hustle['hʌsl] and bustle ['bʌsl] 熙熙攘攘;忙碌 I hate all the hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping.
pile on 堆在.....之上;叠起
agonise ['æɡənaiz] vt. [英]挣扎;烦恼 vi. 感到苦闷;挣扎
sympathy ['simpəθi] n. 同情;慰问;赞同
Some people pile on their agonise and try to seek other’s sympathy by telling them how miserable they are.
hospitality [,hɔspi'tæləti] and generosity. [,dʒenə'rɔsəti] 热心与慷慨
tissue ['tiʃju:, -sju:] n. 纸巾;薄纱;一套 Could you please pass me the tissue?
trunk 行李箱
for ages 长期;多年;很久 Hi! Susan! I haven't seen you for ages!
for a while 暂时
laptop ['læptɔp] n. 膝上型轻便电脑 Can I use your laptop for a while?
help yourself 请自便 Please help yourself to whatever you like, don't be shy.
property 性质;财产;所有权
rising fears of bubbles 对泡沫的担忧日益加剧
be fascinated with ['fæsə'net] 着迷于
campus ['kæmpəs] n. (大学)校园;大学,大学生活;校园内的草地
negotiate [ni'ɡəuʃieit, -si-] vt. 谈判,商议;转让;越过
peacekeeper 维和人员
all things to all men 世故圆滑
the warring parties 交战双方 Maybe we all will be all things to all men. How terrible!
thirsty ['θə:sti] adj. 口渴的,口干的;渴望的,热望的
pull over 靠边停车;靠岸
goose [ɡus] n. 鹅;鹅肉;傻瓜;雌鹅
bloodshot ['blʌdʃɔt] adj. 充血的 Bob! Your eyes look bloodshot. Did you not sleep well?
banquet ['bæŋkwit] n. 宴会,盛宴;宴请,款待 vt. 宴请,设宴款待 vi. 参加宴会
dam [dæm] v. 控制;筑坝 Look, it's all water over the dam now. Let's leave it behind us. 看,一切都无法挽回,就别再多想了。
bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;[航](船等)停下 Could you give me some advice on how to bring up my son properly?
marvelous ['mɑ:viləs] adj. 了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的
refreshing [ri'freʃiŋ] adj. 提神的;使清爽的;使人重新振作的 v. 使清新;恢复精神(refresh的ing形式)
many happy returns of the day 年年有今日,岁岁有今朝
theatre ['θiətə] n. 电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂
palace ['pælis] n. 宫殿;宅邸;豪华住宅
cough [kɔ:f] n. v. 咳嗽
awful a.可怕的,庄严的
Haven't seen you in ages! 好长时间不见
see sb off 送行 . I want to see you off at the airport.
admiration [,ædmə'reiʃən] n. 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕;赞美
driveway 车道
brown [braun] adj. 棕色的,褐色的;太阳晒黑的
madly ['mædli] adv. 疯狂地;发狂地;精神失常地
battlefield ['bætlfi:ld] 战场;沙场
instance ['instəns] 实例;情况;建议
at loose ends adv 无所适从;处于杂乱状态 When someone is feeling at loose ends,we may show mercy on him
mercy ['mə:si] 仁慈;宽容;怜悯
milk of human kindness 人之初,性本善
principle ['prinsəpl] n. 原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉
make a clear cut 明确表示
boarder ['bɔ:də] 寄宿生
hostess ['həustis] n. 女主人,女老板;女服务员;舞女;女房东
All feasts must come to an end 天下无不散的宴席
cash a check 兑换支票
louse up 毁坏;弄糟
reckon ['rekən] vt. 测算,估计;认为;计算 What would you reckon the taxing increases?
wiser adj. 聪明的;贤明的
glib [ɡlib] 口齿伶俐的,油嘴滑舌的 tongue [tʌŋ] n. 舌头;语言vt. 舔;斥责;用舌吹vi. 说话;吹管乐器
argue sb down 驳倒某人 He has a glib tongue. Few people can argue him down.
get under my skin 打扰我(俚语);激怒我;使我不爽
dreadful ['dredful] adj. 可怕的;糟透的,令人不快的 A really dreadful accident and many people were killed.
go ape over 对......狂热;对....发疯 It seems that he has gone ape over the girl.
bankrupt ['bæŋkrʌpt] 破产的;使破产
get one's goat 惹某人发火 I got my father’s goat last night.
flat broke 破产;身无分文
boast [bəust] 夸口说,自吹自擂说
hollow adj. 空的;中空的,空腹的;凹的;虚伪的n. 洞;山谷;窟窿 vt. 使成为空洞
cut and dried 事先准备好的;俗套的
I'm tired of your cut-and-dried opinions. Who do you think you are!
