· 自定义模块
· 第三方模块
· 内置模块
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import module from module.xx.xx import xx from module.xx.xx import xx as rename from module.xx.xx import *
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import sys
for item in sys.path: # python系统路径 print(item) 输出: C:\Python3.5\python.exe C:/software/github/Python/day5/s2.py C:\software\github\Python\day5 C:\Users\lilongzi\PycharmProjects\Python C:\software\github\Python C:\Python3.5\python35.zip C:\Python3.5\DLLs C:\Python3.5\lib C:\Python3.5 C:\Python3.5\lib\site-packages C:\Python3.5\lib\site-packages\setuptools-27.2.0-py3.5.egg
sys.path.append('E:\\') # 添加系统路径
1)序列化相关 json pickle (序列化是指将)
json 用于【字符串】 和 【python基础数据类型】间进行转换
pickle 用于【python特有类型】 和 【python基础数据类型】间进行转换
json 和 pickle 都提供了四个功能: dumps、dump、loads、load
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import json
dic = {'k1': 'v1'} result = json.dumps(dic) # 序列化 将python的基础数据类型转化成字符串形式 print(result, type(result))
s1 = '{"k1": 123}' dic1 = json.loads(s1) # 反序列化 将字符串类型转换成python数据类型 print(s1, type(dic1))
输出 {"k1": "v1"} <class 'str'> {"k1": 123} <class 'dict'>
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json.dump(dic, open('test', 'w')) # 序列化之前,写入一个文件
result = json.load(open('test', 'r')) # 读文件,再操作序列化
print(result, type(result))
输出 {'k1': 'v1'} <class 'dict'>
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import requests
import json
response = requests.get('http://wthrcdn.etouch.cn/weather_mini?city=上海') response.encoding = 'utf-8'
dic = json.loads(response.text) print(dic, type(dic))
输出 {'status': 1000, 'desc': 'OK', 'data': {'yesterday': {'low': '低温 19℃', 'fx': '东北风', 'high': '高温 21℃', 'date': '26日星期三', 'fl': '3-4级', 'type': '大雨'}}...<class 'dict'>
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import pickle
# pickle 只能Python识别 不适用于别的语言 li = [11, 22, 33] r = pickle.dumps(li) print(r)
result = pickle.loads(r) print(result)
输出: b'\x80\x03]q\x00(K\x0bK\x16K!e.' # 转换成了只有Python自己能识别的代码 [11, 22, 33]
json/pickle 区别
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# json更加适合跨语言 字符串 基本数据类 # pickle 处理Python复杂类型的序列化 缺点是仅适用于Python
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import json
li = '["kobe", "jordan"]' # 正确写法 #li = "['kobe', 'jordan']" # 错误写法 ret = json.loads(li) print(ret, type(ret))
输出 ['kobe', 'jordan'] <class 'list'>
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print(time.time()) # 时间戳 print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) # 格式化的字符串 print(time.localtime()) # 结构化时间
输出 1477623310.350726 2016-10-28 time.struct_time(tm_year=2016, tm_mon=10, tm_mday=28, tm_hour=10, tm_min=55, tm_sec=10, tm_wday=4, tm_yday=302, tm_isdst=0)
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import time
print(time.ctime()) print(time.ctime(time.time()-86400))
# 输出 # Fri Oct 28 11:06:30 2016 # Thu Oct 27 11:06:30 2016 print(time.gmtime()) time_obj = time.gmtime() print(time_obj.tm_year, time_obj.tm_mon, time_obj.tm_mday) print(time.mktime(time_obj))
# 输出 # time.struct_time(tm_year=2016, tm_mon=10, tm_mday=28, tm_hour=3, tm_min=12, tm_sec=44, # tm_wday=4, tm_yday=302, tm_isdst=0) # 2016 10 28 # 1477595761.0
# 将struct_time格式转换成指定格式 print(time.localtime()) print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%S", time.localtime())) # 与strftime相反 将字符串转换成strcut格式 tm = time.strptime("2016-10-10 10:50", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") print(tm)
# 输出 # time.struct_time(tm_year=2016, tm_mon=10, tm_mday=28, tm_hour=11, tm_min=17, # tm_sec=30, tm_wday=4, tm_yday=302, tm_isdst=0) # 2016-10-28 11:30 # time.struct_time(tm_year=2016, tm_mon=10, tm_mday=10, tm_hour=10, tm_min=50, # tm_sec=0, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=284, tm_isdst=-1)
import datetime print(datetime.datetime.now()) # 显示当前时间 print(datetime.date.today()) print(datetime.date.fromtimestamp(time.time()-86400)) # 将时间戳转换成格式化日期
