

  Spring 官方文档介绍如下:

  Spring lets you define multiple contexts in a parent-child hierarchy.  
  The applicationContext.xml defines the beans for the "root webapp context", i.e. the context associated with the webapp.   The spring-servlet.xml (or whatever else you call it) defines the beans for one servlet's app context.
There can be many of these in a webapp, one per Spring servlet (e.g. spring1-servlet.xml for servlet spring1, spring2-servlet.xml
for servlet spring2).   Beans in spring-servlet.xml can reference beans in applicationContext.xml, but not vice versa.   All Spring MVC controllers must go in the spring-servlet.xml context.   In most simple cases, the applicationContext.xml context is unnecessary. It is generally used to contain beans that are shared
between all servlets in a webapp. If you only have one servlet, then there's not really much point, unless you have a specific use for it.

  可见, applicationContext.xml 和 dispatch-servlet.xml形成了两个父子关系的上下文。

  1) 一个bean如果在两个文件中都被定义了(比如两个文件中都定义了component scan扫描相同的package), spring会在application context和 servlet context中都生成一个实例,他们处于不同的上下文空间中,他们的行为方式是有可能不一样的。

  2) 如果在application context和 servlet context中都存在同一个 @Service 的实例, controller(在servlet context中) 通过 @Resource引用时, 会优先选择servlet context中的实例。

  3)servlet context可以引用application context里的实例,反之不可以。

  4)多个servlet共享application context里的实例



<context:component-scan base-package="com.test.controller" use-default-filters="false">
  <context:include-filter type="annotation" expression="org.springframework.stereotype.Controller" />


<context:component-scan base-package="com.test" use-default-filters="true">
  <context:exclude-filter type="annotation" expression="org.springframework.stereotype.Controller" />






  ApplicationContext.xml  是spring 全局配置文件,用来控制spring 特性的

  dispatcher-servlet.xml 是spring mvc里面的,控制器、拦截uri转发view




posted @ 2018-09-14 11:17  心V海  阅读(1032)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报