Sandbox 沙箱
Sandbox 沙箱
在现实与我们前端相关的场景中,我们平时使用的浏览器就是一个沙箱,运行在浏览器中的 JavaScript 代码无法直接访问文件系统、显示器或其他任何硬件。Chrome 浏览器中每个标签页也是一个沙箱,各个标签页内的数据无法直接相互影响,接口都在独立的上下文中运行。
- 各个子应用间的调度实现以及其运行态的维护
- 挂在 window 上的全局方法/变量(如 setTimeout、滚动等全局事件监听等)在子应用切换时的清理和还原。
常见的沙箱实现有两种:Proxy代理沙箱(ProxySandBox )、快照沙箱(SnapshotSandBox)。ProxySandBox是基于 Proxy API 来实现的,在不支持 Proxy的低版本浏览器中,可以降级为 SnapshotSandBox。对比一下:
Proxy代理沙箱 |
IE 不支持Proxy |
可支持多实例场景 |
快照沙箱 |
仅单实例场景 |
Proxy代理沙箱(ProxySandBox )
Proxy代理沙箱(ProxySandBox )是基于Proxy API来实现的
Proxy API
Proxy demo
假设我们有一个数据(对象)data,现在我们给 data 创建一个代理 proxy
let data = { username: 'Frank', age: 26 } let proxy = new Proxy(data, {set: function(){...}, get: function(){...} })
此时,「proxy 就全权代理 data了」,意思就是 data 放假去了,如果你有任何事情要找 data,直接找 proxy 就好了,proxy 现在是 data 的秘书、代理人。比如原本你如果要改 username,那么应该写 data.username = 'frank';那么现在你只需要写 proxy.username = 'frank' 就好了。原本你如果想写 console.log(data.username),现在也只需要 console.log(proxy.username) 就可以了。
那么我们思考一下这样做有什么意义呢?意义就是能监控每一次对 data 的读写操作。
proxy.username = 'frank' 这句话实际上会运行 set 方法。set 方法可以对传入的值进行监控和过滤。假设 PD 要求「username 前后不能含有空格」,用 Proxy 就很好实现这一需求,只需要把 set 写成这样:
set: function(obj, prop, value){ obj[prop] = value.trim() }
再假设 PD 要求「统计 username 被读取的次数」,那么我们只需要把 get 写成这样:
get: function(obj, prop){ if(prop === 'username'){ count += 1 } return obj[prop] }
简单实现一个Proxy 代理沙箱
class ProxySandbox { constructor() { const originWindow = window; const proxyWindow = {} const proxy = new Proxy(proxyWindow, { set(target, p, value) { target[p] = value; return true }, get(target, p) { return target[p] || originWindow[p]; } }); this.proxy = proxy } } let sandbox1 = new ProxySandbox(); let sandbox2 = new ProxySandbox(); window.a = 1; ((window) => { window.a = 'hello'; console.log('sb1 window',window) console.log(window.a) })(sandbox1.proxy); ((window) => { window.a = 'world'; console.log('sb2 window',window) console.log(window.a) })(sandbox2.proxy);
class SnapshotSandbox { constructor() { this.proxy = window; //浏览器window快照 this.originalSnapshot = {}; //运行时属性的变化录入 this.modifyPropsMap = {}; } active() { //激活时将当前window属性进行快照处理 for (const prop in window) { if (window.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { this.originalSnapshot[prop] = window[prop]; } } Object.keys(this.modifyPropsMap).forEach(prop => { window[prop] = this.modifyPropsMap[prop]; }); } //失活时用快照中的内容和当前window属性比对, //如果属性发生变化保存到modifyPropsMap中,并用快照还原window属性 inActive() { for (const prop in window) { if (window.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (window[prop] !== this.originalSnapshot[prop]) { this.modifyPropsMap[prop] = window[prop]; window[prop] = this.originalSnapshot[prop]; } } } } } function excuteAppA() { window.a = 'a'; window.aa = 'aa'; } function excuteAppB() { window.b = 'b'; = 'bb'; } function showConsole() { console.log(window.begin, window.a, window.aa, window.b,; } // begin 在挂载应用之前,可能会有其他的库在window上挂载一些内容 window.begin = 'some value'; // 创建A B应用的沙箱 const sandboxA = new SnapshotSandbox(); const sandboxB = new SnapshotSandbox(); // 看看当前window的结果 showConsole(); // 假设初始化时挂载A应用; // 挂载完毕后,A应用可能会执行它自己的逻辑 excuteAppA(); // 看看当前window的结果 showConsole(); // 从应用A切换至B 经历A失活 B激活 sandboxA.inActive();; // 看看当前window的结果 showConsole(); // 挂载完毕后,B应用也可能会执行它自己的逻辑 excuteAppB(); // 看看当前window的结果 showConsole(); // 从应用B切换至A 经历B失活 A激活 sandboxB.inActive();; // 看看当前window的结果 showConsole(); /* some value undefined undefined undefined undefined some value a aa undefined undefined some value undefined undefined undefined undefined some value undefined undefined b bb some value a aa undefined undefined */
