
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApp


* ChineseCalendarGB.java
* Copyright (c) 1997-2002 by Dr. Herong Yang
* 中国农历算法- 实用于公历1901 年至2100 年之间的200 年
public class CnCalendar


static fileds#region static fileds

private static int[] DAYS_COUNT_IN_GREGORIAN_MONTH = new int[]
{ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

private static string[] TIANGAN_NAMES =
{ "甲", "乙", "丙", "丁", "戊", "己", "庚", "辛", "壬", "癸" };

private static string[] DIZHI_NAMES =
{ "子", "丑", "寅", "卯", "辰", "巳", "午", "未", "申", "酉", "戌", "亥" };

private static string[] SHENGXIAO_NAMES =
{ "鼠", "牛", "虎", "兔", "龙", "蛇", "马", "羊", "猴", "鸡", "狗", "猪" };

private static string[] MONTH_NAMES =
{ "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "十一", "十二" };

private static string[] CHINESE_MONTH_NAMES =
{ "正", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "冬", "腊" };

private static string[] PRINCIPLE_TERM_NAMES =
{ "大寒", "雨水", "春分", "谷雨", "夏满", "夏至", "大暑", "处暑", "秋分", "霜降", "小雪", "冬至" };

private static string[] SECTIONDARY_TERM_NAME =
{ "小寒", "立春", "惊蛰", "清明", "立夏", "芒种", "小暑", "立秋", "白露", "寒露", "立冬", "大雪" };

// 农历月份大小压缩表,两个字节表示一年。两个字节共十六个二进制位数,
// 前四个位数表示闰月月份,后十二个位数表示十二个农历月份的大小。

private static int[] chineseMonths =
// 初始日,公历农历对应日期:
// 公历1901 年1 月1 日,对应农历4598 年11 月11 日
private static int baseYear = 1901;
private static int baseMonth = 1;
private static int baseDate = 1;
private static int baseIndex = 0;
private static int baseChineseYear = 4598 - 1;
private static int baseChineseMonth = 11;
private static int baseChineseDate = 11;

private static int[][] sectionalTermMap = new int[][]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

private static int[][] sectionalTermYear = new int[][]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]
{5 ,33,68,96 ,124,152,188,200,201},

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

private static int[][] principleTermMap = new int[][]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

private static int[][] principleTermYear = new int[][]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]

new int[]
// 大闰月的闰年年份

private static int[] bigLeapMonthYears =
{ 6, 14, 19, 25, 33, 36, 38, 41, 44, 52, 55, 79, 117, 136, 147, 150, 155, 158, 185, 193 };

static methods#region static methods
public static bool IsGregorianLeapYear(int year)

bool isLeap = false;
if (year % 4 == 0) isLeap = true;
if (year % 100 == 0) isLeap = false;
if (year % 400 == 0) isLeap = true;
return isLeap;

public static int DaysInGregorianMonth(int y, int m)

if (m == 2 && IsGregorianLeapYear(y)) d++; // 公历闰年二月多一天
return d;

public static int DayOfYear(int y, int m, int d)

int c = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < m; i++)

c = c + DaysInGregorianMonth(y, i);
c = c + d;
return c;

public static int DayOfWeek(int y, int m, int d)

int w = 1; // 公历一年一月一日是星期一,所以起始值为星期日
y = (y - 1) % 400 + 1; // 公历星期值分部400 年循环一次
int ly = (y - 1) / 4; // 闰年次数
ly = ly - (y - 1) / 100;
ly = ly + (y - 1) / 400;
int ry = y - 1 - ly; // 常年次数
w = w + ry; // 常年星期值增一
w = w + 2 * ly; // 闰年星期值增二
w = w + DayOfYear(y, m, d);
w = (w - 1) % 7 + 1;
return w;

public static int DaysInChineseMonth(int y, int m)

// 注意:闰月m < 0
int index = y - baseChineseYear + baseIndex;
int v = 0;
int l = 0;
int d = 30;
if (1 <= m && m <= 8)

v = chineseMonths[2 * index];
l = m - 1;
if (((v >> l) & 0x01) == 1) d = 29;
else if (9 <= m && m <= 12)

v = chineseMonths[2 * index + 1];
l = m - 9;
if (((v >> l) & 0x01) == 1) d = 29;

v = chineseMonths[2 * index + 1];
v = (v >> 4) & 0x0F;
if (v != Math.Abs(m))

d = 0;

d = 29;
for (int i = 0; i < bigLeapMonthYears.Length; i++)

if (bigLeapMonthYears[i] == index)

d = 30;
return d;
public static int NextChineseMonth(int y, int m)

int n = Math.Abs(m) + 1;
if (m > 0)

int index = y - baseChineseYear + baseIndex;
int v = chineseMonths[2 * index + 1];
v = (v >> 4) & 0x0F;
if (v == m) n = -m;
if (n == 13) n = 1;
return n;
public static int SectionalTerm(int y, int m)

if (y < 1901 || y > 2100) return 0;
int index = 0;
int ry = y - baseYear + 1;
while (ry >= sectionalTermYear[m - 1][index]) index++;
int term = sectionalTermMap[m - 1][4 * index + ry % 4];
if ((ry == 121) && (m == 4)) term = 5;
if ((ry == 132) && (m == 4)) term = 5;
if ((ry == 194) && (m == 6)) term = 6;
return term;
public static int PrincipleTerm(int y, int m)