cut up vt. 切碎;抨击
cocaine [kə'kein] n. [药]可卡因
come to conclusion 得出结论;总结出结果
seldom ['seldəm] adv. 很少,不常 It seldom rains this summer.
have the hots for sb 迷恋上某人 Can’t you remember the days when you had the hots for me?
seduce [si'dju:s, -'du:s-] You tried to seduce me. I fell for you.
marriage ['mæridʒ] n. 结婚;婚姻生活;密切结合,合并
on the rocks 触礁;毁坏;破产 ;破裂 Do you know that Mary’s marriage is on the rocks?
skeleton ['skelitən] n. 骨架,骨骼;纲要;骨瘦如柴的人 family skeleton 家丑
have an axe [æks] to grind[ɡraɪnd] 另有所图;别有企图
hand-me-down adj. 传下来的;现成而价廉质次的 n. 传下来的东西;现成的廉价衣服
I hated the hand-me-downs to wear when I was a kid.\
butter up 对....说好话;恭维;奉承 It is time to butter him up.
grease [ɡri:s] 贿赂
palm [pɑ:m] n. 手掌;棕榈树;掌状物
go the extra mile 加倍努力;多付出代价;做额外的工作
poisonous ['pɔizənəs] adj. 有毒的;恶毒的;讨厌的 We’er breathing poisonous air every day.
call at 拜访;访问 Mr.Keller,may I call at your home sometime the week?
stereo ['steri,əu] 音响
When is good time for you? 你什么时候方便?
strange [streindʒ] adj. 奇怪的;陌生的;外行的 It seems so strange to be here, burying you, but it's not you.
Ashes [æʃ] to ashes and dust to dust. 尘归尘,土归土
leave cold 未能打动某人的心 Rock music really leaves me cold. What about you?
mosquito [mə'ski:təu] n. 蚊子
biting ['baitiŋ] adj. 刺痛的;辛辣的 v. 咬;抓住;刺进;欺骗(bite的ing形式)
The mosquitos are biting me!
scratching v. 划伤;擦伤;刮痕
sneaky ['sni:ki] adj. 鬼鬼祟祟的;暗中的,卑鄙的
bomb [bɔm] vt. 轰炸,投弹于 vi. 轰炸,投弹;失败 n. 炸弹
fed up with 受够了;极厌恶的 I'm fed up with his endless talking.
artificial [,ɑ:ti'fiʃəl] adj. 人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的
manner ['mænə] n. 方式;习惯;种类;规矩;风俗
turn me off 使某人感到厌烦 That guy's manner really turns me off.
the rush hours 上下班拥挤的时刻;(公共交通)高峰时间 Driving during the rush hours can be a bit of a bind
A bit of bind 太烦人了
pesky ['peski] adj. 讨厌的;麻烦的
brown off 出大错;惹恼
mall n. 购物商场;林荫路;铁圈球场 Are you ready to go to the mall?
pants [pænts] n. 裤子;短裤
sexual sexual ['seksjuəl] harassment ['hærəsmənt] 骚扰;烦恼
carrot ['kærət] 胡萝卜
be itching for sth 渴望做某事
allergy ['ælədʒi] n. 过敏症;[口]反感;厌恶
parade [pə'reid] 游行;阅兵;炫耀;行进;阅兵场 Mark is parade his knowledge again.
showing off 炫耀;显耀 He’s very good at showing off his knowledge.
selfish ['selfiʃ] adj. 自私的;利己主义的 Selfishness n.
instinct ['instiŋkt] n. 本能,直觉;天性
root and branch 彻底地;全部地;极端地
Selfishness is one human beings instincts. It is very difficult to get it out root and branch
draining the life out of 耗尽生命 Your company is draining the life out of you! 你公司想累死你
withdraw [wið'drɔ:, wiθ-] vt. 撤退;收回;撤消;拉开
philosophy [fi'lɔsəfi] n. 哲学;哲理;人生观
bat around 详细讨论;到处游荡 he is batting around 他到处游荡
alley ['æli] 小巷;小路;小径
laid of 下岗;解雇
down and out 贫困潦倒
bite [bait] 咬
in the chips 富有
butting ['bʌtiŋ] n. 对接;边界;用头撞人(犯规动作)
chatterbox n. 喋喋不休的人;唠叨的人
dump on sb 对某人太挑剔;吹毛求疵
mind your own business 自己把自己管好 He was very rude and told me to mind my own business
tape [teip] n. 胶带;磁带;带子;卷尺
keep beefing 发牢骚
washing machine 洗衣机
get used to 习惯于
childish ['tʃaildiʃ] adj 幼稚的,孩子气的
heal [hi:l] 治愈;痊愈 Your nose will heal.
pretend [pri'tend, pri:-] vt. 假装;假扮;伪称 vi. 假装;伪称 adj. 假装
diligent ['dilidʒənt] adj. 勤勉的;用功的,费尽心血的
hand down to sb 传给(后代) It has been handed down in my family for three generations.