export interface SandboxProps { multiMode?: boolean; } export interface SandboxConstructor { new(): Sandbox; } // check window constructor function, like Object Array function isConstructor(fn) { // generator function and has own prototype properties const hasConstructor = fn.prototype && fn.prototype.constructor === fn && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(fn.prototype).length > 1; // unnecessary to call toString if it has constructor function const functionStr = !hasConstructor && fn.toString(); const upperCaseRegex = /^function\s+[A-Z]/; return ( hasConstructor || // upper case upperCaseRegex.test(functionStr) || // ES6 class, window function do not have this case functionStr.slice(0, 5) === 'class' ); } // get function from original window, such as scrollTo, parseInt function isWindowFunction(func) { return func && typeof func === 'function' && !isConstructor(func); } export default class Sandbox { private sandbox: Window; private multiMode = false; private eventListeners = {}; private timeoutIds: number[] = []; private intervalIds: number[] = []; //存储在子应用运行时期间新增的全局变量,用于卸载子应用时还原主应用全局变量 private propertyAdded = {}; //存储在子应用运行期间更新的全局变量,用于卸载子应用时还原主应用全局变量 private originalValues = {}; public sandboxDisabled: boolean; constructor(props: SandboxProps = {}) { const { multiMode } = props; if (!window.Proxy) { console.warn('proxy sandbox is not support by current browser'); this.sandboxDisabled = true; } // enable multiMode in case of create mulit sandbox in same time this.multiMode = multiMode; this.sandbox = null; } createProxySandbox(injection?: object) { const { propertyAdded, originalValues, multiMode } = this; const proxyWindow = Object.create(null) as Window; const originalWindow = window; const originalAddEventListener = window.addEventListener; const originalRemoveEventListener = window.removeEventListener; const originalSetInterval = window.setInterval; const originalSetTimeout = window.setTimeout; // hijack addEventListener proxyWindow.addEventListener = (eventName, fn, => { this.eventListeners[eventName] = (this.eventListeners[eventName] || []); this.eventListeners[eventName].push(fn); return originalAddEventListener.apply(originalWindow, [eventName, fn,]); }; // hijack removeEventListener proxyWindow.removeEventListener = (eventName, fn, => { const listeners = this.eventListeners[eventName] || []; if (listeners.includes(fn)) { listeners.splice(listeners.indexOf(fn), 1); } return originalRemoveEventListener.apply(originalWindow, [eventName, fn,]); }; // hijack setTimeout proxyWindow.setTimeout = (...args) => { const timerId = originalSetTimeout(...args); this.timeoutIds.push(timerId); return timerId; }; // hijack setInterval proxyWindow.setInterval = (...args) => { const intervalId = originalSetInterval(...args); this.intervalIds.push(intervalId); return intervalId; }; // 创建对proxyWindow的代理,proxyWindow就是我们传递给自执行函数的window对象 const sandbox = new Proxy(proxyWindow, { set(target: Window, p: PropertyKey, value: any): boolean { if (!originalWindow.hasOwnProperty(p)) { // 如果window对象上没有这个属性,那么就在状态池中记录状态的新增; propertyAdded[p] = value; } else if (!originalValues.hasOwnProperty(p)) { //如果window对象上有这个p属性,并且originalValues没有这个p属性, // 那么证明改属性是运行时期间更新的值,记录在状态池中用于最后window对象的还原 originalValues[p] = originalWindow[p]; } // set new value to original window in case of jsonp, js bundle which will be execute outof sandbox if (!multiMode) { originalWindow[p] = value; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign target[p] = value; return true; }, get(target: Window, p: PropertyKey): any { if (p === Symbol.unscopables) { return undefined; } if (['top', 'window', 'self', 'globalThis'].includes(p as string)) { return sandbox; } // proxy hasOwnProperty, in case of proxy.hasOwnProperty value represented as originalWindow.hasOwnProperty if (p === 'hasOwnProperty') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins return (key: PropertyKey) => !!target[key] || originalWindow.hasOwnProperty(key); } const targetValue = target[p]; /** * Falsy value like 0/ ''/ false should be trapped by proxy window. */ if (targetValue !