


<view class="content">
  <!-- 头部 -->
  <view class="header">
    <view class="in-and-out">
      <block wx:if="{{start.length>0}}">
        <view class="item">
          <view style="font-size:30rpx;color:#C0C0C0;">入住日期</view>
          <view style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:10rpx;font-size:36rpx;">{{startDay}}</view>
          <view style="font-size:24rpx;margin-top:10rpx;">{{startWeek}}</view>
      <block wx:if="{{start.length==0}}">
        <view class="item text">
      <view class="item">
        <view class="count-border {{day==0?'gray':'orange'}}">
          <view class="count" style="font-size:26rpx;line-height:26rpx;">共{{day}}晚</view>
      <block wx:if="{{end.length==0}}">
        <view class="item text">
      <block wx:if="{{end.length>0}}">
        <view class="item">
          <view style="font-size:30rpx;color:#C0C0C0;">离店日期</view>
          <view style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:10rpx;font-size:36rpx;">{{endDay}}</view>
          <view style="font-size:24rpx;margin-top:10rpx;">{{endWeek}}</view>
    <view class="week">
  <view class="section">
    <block wx:for="{{date}}" wx:for-item="res" wx:for-index="line">
      <view class="item">
        <view class="year">{{res.year}}年{{res.month}}月</view>
        <view class="day">
          <block wx:for="{{res.oneDayWeek}}" wx:for-item="week">
            <view class="day-list" style="width:{{(dayWidth-10)/7}}px">{{week}}</view>
          <block wx:for="{{res.day}}" wx:for-item="item" wx:for-index="index">
            <view class="day-list {{line==start[0]&&index==start[1]?'bg-orange select-style':''}} {{line>=start[0]&&line<=end[0]&&index>start[1]&&index<end[1]||line>=start[0]&&index>start[1]&&line<end[0]||line<=end[0]&&index<end[1]&&line>start[0]||line<end[0]&&line>start[0]?'bg-higlt-orange':''}} {{line==0&&index+1<nowDay?'time-out':''}} {{priceStauts.length>0&&priceStauts[line][index]<0&&start.length>0&&end.length>0||priceStauts.length>0&&priceStauts[line][index]<0&&start.length==0&&end.length==0?'not-sub':''}} {{priceStauts.length>0&&end.length==0&&start.length>0&&priceStauts[line][index]<0&&priceStauts[line][index]<0&&line+index!=lastNot[0]+lastNot[1]?'not-sub':''}}" style="width:{{(dayWidth-10)/7}}px;background-color:{{line==end[0]&&index==end[1]?'#ff9645':''}};color:{{line==end[0]&&index==end[1]?'#FFFFFF':''}}" bindtap="selectDay" data-line="{{line}}" data-index="{{index}}">
              <block wx:if="{{line==start[0]&&index==start[1]}}">
                <view class="select-style">入住</view>
              <block wx:if="{{line==end[0]&&index==end[1]}}">
                <view class="select-style">离店</view>
              <view style="padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;">{{item}}</view>
              <block wx:if="{{priceStauts.length>0}}">
                <view style="font-size:12px;padding-bottom:3px;">
                  <block wx:if="{{priceStauts[line][index]>0}}">
                  <block wx:if="{{priceStauts[line][index]<0}}">
  <view class="submit">
    <button class="sub-btn " disabled="{{!isSub}}" data-event-opts="{{[['tap',[['submit',['$event']]]]]}}" bindtap="__e">
      <block wx:if="{{isSub}}">
      <block wx:if="{{!isSub}}">
.submit {
    width: 100%;

    background: white;
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0;
    height: auto;

.sub-btn {
    border-radius: 10rpx;
    background: orange;
    color: white;


.content {
    z-index: 999;


/* 入住离开时间的color */
.bg-orange {
    background-color: #ff9645;
    font-size: 18rpx;

.bg-higlt-orange {
    background-color: #ffefe3;

/* 节假日的日期样式 */
.is-festival {
    font-size: 18rpx;
    color: orange;

