易耗品管理 第三四表 查询的存储过程



Create  Proc [SearchDetail]
@departmentName Nvarchar(50) ='',
@searchDate  DateTime , --查询时间
@dateTag Int =0,   --标识年或月,0月,1年
@articleSortName Nvarchar(50) =''
--@buyTatal float,
--@consumetotal float

Declare @c_LessDate DateTime
Declare @c_GreaterDate DateTime
Declare @l_LessDate DateTime
Declare @l_GreaterDate DateTime
 Set @c_LessDate=DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,@searchDate), 0)--当月第一天
 Set @c_GreaterDate=dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@searchDate)+1, 0))--当月最后一天
 Set @l_LessDate=DATEADD(mm,-1,@c_LessDate)
 Set @l_GreaterDate=DATEADD(mm,-1,@c_GreaterDate)
 Set @c_LessDate=DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,@searchDate), 0)--当年第一天
 Set @c_GreaterDate=dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,@searchDate)+1, 0))--当年最后一天 
 Set @l_LessDate=DATEADD(yyyy,-1,@c_LessDate)
 Set @l_GreaterDate=DATEADD(yyyy,-1,@c_GreaterDate)

Declare @lessDate Nvarchar(50)
Set @lessDate=convert(varchar(30),@c_LessDate,120)
Declare @GreaterDate Nvarchar(50)
Set  @GreaterDate=convert(varchar(30),@c_GreaterDate,120)
Declare @p_lessDate Nvarchar(50)
Declare @p_GreaterDate Nvarchar(50)
Set @p_lessDate=convert(varchar(30),@l_LessDate,120)
Set @p_GreaterDate=convert(varchar(30),@l_GreaterDate,120)

Select '物品类别'=Case
   When Buy.ArticleSortName is null Then Consume.ArticleSortName
   Else Buy.ArticleSortName
 isnull(Buy.Prefix,0) '上月购买', isnull(Buy.Nonce,0) '本月购买',isnull(Buy.BuyTotal,0) '购买总额',isnull(Buy.BuyCompare,0) '购买比较',isnull(Buy.BuyPercent,0) '购买升降%',
 isnull(Consume.Prefix,0) '上月消耗', isnull(Consume.Nonce,0) '本月消耗',isnull(Consume.BuyTotal,0) '消耗总额',isnull(Consume.BuyCompare,0) '消耗比较',isnull(Consume.BuyPercent,0) '消耗升降%'
(Select bc.ArticleSortName , bc.Prefix, bc.Nonce,a.BuyTotal, BuyCompare, BuyPercent
 (Select ArticleSortName=Case
   When b.ArticleSortName is null Then c.ArticleSortName
   Else b.ArticleSortName
 isnull(c.Prefix,0) Prefix, isnull(b.Nonce,0) Nonce,(isnull(b.Nonce,0)-isnull(c.Prefix,0)) BuyCompare,
 BuyPercent =Case
 When c.Prefix is null and b.Nonce is not null then '∞'
 When c.Prefix is not null and b.Nonce is  null then '0'
 When c.Prefix is not null and b.Nonce is not null then Cast((b.Nonce*100/c.Prefix) As nvarchar(10))
 (Select ArticleSortName, Sum(Price*Quantity) Nonce
 From vwStorage
 Where (DepartmentName Like '%'+ @departmentName + '%') And
 (BuyDate Between @lessDate And  @GreaterDate) And 
 ArticleSortName Like '%' + @articleSortName + '%' 
 Group By ArticleSortName ) b
 full join 
 (Select ArticleSortName, Sum(Price*Quantity) Prefix
 From vwStorage
 Where (DepartmentName Like '%'+ @departmentName + '%') And
 (BuyDate Between @p_lessDate And  @p_GreaterDate) And 
 ArticleSortName Like '%' + @articleSortName + '%' 
 Group By ArticleSortName ) c
 on b.ArticleSortName=c.ArticleSortName) bc
 Left join
(Select ArticleSortName,Sum(Price*Quantity) BuyTotal From vwStorage
 Group By ArticleSortName ) a
 on a.ArticleSortName=bc.ArticleSortName) As Buy

