

mysql>create database school;
mysql>use school;

/* DBMS name:      MySQL 5.0                                    */
/* Created on:     2019/4/19 10:34:32                           */

drop table if exists class;

drop table if exists course;

drop table if exists score;

drop table if exists student;

drop table if exists teacher;

/* Table: class                                                 */
create table class
   cid                  varchar(10) not null,
   caption              varchar(20) not null,
   primary key (cid)

/* Table: course                                                */
create table course
   cid                  varchar(10) not null,
   cname                varchar(20) not null,
   tid                  varchar(10) not null,
   primary key (cid)

/* Table: score                                                 */
create table score
   sid                  varchar(10) not null,
   cid                  varchar(10) not null,
   score                decimal not null,
   编号                   varchar(10) not null,
   primary key (编号)

/* Table: student                                               */
create table student
   sid                  varchar(10) not null,
   sname                varchar(20) not null,
   gender               varchar(2) not null,
   cid                  varchar(10),
   birth                datetime,
   primary key (sid)

/* Table: teacher                                               */
create table teacher
   tid                  varchar(10) not null,
   tname                varchar(20) not null,
   primary key (tid)
Create table


insert into class values('101','一年级一班');
insert into class values('102','一年级二班');
insert into class values('103','一年级三班');
insert into class values('104','一年级四班');
insert into class values('201','二年级一班');
insert into class values('202','二年级二班');
insert into class values('203','二年级三班');

insert into Student values('01' , '赵雷' ,'','101', '1990-01-01');
insert into Student values('02' , '彭万里' ,'','101', '1990-12-21');
insert into Student values('03' , '高大山' ,'','102', '1990-12-20');
insert into Student values('04' , '谢大海' ,'','104', '1990-12-06');
insert into Student values('05' , '林莽' ,'','104', '1991-12-01');
insert into Student values('06' , '章汉夫' ,'','203', '1992-01-01');
insert into Student values('07' , '范长江' ,'','203', '1989-01-01');
insert into Student values('09' , '林君雄' ,'','102', '2017-12-20');
insert into Student values('10' , '谭平山' ,'','201', '2017-12-25');
insert into Student values('11' , '李四光' ,'','203', '2012-06-06');
insert into Student values('12' , '甘铁生' ,'','104', '2013-06-13');
insert into Student values('13' , '程孝先' ,'','102', '2014-06-01');

insert into teacher values('01' , '朱希亮');
insert into teacher values('02' , '黄强辉');
insert into teacher values('03' , '马宏宇');
insert into teacher values('04' , '马继祖');

insert into course values('01' , '语文','01');
insert into course values('02' , '数学','02');
insert into course values('03' , '英语','03');
insert into course values('04' , '历史','04');
insert into course values('05' , '物理','01');

insert into score values('01' , '01', '01',78);
insert into score values('02' , '01', '02',72);
insert into score values('03' , '02', '01',87);
insert into score values('04' , '02', '03',90);
insert into score values('05' , '03', '04',100);
insert into score values('06' , '05', '04',97);
insert into score values('07' , '07', '03',89);
insert into score values('08' , '07', '02',72);
insert into score values('09' , '08', '04',79);
insert into score values('10' , '08', '01',57);
insert into score values('11' , '09', '02',52);
insert into score values('12' , '09', '01',69);
insert into score values('13' , '11', '04',87);
insert into score values('14' , '12', '01',60);
insert into score values('15' , '13', '01',79);
Insert values


select A.sid,yw,wl from
(select sid,score as yw from score left join course on score.cid=course.cid where cname='语文') as A
left join (select sid,score as wl from score left join course on score.cid=course.cid where cname='物理') as B
on A.sid=B.sid
where yw>if(isnull(wl),0,wl);
select sid,avg(score) as mean from score group by sid
having mean>60;
select score.sid,student.sname,count(score.cid) as 选课数,sum(score.score) as total from score
left join student on score.sid=student.sid
group by sid
select count(tname) from teacher where tname like '马%';
select cid from course left join teacher on course.tid=teacher.tid where tname='马宏宇';
select score.sid from score
where cid in (select cid from course left join teacher on course.tid=teacher.tid where tname='马宏宇');
select * from student
where sid not in
(select score.sid from score where cid in (select cid from course left join teacher on course.tid=teacher.tid where tname='马宏宇'));
select A.sid from (select sid from score where cid='01') as A inner join (select sid from score where cid='02') as B on A.sid=B.sid
select sid ,sname from student where sid in
(select A.sid from (select sid from score where cid='01') as A inner join (select sid from score where cid='02') as B on A.sid=B.sid);

select cid from course left join teacher on course.tid=teacher.tid where tname='马宏宇';
select student.sid ,sname from student
left join score on student.sid=score.sid
where score.cid in (select cid from course left join teacher on course.tid=teacher.tid where tname='马宏宇');