granny ['ɡræni] n. 奶奶;外婆
kind-hearted 热心肠的
end up the richest 成为最富有的人
A new broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火
come along v.出现;一起来;陪伴;进步 your Chinese is coming along!
proofread ['pru:f,ri:d] vt. 校对,校勘 I just finished my paper. Can you proofread it before I hand it in
uniform adj. 统一的;一致的;相同的;均衡的;始终如一的 n. 制服 vt. 使穿制服;使成一样 What a nice uniform!
scarf [skɑ:f] 围巾
stomach ['stʌmək] 胃
negotiate [nɪ'ɡoʃɪet] vt. 谈判,商议;转让;越过
negotiator 谈判家
I am flattered ['flætɚ] 过奖了
punch [pʌntʃ] in 上班打卡
lipstick ['lipstik] n. 口红;唇膏
adorable [ə'dɔ:rəbl] adj. 可爱的;可敬重的,值得崇拜的
date back to 追溯到;始于
ornament['ɔ:nəmənt] 装饰品
crisp [krisp] adj. 脆的;新鲜的;易碎的
specialty ['speʃəlti] n. 专业,专长;特产;特性;招牌菜 adj. 特色的;专门的;独立的
partial ['pɑ:ʃəl] adj. 局部的;[口]偏爱的;不公平的
pin-up n. 美女画像(等于pinup) adj. 可钉在墙上的
peak 山峰
maple ['meipl] n. 枫树;淡棕色
leaves 树叶;花瓣
make my blood run cold 让我毛骨悚然
bad-tempered adj.脾气不好的;易怒的
strong-minded 有主见的;意志坚强的
funeral ['fju:nərəl] n. 葬礼;[口]麻烦事 adj. 丧葬的,出殡的
obituary [əu'bitjuəri] adj. 讣告的;死亡的 n. 讣告
nightmare ['naitmεə] n. 恶梦;梦魇般的经历 adj. 可怕的;噩梦似的
weeping ['wi:piŋ] adj. 哭泣的,滴水的;垂枝的 n. 哭泣
cover up 掩盖;盖住
mansion ['mænʃən] n. 大厦;宅邸
scary-looking 令人恐惧的样子
amusement [ə'mju:zmənt] n. 消遣,娱乐;乐趣
alarm clock 闹钟
posh [pɔʃ] adj. 时髦地;漂亮的;奢侈的
weird [wiəd] dj. 怪异的;不可思议的;超自然的 n. (苏格兰)命运;预言 You're acting weird tonight. 你今晚举止怪怪的。
goofy ['ɡu:fi] adj. 傻瓜的,愚笨的
auction ['ɔ:kʃən] vt. 拍卖;竞卖 n. 拍卖
blast [blæst] 爆炸;冲击波
lottery ['lɔtəri] n. 彩票;碰运气的事
fill out 填写;变丰满;变大
entry permits 入境卡
flight attendants 飞机乘务员
maternity [mə'tə:niti] n. 母性,母道;妇产科医院 adj. 产科的;产妇的,孕妇的
lyric ['lirik] adj. 抒情的;吟唱的 n. 抒情诗;歌词
tragedy ['trædʒədi] 悲剧;灾难;惨案
comedy 喜剧
see eye to eye with each other. 彼此意见一致
lent [lent] n. 借给;贷款(lend的过去式和过去分词)
show up 露面;露出
slip my mind 忘记;突然忘了
yell at 对......大叫;吼叫
look over 检查;查看
journey trip tour travel voyage有何区别
journey [ˈdʒɝnɪ] 侧重于随意的旅行;
trip 侧重于短途旅行;
travel 较正式,泛指旅行的行为而不指某次具体旅行;
tour [tuə] 一般指周游;
voyage ['vɔɪɪdʒ] 侧重于航海旅行
abroad [ə'brɔ:d] adv. 在国外;到海外 adj. 往国外的 n. 海外;异国
call at 拜访,访问;停靠(车站) How many ports do we call at on our passage
greener ['ɡri:nə] n. 没经验的人,生手 adj. 绿色的(green的比较级);未熟的
It's really wonderful here The grass is greener and the air is fresher than those in the city.
inn [in] n. 客栈;旅馆
Hello. This is the Holiday Inn
Tibet n. 西藏 Wow! You're going to Tibet?
itinerary [ai'tinərəri ] n. 路线,旅程;旅行指南
vinegar ['vɪnɪgə] 醋
chili [ˈtʃɪlɪ] 辣椒
salt [sɔlt] 盐
sauce n. 酱油;沙司;调味汁
onion ['ʌnjən] 洋葱
knife [naɪf] n. 刀;匕首
shallot [ʃə'lɑt] 小葱
Ginger ['dʒɪndʒɚ] 生姜
garlic 大蒜
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