

ADJ-GRADED 奇怪的;古怪的;不寻常的If you describe someone or something as peculiar, you think that they are strange or unusual, sometimes in an unpleasant way.

Mr Kennet has a rather peculiar sense of humour...


VERB 退避;后退;离开If you retreat, you move away from something or someone.

'I've already got a job,' I said quickly, and retreated from the room...



VERB 教化;使开化To civilize a person or society means to educate them and improve their way of life.

...a comedy about a man who tries to civilise a woman—but she ends up civilising him...



ADJ 可想到的;可想象的;可以相信的If something is conceivable, you can imagine it or believe it.

Without their support the project would not have been conceivable...




posted on 2019-08-18 12:24  YUANya  阅读(201)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报