== undefined) { // case of addEventListener, removeEventListener, setTimeout, setInterval setted in sandbox return targetValue; } // search from injection const injectionValue = injection && injection[p]; if (injectionValue) { return injectionValue; } const value = originalWindow[p]; /** * use `eval` indirectly if you bind it. And if eval code is not being evaluated by a direct call, * then initialise the execution context as if it was a global execution context. * * */ if (p === 'eval') { return value; } if (isWindowFunction(value)) { // When run into some window's functions, such as `console.table`, // an illegal invocation exception is thrown. const boundValue = value.bind(originalWindow); // Axios, Moment, and other callable functions may have additional properties. // Simply copy them into boundValue. for (const key in value) { boundValue[key] = value[key]; } return boundValue; } else { // case of window.clientWidth、new window.Object() return value; } }, has(target: Window, p: PropertyKey): boolean { return p in target || p in originalWindow; }, }); this.sandbox = sandbox; } getSandbox() { return this.sandbox; } getAddedProperties() { return this.propertyAdded; } execScriptInSandbox(script: string): void { if (!this.sandboxDisabled) { // create sandbox before exec script if (!this.sandbox) { this.createProxySandbox(); } try { const execScript = `with (sandbox) {;${script}\n}`; // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func const code = new Function('sandbox', execScript).bind(this.sandbox); // run code with sandbox code(this.sandbox); } catch (error) { console.error(`error occurs when execute script in sandbox: ${error}`); throw error; } } } clear() { //子应用卸载还原 if (!this.sandboxDisabled) { // remove event listeners Object.keys(this.eventListeners).forEach((eventName) => { (this.eventListeners[eventName] || []).forEach((listener) => { window.removeEventListener(eventName, listener); }); }); // clear timeout this.timeoutIds.forEach((id) => window.clearTimeout(id)); this.intervalIds.forEach((id) => window.clearInterval(id)); // recover original values Object.keys(this.originalValues).forEach((key) => { window[key] = this.originalValues[key]; }); Object.keys(this.propertyAdded).forEach((key) => { delete window[key]; }); } } } const sandbox = new Sandbox(); const script = ` window.hh = 1 console.log(hh) ` sandbox.execScriptInSandbox(script); sandbox.clear();
1、本质上还是操作 window 对象,但是他设置了两个状态池,用于子应用卸载时还原主应用的状态propertyAdded: 存储在子应用运行时期间新增的全局变量,用于卸载子应用时还原主应用全局变量
- = 1; 在主应用中不存在,这个gg会被记录到propertyAdded中
- window.pageXOffset = 100;全局window中存在此变量,本次更新后会记录到originalValues中
针对可控的二方应用,正常书写代码是不会有问题的。在上述提到的隔离方案下,如果微应用想要恶意污染的话基本是无法杜绝的,因此针对这种不可控的微应用建议还是通过 iframe 的方式接入。
- 访问沙箱执行上下文中某个对象内部属性时,const sandbox = new Sandbox();
const code1 = ` = 'xxx'
const code2 = `
({}).constructor.prototype.toString = () => {
sandbox.execScriptInSandbox(code1); //xxx
({}).toString() // Escape! 预期是 [object Object]
Proxy API
new Function + with
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