# 时间加减 print(datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=10)) # 比现在加10天 print(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=10)) # 比现在晚10天 print(datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=10)) # 加10小时 current_time = datetime.datetime.now() print(current_time.replace(2015, 10, 10)) # 直接替换时间 print(datetime.datetime.strptime("09/10/15 11:40", "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"))
# 输出 # 2016-10-28 11:21:54.580869 # 2016-10-28 # 2016-10-27 # 2016-11-07 11:21:54.580869 # 2016-10-18 11:21:54.580869 # 2016-10-28 21:21:54.580869 # 2015-10-10 11:21:54.580869 # 2015-10-09 11:40:00
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%Y Year with century as a decimal number. %m Month as a decimal number [01,12]. %d Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31]. %H Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23]. %M Minute as a decimal number [00,59]. %S Second as a decimal number [00,61]. %z Time zone offset from UTC. %a Locale's abbreviated weekday name. %A Locale's full weekday name. %b Locale's abbreviated month name. %B Locale's full month name. %c Locale's appropriate date and time representation. %I Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12]. %p Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
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import logging
# 设置输出文件、文件格式和日志级别 logging.basicConfig(filename='example.log', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
# 开始打印日志信息 logging.debug('This message should go to the log file') logging.info('So should this') logging.warning('And this, too') logging.warning("user [kobe] attempted wrong password more than 3 times") logging.critical("Server is down...")
# 输出 example.log>> 10/28/2016 01:12:14 PM So should this 10/28/2016 01:12:14 PM And this, too 10/28/2016 01:12:14 PM user [kobe] attempted wrong password more than 3 times 10/28/2016 01:12:14 PM Server is down...
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# 1、创建logger 谁去发日志 logger = logging.getLogger('TEST-LOG') # 先获取logger对象 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # 设置全局日志级别
# 2、创建Handler 发给屏幕 ch = logging.StreamHandler() # 在屏幕上打印 ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # 设置在屏幕上打印日志的全局级别
# 3、创建Handler 文件 fh = logging.FileHandler("access.log") fh.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # 日志局部级别 fh_err = logging.FileHandler("error.log") fh_err.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
# 4、创建formatter输出格式 formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') formatter_for_file = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(filename)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# 5、分别设置格式 ch.setFormatter(formatter) fh.setFormatter(formatter_for_file) fh_err.setFormatter(formatter)
# 6、向logger注册 logger.addHandler(ch) logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(fh_err)
# 7、打印 logger.debug('debug message') logger.info('info message') logger.warn('warn message') logger.error('error message') logger.critical('critical message')
屏幕输出: 2016-10-28 