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scrapy 框架


>>> response.css('title::text').extract()
['Quotes to Scrape']

There are two things to note here:
  (1)one is that we’ve added ::text to the CSS query, to mean we want to select only the text elements directly inside <title> element. If we don’t specify ::text, we’d get the full title element, including its tags:  
  (2)the other thing is that the result of calling .extract() is a list, because we’re dealing with an instance of SelectorList. When you know you just want the first result, as in this case, you can do:
When you know you just want the first result, as in this case, you can do:
>>> response.css('title::text').extract_first()
'Quotes to Scrape'

Besides the extract() and extract_first() methods, you can also use the re() method to extract using regular expressions:
>>> response.css('title::text').re(r'Quotes.*')
['Quotes to Scrape']
>>> response.css('title::text').re(r'Q\w+')
>>> response.css('title::text').re(r'(\w+) to (\w+)')
['Quotes', 'Scrape']

posted @ 2017-08-01 21:07  yugengde  阅读(201)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报