【leetcode】92. Reverse Linked List II
Reverse a linked list from position m to n. Do it in-place and in one-pass.
For example:
Given 1->2->3->4->5->NULL
, m = 2 and n = 4,
return 1->4->3->2->5->NULL
Given m, n satisfy the following condition:
1 ≤ m ≤ n ≤ length of list.
Tips:给定一个链表,与两个整数m ,n;
思路:先让pre指针向前走m-1个位置,记住当前的结点 NodeBeforeM。
m+1位置的结点记为 cur
从m~n 通过改动指针的方式来翻转这段链表,代码如下
for(int i=m;i<n;i++){ ListNode next=cur.next; cur.next=pre; pre=cur; cur=next; }
再将NodeBeforeM cur结点与翻转后的结点 前后连接起来 就可以了。
package medium; import dataStructure.ListNode; public class L92ReverseLinkedListII { public ListNode reverseBetween(ListNode head, int m, int n) { if(head==null ||m<=0||n<=0||m>n) return null; if(m==n) return head; ListNode node = new ListNode(0); ListNode pre=node; pre.next=head; node=pre; for(int i=1;i<m;i++){ pre=pre.next; } ListNode nodeBeforeM=pre; System.out.println("nodeBaforeM:"+nodeBeforeM.val); pre=pre.next; ListNode nodeM=pre; System.out.println("nodeM:"+nodeM.val); ListNode cur=pre.next; System.out.println("cur"+cur.val); for(int i=m;i<n;i++){ ListNode next=cur.next; cur.next=pre; pre=cur; cur=next; } System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!"); System.out.println("pre"+pre.val); System.out.println("cur"+cur.val); System.out.println("next"+cur.next.val); System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!"); nodeBeforeM.next=pre; nodeM.next=cur; return node.next; } public static void main(String[] args) { L92ReverseLinkedListII l92 = new L92ReverseLinkedListII(); ListNode head1 = new ListNode(1); ListNode head2 = new ListNode(2); ListNode head3 = new ListNode(3); ListNode head4 = new ListNode(4); ListNode head5 = new ListNode(5); ListNode head6 = new ListNode(6); ListNode head7 = new ListNode(7); ListNode head8 = new ListNode(8); ListNode head9 = new ListNode(9); ListNode head10=null; head1.next = head2; head2.next = head3; head3.next = head4; head4.next = head5; head5.next = head6; head6.next = head7; head7.next = head8; head8.next = head9; head9.next = head10; int n=4 ,m=2; ListNode head = l92.reverseBetween(head1, m, n); while(head!=null){ System.out.println(head.val); head=head.next; } } }
nodeBaforeM:1 nodeM:2 cur3 !!!!!!!!!!!! pre4 cur5 next6 !!!!!!!!!!!! m=2;~~~~~n=4; 1 ->2 ->3 ->4 ->5 ->6 ->7 ->8 ->9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ->4 ->3 ->2 ->5 ->6 ->7 ->8 ->9