reflective journal

What l have learnt
l have learnt a lot for the first two workshops. Not only learned some vocabulary and writing skills, but also improved some knowledge about video production.
Firstly, I understand what is semiotic choice and I came closer to understanding the role of semiotic choice. Furthermore, to make an engaging video, it is necessary to use a variety of semiotic options, such as visual and auditory elements and so on.
Secondly, l come to realize the conception of pedagogic metalanguage. I got the significance of making videos and the frame of videos.
In conclusion,the first two workshops helped me improve my ability to make videos and it inspired my passion to make high-quality videos and to learn English well.

posted @ 2024-03-24 17:24  捞星星的渔民1  阅读(4)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报