
'* File:     pdm2excel.vbs
'* Purpose:  分目录递归,查找当前PDM下所有表,并导出Excel
'* Title:    
'* Category: 
'* Version:  1.0
'* Author:  huhaicool@sina.com
Option Explicit
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch
' get the current active model
Dim mdl ' the current model
Set mdl = ActiveModel
Dim EXCEL,sheet,rowsNum
rowsNum = 1

If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
    MsgBox "There is no Active Model"
End If
' Sub procedure to scan current package and print information on objects from current package
' and call again the same sub procedure on all children pacakge 
' of the current package
Private Sub ListObjects(fldr)
    output "Scanning " & fldr.code
    Dim obj ' running object
    For Each obj In fldr.children
        ' Calling sub procedure to print out information on the object
        DescribeObject obj
    ' go into the sub-packages
    Dim f ' running folder
    For Each f In fldr.Packages
        'calling sub procedure to scan children package
        ListObjects f
End Sub
' Sub procedure to print information on current object in output
Private Sub DescribeObject(CurrentObject)
    if not CurrentObject.Iskindof(cls_NamedObject) then exit sub
    if CurrentObject.Iskindof(cls_Table) then 
        ExportTable CurrentObject, sheet
        output "Found "+CurrentObject.ClassName+" """+CurrentObject.Name+""", Created by "+CurrentObject.Creator+" On "+Cstr(CurrentObject.CreationDate)   
    End if
End Sub

Sub SetExcel()
    Set EXCEL= CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    ' Make Excel visible through the Application object.
    EXCEL.Visible = True
    EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets(1).name ="pdm"
    set sheet = EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets("pdm")

    ' Place some text in the first Row of the sheet.
    sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 1).Value = "表名"
    sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 2).Value = "表中文名"
    sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 3).Value = "表备注"
    sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 4).Value = "字段ID"
    sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 5).Value = "字段名"
    sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 6).Value = "字段中文名"
    sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 7).Value = "字段类型"
    sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 8).Value = "字段备注"
End Sub

Sub ExportTable(tab, sheet)
    Dim col ' running column
    Dim colsNum
    colsNum = 0
    for each col in tab.columns
        colsNum = colsNum + 1
        rowsNum = rowsNum + 1
        sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 1).Value = tab.code
        sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 2).Value = tab.name
        sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 3).Value = tab.comment
        sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 4).Value = colsNum
        sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 5).Value = col.code
        sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 6).Value = col.name
        sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 7).Value = col.datatype
        sheet.Cells(rowsNum, 8).Value = col.comment
    output "Exported table: "+ +tab.Code+"("+tab.Name+")"
End Sub 
posted @ 2019-11-14 17:01  夏了夏天丶  阅读(844)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报