Unzip the files and open the cfadisk.inf file. In the [cfadisk_device] section add a line for your device. You'll have to do this by opening up regedit and going to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum and from there it depends if it's a USB drive (USBSTOR), IDE (IDE), etc. You need to copy the HardwareID registry value for your device.
For my USB CF card reader it was located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\U SBSTOR\Disk&Ven_Generic&Prod_______________CF&Rev_ 1.6E\0000001&0
So in the INF file I added the following line:
%Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,USBSTOR\DiskGeneric_______________ CF1.6E
Then you just go to the properties for that drive and manually select a newer driver and install the cfadisk.inf drive. That's it...So now if you want to use an ExtremeIII CF card (or any other card for that matter) you can simply install this driver and you're set.
首先要下载该驱动文件,然后进行相应的修改,老外在上面所说的是针对的USB CF卡读卡器,而我用的是直接CF卡当硬盘,CF卡在IDE接口上,针对IDE把老外上面的话翻译下:
解压附件,打开cfadisk.inf,在[cfadisk_device] 部分添加针对自己CF卡添加硬件信息。先先打开注册表编辑器找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\IDE下面有我的CF卡的信息,我的是DiskSTI_Flash_8.0.0__________________________01/17/07,然后我就在[cfadisk_device] 部分添加了
%Microdrive_devdesc% = cfadisk_install,IDE\DiskSTI_Flash_8.0.0__________________________01/17/07
说明:为什么要到注册表中找那个信息,因为你用CF卡启动后会自动安装该型号CF卡驱动读取卡中的硬件信息,所以新添加的驱动要带上该硬件信息。然后在设备管理器点开Disk drivers下面有CF卡,点右键,更新驱动程序,手动安装,找到cfadisk.inf,安装完后重新启动,OK,可以看到变化了,呵呵,此方法理论上对任何CF卡有效,如果搞出问题来,我可不负责任啊......