



	private bool Look(StateController controller)
        var defaultStats = controller.defaultStats;

        if (LookAround(controller, Quaternion.identity, Color.green))
            return true;

        float subAngle = (defaultStats.lookAngle / 2) / defaultStats.lookAccurate;
        for (int i = 0; i < defaultStats.lookAccurate; i++)
            if (LookAround(controller, Quaternion.Euler(0, -1 * subAngle * (i + 1), 0), Color.green) 
                || LookAround(controller, Quaternion.Euler(0, subAngle * (i + 1), 0), Color.green))
                return true;

        return false;

    static public bool LookAround(StateController controller, Quaternion eulerAnger,Color DebugColor)
        Debug.DrawRay(controller.eyes.position, eulerAnger * controller.eyes.forward.normalized * controller.defaultStats.lookRange, DebugColor);

        RaycastHit hit;
        if (Physics.Raycast(controller.eyes.position, eulerAnger * controller.eyes.forward, out hit, controller.defaultStats.lookRange) && hit.collider.CompareTag("Player"))//forward人物正前方(z轴方向)   controller.defaultStats.lookRange寻找范围 out hit为RaycastHit固定用法
            controller.chaseTarget = hit.transform;
            return true;
        return false;

    public float accuracy = 1f;                     //检测精度

    private bool Look(StateController controller)
        float subAngle = angle / accuracy;          //每条射线需要检测的角度范围,angle角度
        for (int i = 0; i < accuracy; i++)
            if (LookAround(controller, Quaternion.Euler(0, -angle / 2 + i * subAngle + Mathf.Repeat(rotatePerSecond * Time.time, subAngle), 0), distance, debugColor)) // Mathf.Repeat 求余数的函数 rotatePerSecond每秒旋转角度 Quaternion.Euler返回一个旋转,它围绕 z 轴旋转 z 度、围绕 x 轴旋转 x 度、围绕 y 轴旋转 y 度(按该顺序应用)。(官方api文档解释)
                return true;
        return false;




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  1. 1 ocean eyes bili
ocean eyes - bili
00:00 / 00:00
An audio error has occurred.

作词 : Finneas O'Connell

作曲 : Finneas O'Connell

I've been watching you

For some time

Can't stop staring

At those ocean eye

Burning cities

And napalm skies

Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes

Your ocean eyes

No fair

You really know how to make me cry

When you give me those ocean eyes

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Falling into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes

I've been walking through

A world gone blind

Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind

Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind

Careful creature

Careful creature

Made friends with time

He left her lonely with a diamond mind

He left her lonely with a diamond mind

And those ocean eyes

And those ocean eyes

No fair

You really know how to make me cry

You really know how to make me cry

When you give me those ocean eyes

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

I've never fallen from quite this high

Falling into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes

No fair

No fair

You really know how to make me cry

You really know how to make me cry

When you give me those ocean eyes

I'm scared

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

I've never fallen from quite this high

Falling into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes