disks();   // 更新下node disk,即逐个查询是否存在,不存在则移除
37     sys->cinfo.epoch = get_latest_epoch();  // 获取最新的epoch
38     if (sys->cinfo.epoch) {
39         ret = epoch_log_read(sys->cinfo.epoch, sys->cinfo.nodes,  // 读取该epoch
40             sizeof(sys->cinfo.nodes), &nr_nodes);
41         if (ret != SD_RES_SUCCESS)
42             return -1;
43         sys->cinfo.nr_nodes = nr_nodes;
44     }
46     if (!is_cluster_autovnodes(&sys->cinfo)) {
47         for (i = 0; i < nr_nodes; i++) {
48             if (!node_id_cmp(&sys->this_node.nid,
49                      &sys->cinfo.nodes[i].nid)) {
50                 vnodes = sys->cinfo.nodes[i].nr_vnodes;
51                 break;
52             }
53         }
54         if (sys->cinfo.epoch != 0 && sys->this_node.nr_vnodes != vnodes
55             && !sys->gateway_only) {
56             sd_err("mismatch specified vnodes is compared with the previous. "
57                 "previous vnodes:%d", vnodes);
58             return -1;
59         }
60     }
62     sys->cinfo.status = SD_STATUS_WAIT;
64     main_thread_set(pending_block_list,
65               xzalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)));
66     INIT_LIST_HEAD(main_thread_get(pending_block_list));
67     main_thread_set(pending_notify_list,
68               xzalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)));
69     INIT_LIST_HEAD(main_thread_get(pending_notify_list));
71     INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sys->local_req_queue);
72     INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sys->req_wait_queue);
74     ret = send_join_request();
75     if (ret != 0)
76         return -1;
78     return 0;
79 }

// 监控节点连接状态
ret = start_node_connectivity_monitor();

 1 int start_node_connectivity_monitor(void)
 2 {
 3     sd_thread_t t;
 4     int err;
 5     err = sd_thread_create("monio", &t, monitor_sd_node_connectivity, NULL);
 6     if (err) {
 7         sd_err("%s", strerror(err));
 8         return -1;
 9     }
10     return 0;
11 }
13 int sd_thread_create(const char *name, sd_thread_t *thread,
14              void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg)
15 {
16     return __sd_thread_create(name, thread, start_routine, arg, false);
17 }
18  // 监控节点连接状态
19 static void *monitor_sd_node_connectivity(void *ignored)
20 {
21     int err;
23     sd_info("node connectivity monitor main loop");
24     init_to_connect_list();
26     for (;;) {
27         struct sockfd_cache_entry *entry;
29         if (list_empty(&to_connect_list))
30             sleep(MONITOR_INTERVAL);
31         else {
32             struct nid_test_work *work =
33                 list_first_entry(&to_connect_list,
34                     struct nid_test_work, w_list);
35             struct node_id *nid = &work->nid;
37             if (nid->io_port) {
38                 int fd = connect_to_addr(nid->io_addr,
39                            nid->io_port);
40                 sd_write_lock(&sockfd_cache.lock);
41                 entry = sockfd_cache_search(nid);
42                 if (entry) {
43                     if (fd > 0) {
44                         close(fd);
45                         entry->channel_status = IO;
46                         list_del(&work->w_list);
47                         free(work);
48                     } else { /*still can not connect*/
49                         list_del(&work->w_list);
50                         list_add_tail(&work->w_list,
51                             &to_connect_list);
52                     }
53                 } else {
54                     list_del(&work->w_list);
55                     free(work);
56                     sd_err("entry for node %s not exists",
57                         addr_to_str(nid->addr,
58                             nid->port));
59                     if (fd > 0)
60                         close(fd);
61                 }
62                 sd_rw_unlock(&sockfd_cache.lock);
63             }
64         }
65         sd_write_lock(&sockfd_cache.lock);
66         rb_for_each_entry(entry, &sockfd_cache.root, rb) {
67             if (entry->fds_io)
68                 prepare_conns(entry, false);
69         }
70         sd_rw_unlock(&sockfd_cache.lock);
71     }
73     err = pthread_detach(pthread_self());
74     if (err)
75         sd_err("%s", strerror(err));
76     pthread_exit(NULL);
77 }




 1 int create_cluster(int port, int64_t zone, int nr_vnodes,
 2            bool explicit_addr)
 3 {
 4     int nr_nodes = 0, ret, i, vnodes = 0;
 6     if (!sys->cdrv) {  // 查看使用的cluster driver
 7         sys->cdrv = find_cdrv(DEFAULT_CLUSTER_DRIVER);
 8         sd_debug("use %s cluster driver as default",
 9              DEFAULT_CLUSTER_DRIVER);
10     }
11     // 
12     ret = sys->cdrv->init(sys->cdrv_option);   // zk_init
13     if (ret < 0)
14         return -1;
16     if (!explicit_addr) {
17         ret = sys->cdrv->get_local_addr(sys->this_node.nid.addr);
19         if (ret < 0)
20             return -1;
21     }
23     sys->this_node.nid.port = port;
24     sys->this_node.nr_vnodes = nr_vnodes;
25     if (zone == -1) {
26         /* use last 4 bytes as zone id */
27         uint8_t *b = sys->this_node.nid.addr + 12;
28         sys-> = b[0] | b[1] << 8 | b[2] << 16 | b[3] << 24;
29     } else
30         sys-> = zone;
31     sd_debug("zone id = %u", sys->;
33     sys-> = sys->disk_space;
35     update_node_disks();
37     sys->cinfo.epoch = get_latest_epoch();
38     if (sys->cinfo.epoch) {
39         ret = epoch_log_read(sys->cinfo.epoch, sys->cinfo.nodes,
40             sizeof(sys->cinfo.nodes), &nr_nodes);
41         if (ret != SD_RES_SUCCESS)
42             return -1;
43         sys->cinfo.nr_nodes = nr_nodes;
44     }
46     if (!is_cluster_autovnodes(&sys->cinfo)) {
47         for (i = 0; i < nr_nodes; i++) {
48             if (!node_id_cmp(&sys->this_node.nid,
49                      &sys->cinfo.nodes[i].nid)) {
50                 vnodes = sys->cinfo.nodes[i].nr_vnodes;
51                 break;
52             }
53         }
54         if (sys->cinfo.epoch != 0 && sys->this_node.nr_vnodes != vnodes
55             && !sys->gateway_only) {
56             sd_err("mismatch specified vnodes is compared with the previous. "
57                 "previous vnodes:%d", vnodes);
58             return -1;
59         }
60     }
62     sys->cinfo.status = SD_STATUS_WAIT;
64     main_thread_set(pending_block_list,
65               xzalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)));
66     INIT_LIST_HEAD(main_thread_get(pending_block_list));
67     main_thread_set(pending_notify_list,
68               xzalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)));
69     INIT_LIST_HEAD(main_thread_get(pending_notify_list));
71     INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sys->local_req_queue);
72     INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sys->req_wait_queue);
74     ret = send_join_request();
75     if (ret != 0)
76         return -1;
78     return 0;
79 }


posted @ 2019-04-22 16:40  yunlion  阅读(465)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报