

Downloading and installing AutoHotkey

AutoHotkey Homepage.

How to create a script

Give the script a new name. Note: It must end with a .ahk extension. Ex. MyScript.ahk

 Hotkeys & Hotstrings

What is a Hotkey?

It is a key or key combination that the person at the keyboard presses to trigger some actions.

   Send, My First Script

What is a Hotstring?

Hotstrings are mainly used to expand abbreviations as you type them (auto-replace), they can also be used to launch any scripted action. 

::ftw::Free the whales
   MsgBox You typed "btw".
   MsgBox Escape!!!!

Keys and their mysterious symbols

# Win (Windows logo key)
! Alt
^ Control
+ Shift
& An ampersand may be used between any two keys or mouse buttons to combine them into a custom hotkey.

 Window specific hotkeys/hotstrings

 1 ; Notepad
 2 #IfWinActive untitled - Notepad
 3 !q::
 4    MsgBox, You pressed Alt and Q in Notepad.
 5 Return
 6 #IfWinActive
 8 ; Any window that isn't Untitled - Notepad
 9 !q::
10    MsgBox, You pressed Alt and Q in any window.
11 Return


::btw::By the way                          ; Replaces "btw" with "By the way" as soon as you press an EndChar.
:*:btw::By the way                         ; Replaces "btw" with "By the way" without needing an EndChar

^n::                                       ; Ctrl & n Hotkey
   run, notepad.exe                        ; Run the program notepad.exe when you press Ctrl & n
Return                                     ; This ends the hotkey. The code below this will not get triggered.

^b::                                       ; Ctrl & b Hotkey
   send, {ctrl down}c{ctrl up}             ; Copies the selected text. ^c could be used as well, but this method is more secure.
   SendInput, [b]{ctrl down}v{ctrl up}[/b] ; Wraps the selected text in bbcode (forum) Bold tags.
Return                                     ; This ends the hotkey. The code below this point will not get triggered.



AutoHotkey 01-The Basics:

AutoHotkey 02-HotKeys and HotStrings


posted on 2018-02-10 20:51  LiuYubao  阅读(361)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