 full join
(Select bc.ArticleSortName , bc.Prefix, bc.Nonce,a.BuyTotal, BuyCompare, BuyPercent
 (Select ArticleSortName=Case
   When b.ArticleSortName is null Then c.ArticleSortName
   Else b.ArticleSortName
 isnull(c.Prefix,0) Prefix, isnull(b.Nonce,0) Nonce,(isnull(b.Nonce,0)-isnull(c.Prefix,0)) BuyCompare,
 BuyPercent =Case
 When c.Prefix is null and b.Nonce is not null then '∞'
 When c.Prefix is not null and b.Nonce is  null then '0'
 When c.Prefix is not null and b.Nonce is not null then Cast((b.Nonce*100/c.Prefix) As nvarchar(50))
 (Select ArticleSortName, Sum(Price*Quantity) Nonce
 From vwDelivery
 Where (DepartmentName Like '%'+ @departmentName + '%') And
 (OutDate Between @lessDate And  @GreaterDate) And 
 ArticleSortName Like '%' + @articleSortName + '%' 
 Group By ArticleSortName ) b
 full join 
 (Select ArticleSortName, Sum(Price*Quantity) Prefix
 From vwDelivery
 Where (DepartmentName Like '%'+ @departmentName + '%') And
 (OutDate Between @p_lessDate And  @p_GreaterDate) And 
 ArticleSortName Like '%' + @articleSortName + '%' 
 Group By ArticleSortName ) c
 on b.ArticleSortName=c.ArticleSortName) bc
 Left join
(Select ArticleSortName,Sum(Price*Quantity) BuyTotal From vwDelivery
 Group By ArticleSortName ) a
 on a.ArticleSortName=bc.ArticleSortName) As Consume
 on Buy.ArticleSortName=Consume.ArticleSortName





Create  Proc [SearchStatistics]
@departmentName Nvarchar(50) ='',
@searchDate  DateTime , --查询时间
@dateTag Int =0,   --标识年或月,0月,1年
@articleSortName Nvarchar(50) =''
--@buyTatal float,
--@consumetotal float

Declare @c_LessDate DateTime
Declare @c_GreaterDate DateTime
Declare @l_LessDate DateTime
Declare @l_GreaterDate DateTime
 Set @c_LessDate=DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,@searchDate), 0)--当月第一天
 Set @c_GreaterDate=dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@searchDate)+1, 0))--当月最后一天
 Set @l_LessDate=DATEADD(mm,-1,@c_LessDate)
 Set @l_GreaterDate=DATEADD(mm,-1,@c_GreaterDate)
 Set @c_LessDate=DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,@searchDate), 0)--当年第一天
 Set @c_GreaterDate=dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,@searchDate)+1, 0))--当年最后一天 
 Set @l_LessDate=DATEADD(yyyy,-1,@c_LessDate)
 Set @l_GreaterDate=DATEADD(yyyy,-1,@c_GreaterDate)

Declare @lessDate Nvarchar(50)
Set @lessDate=convert(varchar(30),@c_LessDate,120)
Declare @GreaterDate Nvarchar(50)
Set  @GreaterDate=convert(varchar(30),@c_GreaterDate,120)
Declare @p_lessDate Nvarchar(50)
Declare @p_GreaterDate Nvarchar(50)
Set @p_lessDate=convert(varchar(30),@l_LessDate,120)
Set @p_GreaterDate=convert(varchar(30),@l_GreaterDate,120)

