sql server 转置 和实现随机分配和一串代码的含义拼在一行
1、sql server 转置很容易搜到方法,一般需要手动写转置的列项,如果多时会比较烦,下面试了省事的方法:
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#student') is not null drop table #student
select dcdate,student,score
into #student
from ABC.dbo.t_student_mx
where dcdate='20180201'
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#student') is not null drop table #student
select dcdate,student,score
into #student
from ABC.dbo.t_student_mx
where dcdate='20180201'
declare @sql varchar(8000)
declare @sql2 varchar(8000)
select @sql = isnull(@sql+',','') + '['+student+']'
from #student
select @sql = isnull(@sql+',','') + '['+student+']'
from #student
print @sql
set @sql2 = 'select * into a from #student pivot(sum(score) for student in ('+@sql +')) t'
select *
into #b
from #student pivot(sum(score) for student in ([张三],[李四],[王五],[赵六],[陆七],[冯宝宝],[张楚兰],[王也])
select *
into #b
from #student pivot(sum(score) for student in ([张三],[李四],[王五],[赵六],[陆七],[冯宝宝],[张楚兰],[王也])
drop table #e
select distinct a.student,b.teacher,row_number() over (order by newid()) bm
into #e
from ABC.dbo.student a, ABC.dbo.v_teacher b
where b.teacher in ('黄磊','黄渤','张三')
select a.*
from #e a
where a.bm=(select max(bm) from #e z where a.student=z.student)
select teacher,count(1)
from #d
group by teacher
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#student_yg') is not null drop table #student_yg
select top 1 teacher,a.student,newid() id
into #student_yg
from ABC.dbo.student a, ABC.dbo.v_teacher b
where b.teacher in ('黄磊','黄渤','黄渤')
order by newid()
drop table #e
select distinct a.student,b.teacher,row_number() over (order by newid()) bm
into #e
from ABC.dbo.student a, ABC.dbo.v_teacher b
where b.teacher in ('黄磊','黄渤','张三')
select a.*
from #e a
where a.bm=(select max(bm) from #e z where a.student=z.student)
select teacher,count(1)
from #d
group by teacher
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#student_yg') is not null drop table #student_yg
select top 1 teacher,a.student,newid() id
into #student_yg
from ABC.dbo.student a, ABC.dbo.v_teacher b
where b.teacher in ('黄磊','黄渤','黄渤')
order by newid()
truncate table #student_yg
declare @student varchar(30)
declare cur cursor for
SELECT student FROM ABC.dbo.student_20180711
open cur
fetch next from cur into @student
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
print @student
exec( 'insert into #student_yg select top 1 teacher,a.student,newid() id from ABC.dbo.v_teacher b,ABC.dbo.student a
where b.teacher in (''黄磊'',''黄渤'',''黄渤'') and a.student='+@student+' order by newid()')
fetch next from cur into @student
close cur
deallocate cur
select teacher,count(1)
from #student_yg
group by teacher
declare @student varchar(30)
declare cur cursor for
SELECT student FROM ABC.dbo.student_20180711
open cur
fetch next from cur into @student
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
print @student
exec( 'insert into #student_yg select top 1 teacher,a.student,newid() id from ABC.dbo.v_teacher b,ABC.dbo.student a
where b.teacher in (''黄磊'',''黄渤'',''黄渤'') and a.student='+@student+' order by newid()')
fetch next from cur into @student
close cur
deallocate cur
select teacher,count(1)
from #student_yg
group by teacher
3、在数据查询时会遇到一些编码:比如123jw:1对应:好 2:吃,3;玩等,如何把123jw 翻印出来并用','隔开呢.
select distinct a.code,name=(stuff((select ','+code_name from ABC.dbo.code_name z where charindex(replace(z.code,' ',''),a.code)>0 for xml path('')),1,1,''))
from #b a
group by a.code
select distinct a.code,name=(stuff((select ','+code_name from ABC.dbo.code_name z where charindex(replace(z.code,' ',''),a.code)>0 for xml path('')),1,1,''))
from #b a
group by a.code