13:20:13,656 - TEST-LOG - DEBUG - debug message 2016-10-28 13:20:13,656 - TEST-LOG - INFO - info message 2016-10-28 13:20:13,656 - TEST-LOG - WARNING - warn message 2016-10-28 13:20:13,656 - TEST-LOG - ERROR - error message 2016-10-28 13:20:13,657 - TEST-LOG - CRITICAL - critical message 文件输出: access.log>> 2016-10-28 13:20:13,656 - log.py - WARNING - warn message 2016-10-28 13:20:13,656 - log.py - ERROR - error message 2016-10-28 13:20:13,657 - log.py - CRITICAL - critical message error.log>> 2016-10-28 13:20:13,656 - TEST-LOG - ERROR - error message 2016-10-28 13:20:13,657 - TEST-LOG - CRITICAL - critical message
sys.argv 命令行参数List,第一个元素是程序本身路径 sys.exit(n) 退出程序,正常退出时exit(0) sys.version 获取Python解释程序的版本信息 sys.maxint 最大的Int值 sys.path 返回模块的搜索路径,初始化时使用PYTHONPATH环境变量的值 sys.platform 返回操作系统平台名称 sys.stdin 输入相关 sys.stdout 输出相关 sys.stderror 错误相关
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def view_bar(num, total): rate = num / total rate_num = int(rate * 100) r1 = '\r%s>%d%%' % ("="*num, rate_num,) # 加 r 的话让每次输出回到初始最前面位置 sys.stdout.write(r1) # 和print的区别就是不加换行符 sys.stdout.flush() # 清空屏幕输出
for i in range(0, 101): time.sleep(0.1) view_bar(i, 100)
os.getcwd() 获取当前工作目录,即当前python脚本工作的目录路径 os.chdir("dirname") 改变当前脚本工作目录;相当于shell下cd os.curdir 返回当前目录: ('.') os.pardir 获取当前目录的父目录字符串名:('..') os.makedirs('dir1/dir2') 可生成多层递归目录 os.removedirs('dirname1') 若目录为空,则删除,并递归到上一级目录,如若也为空,则删除,依此类推 os.mkdir('dirname') 生成单级目录;相当于shell中mkdir dirname os.rmdir('dirname') 删除单级空目录,若目录不为空则无法删除,报错;相当于shell中rmdir dirname os.listdir('dirname') 列出指定目录下的所有文件和子目录,包括隐藏文件,并以列表方式打印 os.remove() 删除一个文件 os.rename("oldname","new") 重命名文件/目录 os.stat('path/filename') 获取文件/目录信息 os.sep 操作系统特定的路径分隔符,win下为"\\",Linux下为"/" os.linesep 当前平台使用的行终止符,win下为"\t\n",Linux下为"\n" os.pathsep 用于分割文件路径的字符串 os.name 字符串指示当前使用平台。win->'nt'; Linux->'posix' os.system("bash command") 运行shell命令,直接显示 os.environ 获取系统环境变量 os.path.abspath(path) 返回path规范化的绝对路径 os.path.split(path) 将path分割成目录和文件名二元组返回 os.path.dirname(path) 返回path的目录。其实就是os.path.split(path)的第一个元素 os.path.basename(path) 返回path最后的文件名。如何path以/或\结尾,那么就会返回空值。即os.path.split(path)的第二个元素 os.path.exists(path) 如果path存在,返回True;如果path不存在,返回False os.path.isabs(path) 如果path是绝对路径,返回True os.path.isfile(path) 如果path是一个存在的文件,返回True。否则返回False os.path.isdir(path) 如果path是一个存在的目录,则返回True。否则返回False os.path.join(path1[, path2[, ...]]) 将多个路径组合后返回,第一个绝对路径之前的参数将被忽略 os.path.getatime(path) 返回path所指向的文件或者目录的最后存取时间 os.path.getmtime(path) 返回path所指向的文件或者目录的最后修改时间
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# import hashlib
# obj = hashlib.md5(bytes('sdfsdfsadf', encoding='utf-8')) # 加bytes任意字符防止被撞库破译 # obj.update(bytes('123', encoding='utf-8')) # r = obj.hexdigest() # print(r)
# python内置还有一个 hmac 模块,它内部对我们创建 key 和 内容 进行进一步的处理然后再加密 # import hmac
# h = hmac.new(bytes('898oaFs09f',encoding="utf-8")) # h.update(bytes('admin',encoding="utf-8")) # print(h.hexdigest())
. 匹配除换行符以外的任意字符 \w 匹配字母或数字或下划线或汉字 \s 匹配任意的空白符 \d 匹配数字 \b 匹配单词的开始或结束 ^ 匹配字符串的开始 $ 匹配字符串的结束 * 重复零次或更多次 + 重复一次或更多次 ? 重复零次或一次 {n} 重复n次 {n,} 重复n次或更多次
{n,m} 重复n到m次
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# import re