/** 非节假日的日期样式**/
.not-festival {
    font-size: 18rpx;
    color: white;


.not-sub {
    color: #222222;
    background: #dddddd;

.select-out-item {
    background: #ffffff;

.select-style {
    color: white;
    font-size: 20rpx;
    padding-top: 4rpx;

.time-out {
    text-decoration: line-through;
    color: #c0c0c0;

     * 点击日期的样式
.bg {
    background: orange;

     * 日期部分
.section {
    width: 100%;
    padding-bottom: 150rpx;
    height: auto;
    padding-top: 420rpx;
    background-color: #ffffff;

.section > .item > .year {
    text-align: center;
    height: 100rpx;
    line-height: 100rpx;
    font-size: 30rpx;
    font-weight: bold;

.section > .item > .day {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    text-align: center;

.section > .item > .day > .day-list {
    margin-top: 30rpx;
    margin-bottom: 30rpx;
    min-height: 100rpx;
    max-height: 180rpx;
    display: flex;
    font-size: 28rpx;
    flex-direction: column;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;

     * 头部固定
.header {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
  background: white;

.bar {
    width: 100%;
    height: var(--status-bar-height);
    background: #222222;

     * 关闭清空
.set {
    height: 100rpx;
    padding-left: 30rpx;
    padding-right: 30rpx;

    align-items: center;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;

     * 入住离开时间
.in-and-out {
    height: 210rpx;
    padding-left: 30rpx;
    padding-right: 30rpx;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: space-between;

     * 入住离开的view
.in-and-out > .item {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    height: 100rpx;

     * 未选择入离时间时的文字样式
.in-and-out > .text {
    margin-top: 100rpx;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 36rpx;
    color: #c0c0c0;

     * 一共选择了多少晚的样式
.in-and-out > .item > .count-border {
    width: 200rpx;
    font-size: 28rpx;
    height: 40rpx;
    margin-top: 48rpx;
    text-align: center;

.gray {
    color: #c0c0c0;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #c0c0c0;

.orange {
    color: orange;
    border-bottom: 1px solid orange;

     * 共多少晚
.in-and-out > .item > .count-border > .count {
    font-size: 10px;

     * 周一到周日
.week {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
    border-top: 1px solid #dcdcdc;
    height: 70rpx;
    display: flex;
    margin-bottom: 20rpx;
    justify-content: space-between;
    align-items: center;
    padding-left: 25px;
    padding-right: 25px;
    font-size: 26rpx;
    background: white;

.isa {
    color: red;

.isa2 {
    color: red;

   * 页面的初始数据
  data: {
      out: 0, 
      type: '-', //日期分隔符
      date: [], //日期数组对象
      dayWidth: 0, //日期的宽度
      nowDay: 0, //当前时间的日
      start: [], //入住时间
      count: 6, //显示月的数量
      startDay: '', //入住日期
      startWeek: '', //入住时间的周几
      end: [], //离开时间
      endDay: '', //离开日期
      endWeek: '', //离开时间的周几
      day: 0, //多少晚
      priceStauts: [], //价格状态
      lastNot: [0, 10] //前置的无房操作

   * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
  onLoad: function (options) {
    var that = this;
      success: function success(res) {
          dayWidth :res.windowWidth
    that.nowDay = new Date().getDate(); 
      key: 'Time', 
      success: function success(res) {
        if (res && res.data) {
          var obj = JSON.parse(res.data);
            start : that.setDefaultDate(obj.start),
            end : that.setDefaultDate(obj.end)
      fail: function fail() {
        start : that.setDefaultDate(that.getDefaultDate(0)),
        end : that.setDefaultDate(that.getDefaultDate(1))
    // if (options && options.request) {
    //   wx.request({ 
    //     url: '', //当需要日历价格的时候请求的后台接口地址
    //     method: 'GET', 
    //     data: {
    //        count: this.count //获取几个月分的数据
    //     }, 
    //   success: function success(res) {
    //     if (res.data.status != 1) {
    //       return wx.showToast({ title: res.data.message, icon: 'none', mask: true });
    //     }
    //     _this.data.priceStauts = res.data.data;
    //   },
    //    fail: function fail() {
    //      wx.showToast({ 
    //        title: '网络错误请稍后再试', 
    //        icon: 'none', 
    //        mask: true 
    //       });
    //     } 
    //   });
    // }
  end(newVal) {
    if (this.data.end.length != 0) {
      var startDay = this.data.date[this.data.start[0]].year + '/' + this.data.date[this.data.start[0]].month + '/' + this.isFestival(this.data.start[0], this.data.start[1]);
      var endDay = this.data.date[newVal[0]].year + '/' + this.data.date[newVal[0]].month + '/' + this.isFestival(this.data.end[0], this.data.end[1]);
        endDay : this.setMonth(newVal[0]) + this.isFestival(newVal[0], newVal[1]) + '日',
        endWeek : this.getWeek(this.data.date[newVal[0]].year + '/' + this.data.date[newVal[0]].month + '/' + this.isFestival(newVal[0], newVal[1])),
        day : this.getDay(startDay, endDay)    
    } else {
        day : 0    
  start(newVal) {
    if (this.data.start.length > 0) {
      this.data.startDay = this.setMonth(newVal[0]) + this.isFestival(newVal[0], newVal[1]) + '日';
      this.data.startWeek = this.getWeek(this.data.date[newVal[0]].year + '/' + this.data.date[newVal[0]].month + '/' + this.isFestival(newVal[0], newVal[1]));
        startDay : this.setMonth(newVal[0]) + this.isFestival(newVal[0], newVal[1]) + '日',
        startWeek : this.getWeek(this.data.date[newVal[0]].year + '/' + this.data.date[newVal[0]].month + '/' + this.isFestival(newVal[0], newVal[1]))

    if (this.data.priceStauts.length > 0) {
      for (var i = newVal[0]; i < this.data.priceStauts.length; i++) {
        if (i == newVal[0]) {
          for (var j = newVal[1]; j < this.data.priceStauts[i].length; j++) {
            if (this.data.priceStauts[i][j] == -1) {
              this.data.lastNot = [i, j];
              return this.setData({lastNot : [i, j]});
        } else {
          for (var j = 0; j < this.data.priceStauts[i].length; j++) {
            if (this.data.priceStauts[i][j] == -1) {
              this.data.lastNot = [i, j];
              return this.setData({lastNot : [i, j]});
  setMonth(dateIndex) {
    let month = this.data.date[dateIndex].month;
    if (month < 10) {
      month = '0' + month;
    return month + '月';
  isFestival(line, index, push = false) {
    var date = this.data.date[line].day[index];
    if (isNaN(date)) {
      var newIndex = this.data.date[line].day.indexOf(date) + 1;
      if (push) return newIndex;
      return newIndex < 10 ? '0' + newIndex : newIndex;
    } else {
      if (push) return date;
      return date < 10 ? '0' + date : date;
  getDefaultDate(AddDayCount) {
    var dd = new Date();
    dd.setDate(dd.getDate() + AddDayCount); //获取AddDayCount天后的日期
    var year = dd.getFullYear();
    var mon = dd.getMonth() + 1; //获取当前月份的日期
    var day = dd.getDate();
    return year + '-' + mon + '-' + day;
  //设置入住时间 如果没有传值则根据默认值设置
  setDefaultDate(data) {
    var that = this
    var arr = [0, parseInt(that.nowDay - 1)];
    var start = data.indexOf('-') != -1 ? data.split('-') : data.split('/');
    var year = new Date().getFullYear();
    var month = new Date().getMonth() + 1;

    for (var i = 0; i < that.data.date.length; i++) {
      if (that.data.date[i].year == start[0] && that.data.date[i].month == start[1]) {
        if (year == start[0] && month == start[1] && start[2] < that.nowDay) {
          arr = [i, parseInt(that.nowDay - 1)];
        } else {
          arr = [i, parseInt(start[2] - 1)];
    return arr;
  getDay(date1, date2) {
    var a1 = Date.parse(new Date(date1));
    var a2 = Date.parse(new Date(date2));
    var day = parseInt((a2 - a1) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); //核心:时间戳相减,然后除以天数
    return day;
  getWeek(date) {
    var weekDay = ['星期天', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'];
    var myDate = new Date(Date.parse(date));
    return weekDay[myDate.getDay()];