Select '部门名称'=Case
   When Buy.DepartmentName is null Then Consume.DepartmentName
   Else Buy.DepartmentName
 isnull(Buy.Prefix,0) '上月购买', isnull(Buy.Nonce,0) '本月购买',isnull(Buy.BuyTotal,0) '购买总额',isnull(Buy.BuyCompare,0) '购买比较',isnull(Buy.BuyPercent,0) '购买升降%',
 isnull(Consume.Prefix,0) '上月消耗', isnull(Consume.Nonce,0) '本月消耗',isnull(Consume.BuyTotal,0) '消耗总额',isnull(Consume.BuyCompare,0) '消耗比较',isnull(Consume.BuyPercent,0) '消耗升降%'
(Select bc.DepartmentName , bc.Prefix, bc.Nonce,a.BuyTotal, BuyCompare, BuyPercent
 (Select DepartmentName=Case
   When b.DepartmentName is null Then c.DepartmentName
   Else b.DepartmentName
 isnull(c.Prefix,0) Prefix, isnull(b.Nonce,0) Nonce,(isnull(b.Nonce,0)-isnull(c.Prefix,0)) BuyCompare,
 BuyPercent =Case
 When c.Prefix is null and b.Nonce is not null then '∞'
 When c.Prefix is not null and b.Nonce is  null then '0'
 When c.Prefix is not null and b.Nonce is not null then Cast((b.Nonce*100/c.Prefix) As nvarchar(50))
 (Select DepartmentName, Sum(Price*Quantity) Nonce
 From vwStorage
 Where (DepartmentName Like '%'+ @departmentName + '%') And
 (BuyDate Between @lessDate And  @GreaterDate) And 
 ArticleSortName Like '%' + @articleSortName + '%' 
 Group By DepartmentName ) b
 full join 
 (Select DepartmentName, Sum(Price*Quantity) Prefix
 From vwStorage
 Where (DepartmentName Like '%'+ @departmentName + '%') And
 (BuyDate Between @p_lessDate And  @p_GreaterDate) And 
 ArticleSortName Like '%' + @articleSortName + '%' 
 Group By DepartmentName ) c
 on b.DepartmentName=c.DepartmentName) bc
 Left join
(Select DepartmentName,Sum(Price*Quantity) BuyTotal From vwStorage
 Group By DepartmentName ) a
 on a.DepartmentName=bc.DepartmentName) As Buy

 full join
(Select bc.DepartmentName , bc.Prefix, bc.Nonce,a.BuyTotal, BuyCompare, BuyPercent
 (Select DepartmentName=Case
   When b.DepartmentName is null Then c.DepartmentName
   Else b.DepartmentName
 isnull(c.Prefix,0) Prefix, isnull(b.Nonce,0) Nonce,(isnull(b.Nonce,0)-isnull(c.Prefix,0)) BuyCompare,
 BuyPercent =Case
 When c.Prefix is null and b.Nonce is not null then '∞'
 When c.Prefix is not null and b.Nonce is  null then '0'
 When c.Prefix is not null and b.Nonce is not null then Cast((b.Nonce*100/c.Prefix) As nvarchar(10))
 (Select DepartmentName, Sum(Price*Quantity) Nonce
 From vwDelivery
 Where (DepartmentName Like '%'+ @departmentName + '%') And
 (OutDate Between @lessDate And  @GreaterDate) And 
 ArticleSortName Like '%' + @articleSortName + '%' 
 Group By DepartmentName ) b
 full join 
 (Select DepartmentName, Sum(Price*Quantity) Prefix
 From vwDelivery
 Where (DepartmentName Like '%'+ @departmentName + '%') And
 (OutDate Between @p_lessDate And  @p_GreaterDate) And 
 ArticleSortName Like '%' + @articleSortName + '%' 
 Group By DepartmentName ) c
 on b.DepartmentName=c.DepartmentName) bc
 Left join
(Select DepartmentName,Sum(Price*Quantity) BuyTotal From vwDelivery
 Group By DepartmentName ) a
 on a.DepartmentName=bc.DepartmentName) As Consume
 on Buy.DepartmentName=Consume.DepartmentName



posted @ 2007-11-18 13:54  冰峰剑心  阅读(266)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报