Dragon Boat Festival Revised

Festival Preparation
During the Dragon Boat Festival, our family's preparations always exude a strong sense of ritual. We hang wormwood and calamus at home, intending to drive away evil spirits and pray for the well-being of our family. This traditional custom, though simple, embodies profound cultural heritage and sincere wishes from our family. Before the festival, family members have clear divisions of labor. My mother is busy purchasing ingredients like glutinous rice, bamboo leaves, red dates, and bean paste, while my father carefully cleans the bamboo leaves. I, on the other hand, assist in mixing the glutinous rice. As we busy ourselves with preparations, we chat about the flavors and shapes of zongzi, sharing customs and stories about the Dragon Boat Festival, creating a warm and harmonious atmosphere in the family. Although I cannot return home this year due to some reasons, the zongzi at school is equally delicious and memorable.
Cultural Reflection
For me, the Dragon Boat Festival is an opportunity for profound cultural inheritance and promotion. Every time this festival comes, I can deeply feel the charm of the long history and splendid culture of the Chinese nation. The story of Qu Yuan is not just a legend, but an important symbol of the Chinese national spirit. His patriotism and concern for the country and people deserve to be passed down through generations. While enjoying the joy and delicacies of the festival, I also reflect on my attitude and behavior towards traditional culture, thinking about how to better inherit and promote Chinese culture, integrating the essence of traditional culture into daily life.
Memories and Tradition
The warm scenes of last year's Dragon Boat Festival are still vivid in my mind. Our family went to the lakeside to watch the dragon boat races together. The drums thundered, and the dragon boats darted like arrows from a bow. The contestants rowed vigorously, while the spectators cheered with joy, creating a lively and exciting atmosphere. At this moment, I deeply felt the joy and unity brought by the Dragon Boat Festival. Besides watching the dragon boat races, we also tasted the family-made zongzi together, each one filled with the taste of home and the warmth of love. This traditional custom not only allowed us to enjoy delicious food, but also deeply felt the warmth of home and the joy of reunion.
Short Trip
This Dragon Boat Festival, I intend to embark on the journey to teng wang pavilion with the awe of history and the love of culture. Teng wangge, a historical building, not only attracts tourists with its magnificent appearance, but also carries profound cultural deposits and humanistic feelings.
Early in the morning, when the first ray of sunshine filled the earth, I embarked on the journey to teng wang pavilion with full expectation. I chose the way to walk, and I enjoyed the streets and alleys of nanchang along the way, and felt the unique flavor of the city. The streets are lined with trees and flowers, as if telling the story of nanchang. With the step of step, I came to the foot of teng wang pavilion. When I first entered the house, I felt a little tired, but when I looked up at the lofty castle, a kind of ambition came to me.
At last, I came to the top of teng wang pavilion. Standing here, I looked down on the whole city of nanchang, a sense of grandeur and pride. I took a deep breath and felt the pulse and breath of the city. Here, I can not only enjoy the magnificent scenery of nanchang, but also deeply understand the historical and cultural background of teng wangge.
During my stay in teng wangge, I plan to visit the city and feel the daily life atmosphere in nanchang. I will walk on the bustling streets to taste nanchang's special food. In addition to jars and Fried rice noodles, I will try some other local snacks, such as nanchang croaker soup and grilled fish. These foods are not only delicious, but also reflect the wisdom and emotion of local people. While enjoying the food, I will have a deeper understanding of the culture and sentiment of nanchang.
In addition, I plan to visit some historical sites and museums on the way to and from my destination. Nanchang, a city with a long history, has a rich historical and cultural heritage. I will go to nanchang eight memorial hall and nanchang museum and other places to visit and study. Here I can learn more about the historical and cultural background of nanchang and feel the unique charm of the city.
Finally, when my trip to nanchang was near the end, I planned to choose a local teahouse to spend a leisurely time. In the elegant environment of the teahouse, I will taste local special tea snacks such as refreshments and tea cakes. In the process of tea tasting, I will relax and communicate with the teachers of teahouse to learn the knowledge of tea art and feel the unique charm of Chinese traditional tea culture. This experience not only makes me find a moment of peace in my busy life, but also makes me appreciate the beauty and richness of life under the influence of culture. I believe this Dragon Boat Festival teng wang ge tour will be an unforgettable experience.
Through this trip, I will have a deeper understanding of the history and culture of nanchang and feel the unique charm of the city. At the same time, I will gain more knowledge and perception in the journey to add more color and significance to my life.

posted @ 2024-06-20 19:03  墨迹与山川  阅读(4)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报