0:029> !help mk
SOSEX - Copyright 2007-2012 by Steve Johnson - http://www.stevestechspot.com/
To report bugs or offer feedback about SOSEX, please email sjjohnson@pobox.com
Usage: !sosex.mk [-l] [-p] [-a] [-c] [-cc]
Produces and displays a merged stack trace of managed and unmanaged frames.
Local variables and parameters can be listed by passing -l, -p, or -a
-l = Locals
-p = Parameters
-a = Locals and Parameters
-c = Clean (similar to the 'kc' command).  Does not show frame numbers, ESP, EIP or source info.
     -c cannot be used with any other switches.
-cc = Same as -c, but also strips namespaces.  Provides the most compact stack trace display.
Sample output: 

0:029> !mk

Thread 29:
           SP               IP
00:U 00000000053cc050 000007fefd2ccacd KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x3d
11:U 00000000053ce360 000007fef1fb3310 mscorwks!CorLaunchApplication+0xee90
12:M 00000000053ce510 000007ff001b064b WebApplication1._Default.Go(Int32, System.String)(+0x0 IL,+0x7b Native) [D:\temp\WebApplication1\Default.aspx.cs @ 18,9]
13:M 00000000053ce550 000007ff001b05a6 WebApplication1._Default.Page_Load(System.Object, System.EventArgs)(+0xd IL,+0x46 Native) [D:\temp\WebApplication1\Default.aspx.cs @ 14,13]
16:M 00000000053ce5e0 000007feec690584 System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(System.EventArgs)(+0x0 IL,+0x84 Native)



 0:029> !mk -p

Thread 29:
           SP               IP
12:M 00000000053ce510 000007ff001b064b WebApplication1._Default.Go(Int32, System.String)(+0x0 IL,+0x7b Native) [D:\temp\WebApplication1\Default.aspx.cs @ 18,9]
     [A0]:this:000000013f7acbf0 (WebApplication1._Default)
     [A1]:a:0x5 (System.Int32)
     [A2]:b:000000013f745878 (System.String) STRVAL="abcde"
13:M 00000000053ce550 000007ff001b05a6 WebApplication1._Default.Page_Load(System.Object, System.EventArgs)(+0xd IL,+0x46 Native) [D:\temp\WebApplication1\Default.aspx.cs @ 14,13]
     [A0]:this:000000013f7acbf0 (WebApplication1._Default)
     [A1]:sender:000000013f7acbf0 (System.Object)
     [A2]:e:00000001bf6264a0 (System.EventArgs)



 0:029> !mk -l

Thread 29:
           SP               IP
12:M 00000000053ce510 000007ff001b064b WebApplication1._Default.Go(Int32, System.String)(+0x0 IL,+0x7b Native) [D:\temp\WebApplication1\Default.aspx.cs @ 18,9]
     [L0]:tmp:0x5 (System.Int32)
13:M 00000000053ce550 000007ff001b05a6 WebApplication1._Default.Page_Load(System.Object, System.EventArgs)(+0xd IL,+0x46 Native) [D:\temp\WebApplication1\Default.aspx.cs @ 14,13]
posted on 2012-09-22 20:59  袁晓平  阅读(543)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报