if (y < 1901 || y > 2100) return 0;
int index = 0;
int ry = y - baseYear + 1;
while (ry >= principleTermYear[m - 1][index]) index++;
int term = principleTermMap[m - 1][4 * index + ry % 4];
if ((ry == 171) && (m == 3)) term = 21;
if ((ry == 181) && (m == 5)) term = 21;
return term;

public static string GetTextLine(int s, string t)

string str = " "
+ " " + " ";
if (t != null && s < str.Length && s + t.Length < str.Length)
str = str.Substring(0, s) + t + str.Substring(s + t.Length);
return str;

private int gregorianYear = 1901;
private int gregorianMonth = 1;
private int gregorianDate = 1;
private bool isGregorianLeap;
private int dayOfYear;

/**//// <summary>
/// 周日------- 一星期的第一天
/// </summary>
private int dayOfWeek;
private int chineseYear;

/**//// <summary>
/// 负数表示闰月
/// </summary>
private int chineseMonth;

private int chineseDate;

private int sectionalTerm;
private int principleTerm;

public CnCalendar()

SetGregorian(1901, 1, 1);

public void SetGregorian(int y, int m, int d)

gregorianYear = y;
gregorianMonth = m;
gregorianDate = d;
isGregorianLeap = IsGregorianLeapYear(y);
dayOfYear = DayOfYear(y, m, d);
dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek(y, m, d);
chineseYear = 0;
chineseMonth = 0;
chineseDate = 0;
sectionalTerm = 0;
principleTerm = 0;

/**//// <summary>
/// 根据设定的公历(阳历)年月人计算农历年月日天干地支
/// </summary>
/// <returns>是否得到结果,得到结果为0,否则为1</returns>
public int ComputeChineseFields()

if (gregorianYear < 1901 || gregorianYear > 2100) return 1;
int startYear = baseYear;
int startMonth = baseMonth;
int startDate = baseDate;
chineseYear = baseChineseYear;
chineseMonth = baseChineseMonth;
chineseDate = baseChineseDate;
// 第二个对应日,用以提高计算效率
// 公历2000 年1 月1 日,对应农历4697 年11 月25 日
if (gregorianYear >= 2000)

startYear = baseYear + 99;
startMonth = 1;
startDate = 1;
chineseYear = baseChineseYear + 99;
chineseMonth = 11;
chineseDate = 25;
int daysDiff = 0;
for (int i = startYear; i < gregorianYear; i++)

daysDiff += 365;
if (IsGregorianLeapYear(i)) daysDiff += 1; // leap year
for (int i = startMonth; i < gregorianMonth; i++)

daysDiff += DaysInGregorianMonth(gregorianYear, i);
daysDiff += gregorianDate - startDate;

chineseDate += daysDiff;
int lastDate = DaysInChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
int nextMonth = NextChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
while (chineseDate > lastDate)

if (Math.Abs(nextMonth) < Math.Abs(chineseMonth)) chineseYear++;
chineseMonth = nextMonth;
chineseDate -= lastDate;
lastDate = DaysInChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
nextMonth = NextChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
return 0;

/**//// <summary>
/// 计算24节气
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public int ComputeSolarTerms()

if (gregorianYear < 1901 || gregorianYear > 2100) return 1;
sectionalTerm = SectionalTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
principleTerm = PrincipleTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
return 0;

public override string ToString()

StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.Append("Gregorian Year: " + gregorianYear + "\n");
buf.Append("Gregorian Month: " + gregorianMonth + "\n");
buf.Append("Gregorian Date: " + gregorianDate + "\n");
buf.Append("Is Leap Year: " + isGregorianLeap + "\n");
buf.Append("Day of Year: " + dayOfYear + "\n");
buf.Append("Day of Week: " + dayOfWeek + "\n");
buf.Append("Chinese Year: " + chineseYear + "\n");
buf.Append("Heavenly Stem: " + TIANGAN_NAMES[((chineseYear - 1) % 10)] + "\n");
buf.Append("Earthly Branch: " + DIZHI_NAMES[((chineseYear - 1) % 12)] + "\n");
buf.Append("Chinese Month: " + chineseMonth + "\n");
buf.Append("Chinese Date: " + chineseDate + "\n");
buf.Append("Sectional Term: " + sectionalTerm + "\n");
buf.Append("Principle Term: " + principleTerm + "\n");
return buf.ToString();

/**//// <summary>
/// 计算指定日期的明天的农历
/// </summary>
public void RollUpOneDay()

dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek % 7 + 1;
int days = DaysInGregorianMonth(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
if (gregorianDate > days)

gregorianDate = 1;
if (gregorianMonth > 12)

gregorianMonth = 1;
dayOfYear = 1;
isGregorianLeap = IsGregorianLeapYear(gregorianYear);
sectionalTerm = SectionalTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
principleTerm = PrincipleTerm(gregorianYear, gregorianMonth);
days = DaysInChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
if (chineseDate > days)

chineseDate = 1;
chineseMonth = NextChineseMonth(chineseYear, chineseMonth);
if (chineseMonth == 1) chineseYear++;
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