# match # print(re.match('com', 'comwww.runcombb').group()) # match 匹配起始位置 # print(re.search('com', 'www.runcombb').group()) # search 匹配第一次位置
# sub subn 匹配 替换 # print(re.sub("g.t", "have", 'I get A, get B', 1)) # 1表示只替换1次 # print(re.subn("g.t", "have", 'I get A, get B')) # 提示替换了几次
# split # print(re.split('\d+', 'one1two2three3four4')) # 有空格 # 输出 # ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', '']
# compile 封装一个固定匹配规则供多次调用 # s = "JGood is a boy,so cool..." # r = re.compile(r'\w*oo\w*') # 查找所有包含oo的单词 # print(r.findall(s)) # 输出: # ['JGood', 'cool']
# 反斜杠 # 在Python中 要进行两次转义才能匹配一个带反斜杠的字符 所以需要4个 \\\\ # print(re.search("\\\\com", "\comcn").group())
# 单词 # print(re.findall(r'I\b', 'I&am Ikobe')) # 有很多字符可以用来分隔单词 这里使用&
# 分组 # 去已经匹配到的数据中再提取数据 # origin = 'has sdfsdfsdfwer432' # r = re.match("h\w+", origin) # 输出:has () {} # r = re.match("h(\w+)", origin) # 输出:has ('as',) {} # r = re.match("h(?P<name>\w+)", origin) # 输出:has ('as',) {'name': 'as'} # print(r.group()) # print(r.groups()) # print(r.groupdict())
# findall 分组 # origin = "hasaabc halaaabc" # r = re.findall("h(\w+)a(ab)c", origin) # 首先整体匹配 再将分组放入结果 # print(r) # 输出: # [('as', 'ab'), ('ala', 'ab')]
# spilt 分组 # origin = "hello alex abc alex age" # r = re.split("a(le)x", origin, 1) # 忽略了alex 直接匹配le # print(r) # 输出: # ['hello ', 'le', ' abc alex age']
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# IP: # ^(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[0-1]?\d?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[0-1]?\d?\d)){3}$
# 手机号: # ^1[3|4|5|8][0-9]\d{8}$
# 邮箱: # [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+
用于处理特定格式的文件 实质上是通过open来操作文件
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[section1] k1 = 123 k2 = v2
[section2] k1 = 456 k2 = v2 k3 = v3
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import configparser
# 1、读取文件 读取节点 config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('conf_file', encoding='utf-8') ret = config.sections() # 获取所有节点 返回一个列表 ret1 = config.items('section1') # 读取节点下的键值对 ret2 = config.options('section1') # 读取某个节点下的键
print(ret) print(ret1) print(ret2)
# 2、读取节点键值 v = config.get('section1', 'k1') # 获取指定key下的值 默认 str 类型 # v = config.getint('section1', 'k1') # v = config.getfloat('section1', 'k1') # v = config.getboolean('section1', 'k1') print(v, type(v))
# 3、检查 添加 删除节点 has_sec = config.has_section('section1') print(has_sec)
# config.add_section('section5') # config.write(open('conf_file', 'w'))
# config.remove_section('section3') # config.write(open('conf_file', 'w'))
# 4、检查 删除 设置 指定组内的键值对 has_opt = config.has_option('section1', 'k1') print(has_opt)
# config.remove_option('section2', 'k3') # config.write(open('conf_file', 'w'))
config.set('section5', 'k1', '123') config.write(open('conf_file', 'w'))
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from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
# xml有两个常见格式 # 1)直接读取字符串格式的xml str_xml = open('xo.xml', 'r').read() root = ET.XML(str_xml) # 这里没有建立 xml tree 所以不能直接将内存中的xml写回文件
# 2)读取xml格式文件 # tree = ET.parse('xo.xml') # 首先建立了一个 xml tree 对象 # root = tree.getroot() # print(root) # 获取根节点 # print(root.tag) # 取根节点名 # print(root.attrib) # 获取节点属性
# 3) 遍历多层xml for child in root: print(child.tag, child.attrib) for child_second in child: print(child_second.tag, child_second.text) # child_second.text 节点内容
# 4) 遍历指定的节点 for node in root.iter('year'): print(node.tag, node.text)
# 5) 修改节点内容 for node in root.iter('year'): new_year = int(node.text) + 1 node.text = str(new_year)
node.set('name', 'london') node.set('age', '18')
del node.attrib['age']
tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write('new_xo.xml', encoding='utf-8')
# 6、删除节点 str_xml = open('xo.xml', 'r').read() root = ET.XML(str_xml) for country in root.findall('country'): rank = int(country.find('rank').text) if rank > 50: root.remove(country)
tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write('new_xoo.xml', encoding='utf-8')
