随笔分类 - English
摘要:课程类: yoga 瑜伽 spinning ['spɪnɪŋ] 动感单车 body arts 身体艺术 aerobics [ɛ'robɪks] 有氧操 step 踏板 boxing 拳击 karate [kəˈrɑːti] 空手道 fitball 健身球操 hot ball 热力球操 ABS(abd
摘要:be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出 be at home/work 在家/上班 be good at 擅长于.... be careful of 当心;注意;仔细 be covered with 被.....覆盖 be ready for 为......做好准备 be surprised
摘要:英文地址与中文的顺序完全相反 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如X国X省X市X区X路X号,英文是X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国 X 室: Room X X 号:No. X X 单元:Unit X X 号楼:Building No. X X 小区: X Residential quarters X
摘要:wanna = want to gonna = going to gotta = have to gimme = give me 发音小技巧: fer 代替 for Oudda代替 out of don代替don't high heel 高跟鞋 flat 平底鞋 slippers 一脚蹬或拖鞋 sn
摘要:container 容器;集装箱 textile['tekstail] 纺织品 shipping ['ʃipiŋ] 海运;乘船运送 It will take 2 days for shipping to the port city of Ningbo。 freight [freit] n. 货运;运
摘要:blend [blend] 混合 snob [snɔb] n. 势利小人,势利眼;假内行 realignment managerial [,mæni'dʒiəriəl] adj. 管理的;经理的 nerve [nə:v] n. 神经;勇气;[植]叶脉 ladder ['lædə] n. 阶梯;途径;
摘要:superior [sju:'piriə] adj. 上级的;优秀的,出众的;高傲的 n. 上级,长官;优胜者,高手;长者appraisal [ə'preizəl] n. 评价;估价 wrapped [ræpt] adj. 有包装的(wrap的过去分词) heading out 走出;离开 head
摘要:hustle['hʌsl] and bustle ['bʌsl] 熙熙攘攘;忙碌 I hate all the hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping. pile on 堆在.....之上;叠起 agonise ['æɡənaiz] vt. [英]挣扎;烦恼 v
摘要:I really want to, but I got hundreds of things to do. / I'm tied up all day that day. 我真的很想去,但是我有好多好多事情要做。/我一整天都很忙。 I am sorry but I have to turn you
摘要:(1) be waken by 被什么吵醒 (2) wake up ! 快醒醒 (3) put the flames /fleimz/ 灭火 (4) is there a floor ? 发大水了吗? (5) be plotted to do sth 密谋做某事 for example : They