select A.sid,two,one from
(select sid,score as two from score where cid='02') as A
left join
(select sid,score as one from score where cid='01') as B
on A.sid=B.sid
where two<if(isnull(one),0,one)
select student.sid ,student.sname,one,two from student right join
(select A.sid,two,one from
(select sid,score as two from score where cid='02') as A
left join
(select sid,score as one from score where cid='01') as B
on A.sid=B.sid
where two<if(isnull(one),0,one)) as C
on student.sid=C.sid;
select distinct student.sid,sname from student
right join (select sid ,score from score where score < 60) as A
on student.sid=A.sid;
select sid,count(cid) as num from score group by sid having num=5;
select sid,sname from student
where sid not in
(select sid from score group by sid having count(cid)=5);
select distinct score.sid,sname from score left join student on score.sid=student.sid
where score.cid in (select cid from score where sid = '01')
select distinct score.sid,sname from score left join student on score.sid=student.sid
where score.cid in (select cid from score where sid = '01') and score.sid !='01';
select score.sid,sname from score left join student on score.sid=student.sid
where score.cid in (select cid from score where sid='02') and score.sid !='02';

delete from score where cid in (select cid from teacher left join course on teacher.tid=course.tid where tname='马继祖');

16、按平均成绩从低到高显示所有学生的“语文”、“数学”、“英语”三门的课程成绩,按如下形式显示: 学生ID,语文,数学,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分; 方法一:
select sid,(select score from score where A.sid=score.sid and cid='01')as yw,
(select score from score where A.sid=score.sid and cid='02')as sx,
(select score from score where A.sid=score.sid and cid='03')as yy, count(A.cid) as num,avg(A.score) as mean
from score as A group by sid
order by mean;
select sid,(select score from score left join course on score.cid=course.cid where A.sid=score.sid and cname='语文')as yw,
(select score from score left join course on score.cid=course.cid where A.sid=score.sid and cname='数学')as sx,
(select score from score left join course on score.cid=course.cid where A.sid=score.sid and cname='英语')as yy,
count(A.cid) as num,avg(A.score) as mean
from score as A group by sid
order by mean;

select cid,(select max(score) from score)as max,
(select min(score) from score)as min
from score as A group by cid;
select cid,(select avg(score) from score where A.cid=score.cid)as mean,
((select count(1) from score where score>60)/(count(1))*100) as jgl
from score as A group by cid
order by mean,jgl desc;
select cid,(select avg(score) from score where A.cid=score.cid)as mean,
(sum(case when A.score>60 then 1 else 0 end)/(count(1))*100) as jgl
from score as A group by cid
order by mean,jgl desc;
select cid,cname,tname,mean from teacher right join
(select score.cid,cname,tid,avg(score) as mean from score left join course on score.cid=course.cid group by cid)as A
on teacher.tid=A.tid order by mean desc;
20、查询各科成绩前三名的记录:(不考虑成绩并列情况)? (select sid ,cid ,score from score where cid='01' order by score limit 3)
(select sid ,cid ,score from score where cid='02' order by score limit 3)
(select sid ,cid ,score from score where cid='03' order by score limit 3)
(select sid ,cid ,score from score where cid='04' order by score limit 3)
(select sid ,cid ,score from score where cid='05' order by score limit 3);
select cid,count(sid) from score group by cid;
select student.sid,sname from student right join
(select sid,count(cid) as num from score group by sid having num=1) as A
on student.sid=A.sid;
select gender,count(1) from student group by gender;
select * from student where sname like '赵%';
select sname,count(1) as num from student group by sname
having num>1;
select cid,avg(score) as mean from score group by cid
order by mean,cid desc;
select score.sid,sname,avg(score) as mean from score left join student on score.sid=student.sid
having mean>60;
select sid,cname,score from score left join course on score.cid=course.cid
where score<60 and cname='数学';
select score.sid,sname,score from score left join student on score.sid=student.sid
where score>80 and score.cid='03'
select count(sid) as num from (select distinct sid from score) as A;
select score.sid,sname,score from score left join student on score.sid=student.sid
where score.cid in (select cid from course left join teacher on course.tid=teacher.tid where tname='马宏宇') order by score desc
limit 1;
select cid ,count(1) from score group by cid;
select s1.sid,s1.cid,s1.score from score as s1,score as s2 where s1.score=s2.score and s1.cid!=s2.cid;
(select cid,sid,score from score where cid='01' order by score desc limit 2)
(select cid,sid,score from score where cid='02' order by score desc limit 2)
(select cid,sid,score from score where cid='03' order by score desc limit 2)
(select cid,sid,score from score where cid='04' order by score desc limit 2)
(select cid,sid,score from score where cid='05' order by score desc limit 2);

select sid ,count(cid) as num from score group by sid having num>1;
select score.cid,cname,count(sid) as num from score left join course on score.cid=course.cid
group by cid having num=(select count(1) from student);

select score.sid,sname from score left join student on score.sid=student.sid
where score.sid not in
(select cid from course left join teacher on course.tid=teacher.tid where tname='马宏宇');

select score.sid,sname,avg(score) as mean from score left join student on score.sid=student.sid
group by score.sid
having sid in
(select sid from (select sid from score where score<60) as A group by sid having count(1) >2);

select sid,score from score where cid='01' and score <60 order by score desc;
40、删除“02”同学的“01”课程的成绩; delete from score where sid='02' and cid='01';

posted @ 2019-04-23 16:36  雪舞飞扬2019  阅读(1024)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报