# 7、创建 xml 文档
from xml.dom import minidom
def prettify(elem): """将节点转换成字符串,并添加缩进。 """ rough_string = ET.tostring(elem, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t")
# 创建根节点 root = ET.Element("famliy")
# 创建大儿子 # son1 = ET.Element('son', {'name': '儿1'}) son1 = root.makeelement('son', {'name': '儿1'}) # 创建小儿子 # son2 = ET.Element('son', {"name": '儿2'}) son2 = root.makeelement('son', {"name": '儿2'})
# 在大儿子中创建两个孙子 # grandson1 = ET.Element('grandson', {'name': '儿11'}) grandson1 = son1.makeelement('grandson', {'name': '儿11'}) # grandson2 = ET.Element('grandson', {'name': '儿12'}) grandson2 = son1.makeelement('grandson', {'name': '儿12'})
son1.append(grandson1) son1.append(grandson2)
# 把儿子添加到根节点中 root.append(son1) root.append(son1)
raw_str = prettify(root) # 自动添加缩进
f = open("xxxoo.xml", 'w', encoding='utf-8') f.write(raw_str) f.close()
用来处理 文件 文件夹 压缩包 的模块
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import shutil
# 拷贝文件内容 shutil.copyfileobj(open('old.xml', 'r'), open('new.xml', 'w'))
# 拷贝文件 shutil.copyfile('f1.log', 'f2.log')
# 拷贝权限 shutil.copymode('f1.log', 'f2.log')
# 拷贝文件状态信息 shutil.copystat('f1.log', 'f2.log')
# 拷贝文件和权限 shutil.copy('f1.log', 'f2.log')
# 递归地拷贝文件夹 # shutil.copytree('folder1', 'folder2', ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('*.pyc', '*.txt'))
# 递归地删除文件 # shutil.rmtree('folder2')
# 递归地移动重命名文件 # shutil.move('folder2', 'folder3')
# 打包文件 ret = shutil.make_archive(r'C:\GitHub\Python\day7\shutil\www', 'gztar', root_dir=r'C:\GitHub\Python\day7\shutil\folder1')
zipfile tarfile
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import zipfile
# 压缩 z = zipfile.ZipFile('z.zip', 'w') z.write('xo.xml') z.write('xxxoo.xml') z.close()
# 解压 z = zipfile.ZipFile('z.zip', 'r') for item in z.namelist(): print(item) # z.extractall() z.extract('xo.xml')
import tarfile
# 压缩 tar = tarfile.open('z.tar', 'w') tar.add('xo.xml', arcname='bbs2.log') tar.add('xxxoo.xml', arcname='cmdb.log') tar.close()
# 解压 tar = tarfile.open('z.tar', 'r') # for item in tar.getmembers(): # print(item, type(item)) obj = tar.getmember('cmdb.log') # 和zipfile不同的是 再解压特定文件前要先获取文件特殊对象值 tar.extract(obj) tar.close()
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import subprocess
# 返回命令执行结果 # result = subprocess.call('ls -l', shell=True) # result = subprocess.call(['ls', '-l'], shell=False) # print(result)
# subprocess.check_call(["ls", "-l"]) # subprocess.check_call("exit 1", shell=True)
# 好像没Python废弃了 subprocess.check_output(["echo", "Hello World!"], shell=False) subprocess.check_output("exit 1", shell=True)
# 2、执行复杂的系统相关命令
# 1)切换目录再执行命令 obj = subprocess.Popen("mkdir t3", shell=True, cwd='/home/dev',)
# 2)有多行且复杂的命令使用三个接口 # obj = subprocess.Popen(["python"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # obj.stdin.write("print(1)\n") # 传命令接口 # obj.stdin.write("print(2)") # obj.stdin.close() # # cmd_out = obj.stdout.read() # 读接口 # obj.stdout.close() # cmd_error = obj.stderr.read() # 读错误接口 # obj.stderr.close() # # print(cmd_out) # print(cmd_error)
# 3)一次读输出 # obj = subprocess.Popen(["python"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # obj.stdin.write("print(1)\n") # obj.stdin.write("print(2)") # # out_error_list = obj.communicate() # print(out_error_list)
# 4)简单写法 # obj = subprocess.Popen(["python"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # out_error_list = obj.communicate('print("hello")') # print(out_error_list)