  selectDay(e) {
    var that = this
    var line = e.currentTarget.dataset.line
    var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index
    if (line == 0 && index + 1 < this.nowDay) return;
    if (that.data.priceStauts.length > 0) {
      if ((that.data.start.length == 0 && that.data.priceStauts[line][index] < 0) || (that.data.end.length > 0 && that.data.priceStauts[line][index] < 0)) {
        return wx.showToast({
          title: '该日期已被预订',
          icon: 'none'

      if ((that.data.start.length > 0 && line < that.data.start[0]) || (line == that.data.start[0] && that.data.start[1] > index)) {
        if (that.data.priceStauts[line][index] < 0)
          return wx.showToast({
            title: '该日期已被预订',
            icon: 'none'
          start : [line, index],
          end : []

      if (that.data.start.length > 0 && that.data.end.length == 0) {
        if (that.data.start[0] - line == 0) {
          for (var j = that.data.start[1]; j < index; j++) {
            if (that.data.priceStauts[line][j] < 0)
              return wx.showToast({
                title: '很抱歉,所选入离店时间包含无房日期',
                icon: 'none',
                mask: true
        } else {
          for (var i = that.data.start[0]; i <= line; i++) {
            if (i == that.data.start[0]) {
              for (var j = that.data.start[1]; j < that.data.priceStauts[i].length; j++) {
                if (that.data.priceStauts[i][j] < 0)
                  return wx.showToast({
                    title: '很抱歉,所选入离店时间包含无房日期',
                    icon: 'none',
                    mask: true
            } else if (i == line) {
              for (var j = 0; j < index; j++) {
                if (that.data.priceStauts[i][j] < 0)
                  return wx.showToast({
                    title: '很抱歉,所选入离店时间包含无房日期',
                    icon: 'none',
                    mask: true
            } else {
              for (var j = 0; j < that.data.priceStauts[i].length; j++) {
                if (that.data.priceStauts[i][j] < 0)
                  return wx.showToast({
                    title: '很抱歉,所选入离店时间包含无房日期',
                    icon: 'none',
                    mask: true

    if (that.data.start.length == 0) {
        start : [line, index]
    } else if (that.data.start.length > 0 && that.data.start[0] == line &&that.data.start[1] == index && that.data.end.length == 0) {
    } else {
      if (that.data.end.length == 0) {
        if (line < that.data.start[0] || (line == that.data.start[0] && index < that.data.start[1])) {
            end : that.data.start,
            start: [line, index]
        } else {
            end : [line , index]
      } else {
          start : [line, index],
          end : []

  setDate() {
    var year = new Date().getFullYear();   //年份 
    var month = new Date().getMonth();     //月份
    var all = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < this.data.count; i++) {
      var day = [];   //天数   
      var week = 0;  //星期
      var date={};    //
      for (var j = 0; j < new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate(); j++) {
        day.push(j + 1);
      date = {
        year: year,
        month: month + 1,
        day: day,
        oneDayWeek: new Date(Date.parse(year + '/' + (month + 1) + '/' + '01')).getDay()
      if (month == 11) {
        year += 1;
        month = 0;
      } else {
      all[i] = date
    return this.setData({date:all});

  submit() {
    var obj = {
      start: this.date[this.start[0]].year + this.type + this.date[this.start[0]].month + this.type + this.isFestival(this.start[0], this.start[1], true),
      end: this.date[this.end[0]].year + this.type + this.date[this.end[0]].month + this.type + this.isFestival(this.end[0], this.end[1], true),
      startDay: this.date[this.start[0]].month + '月' + this.isFestival(this.start[0], this.start[1], true) + '日',

      endDay: this.date[this.end[0]].month + '月' + this.isFestival(this.end[0], this.end[1], true) + '日',
      day: this.day




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