About new blog server, 3rd Feb

Found a good place to write blogs, These days, foreign website like ghoster.io and blog.com make me unhappy.
Try to use here to write something.
Found there is markdown editor, feel excited.
Have grammar check, good.
Tags and categories are supported.


There are some migration works need to do here. For now I have three blog addresses here.

  1. https://github.com/lishan/blog/wiki
  2. http://yuls.ghoster.io/
  3. http://yulishan.blog.com/

Fortunately last two I have written few articles so just need backup here. Just paste contents.

Python vs Node

Categories: Uncategorized
Yesterday I have checked the difference between these two languages python and node and found in website development nodejs is better than PHP and python, since it’s event driving. Maybe django framework make website dev easier, but I think it’s just system script python, same as ruby. like nodejs, it can do more things and a solid improvement. So first choose front-end and back-end language is javascript I think, and I like the grammar like Java.

Think about coffee script, it’s said it’s a new succeed language of javascript.

Python you can make it as SAP you should know and more, instead of shell or perl. Last days, I touch perl more but perl you think it’s ugly. I think no need these days about coffee script.

Interesting topic, the closure

Try to make variable global, same to say, not be release automatically.

Implement other language like C++ and Java class control, like private, public etc.

Js prototype

How to implement strategy like:

static -> just use function itself to define global variables

dynamic change object, like java reflect. use prototype to create

Function is like class in javascript, we use prototype to dynamically operate values and methods, function params is like construction params, keep in class use this. To make values private, please

Js this

Js error

Undefined and NULL value

Jshint and use strict;

Jasmine and Karma

What to do

Categories: Life

I don’t think this test job is fit for me, but unfortunately I have no opportunity. So try to adapt my daily life, I should know more about C and python. I don’t know why I have no excited feel towards these two. Perhaps I love more Java/Javascript. As to create website, my major, maybe python is good substitute for java not for javascript, back end javascript become more and more popular these days I think.


I can have experience in python, it’s also a great programming language same as javascript. It can not only do daily operation work but also create website. Yes, exactly, try to learn more about Pip or Esay install.


When I search python skeleton

I found a commenting server named isso, it’s divided some functional website components apart from main site and create server just based on a single function something like comments, as I can think more, like email, ftp and so on.




Categories: Javascript
I have heard it in thoughtworks but just know it

In javascript programming, especially use nodejs and javascript based technology, 3rd packages should be plugged in controllers. So how to deal with date. I only know javascript prototype date, but it’s ugly and cannot deal with complicated scenes such like date minus.

Moment js can easily format date and do date comparison

npm install moment
bower install --save moment
http://jsfiddle.net/tfaylsh/fkuyb07x/ I have used jsfiddle, it’s a good tool I think. This is a simple example for console.log something.

Using moment() construction method can initialize a new moment object. isValid() can help check it.

Unix timestamp like java current seconds.

Date() can easily parsed to moment.

From now on

Categories: Life
Today is 26th Jan 2015.

I have several Blogs such like sinaapp.com, github and ghoster. Some are deprecated. Especially for sinaapp.com, I have many posts but I do not have back up unfortunately.




I’m web developer, always think it’s my position. Java/Javascript are mainly my programming languages.

Think about future

I have suffered a lot during 2014 I think. For perspective, I should know more about myself so thinking is important for me. I think I’ll be from familiar domain like java and javascript technology learning. However, in SAP, my new company, I should know more about python to engage more opportunities.

So let’s start

posted @ 2015-02-03 14:54  一途  阅读(186)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报