rasdial.exe /disconnect '断开
del "C:\Documents and Settings\hyuqin\Cookies\*.*" /Q '清Cookie
rasdial.exe 连接名 连接账户 连接密码 '连接
del "C:\Documents and Settings\hyuqin\Cookies\*.*" /Q '清Cookie
rasdial.exe 连接名 连接账户 连接密码 '连接
RASDisplay ras = new RASDisplay();
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public struct RASCONN
public int dwSize;
public IntPtr hrasconn;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 257)]
public string szEntryName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 17)]
public string szDeviceType;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 129)]
public string szDeviceName;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct RasStats
public int dwSize;
public int dwBytesXmited;
public int dwBytesRcved;
public int dwFramesXmited;
public int dwFramesRcved;
public int dwCrcErr;
public int dwTimeoutErr;
public int dwAlignmentErr;
public int dwHardwareOverrunErr;
public int dwFramingErr;
public int dwBufferOverrunErr;
public int dwCompressionRatioIn;
public int dwCompressionRatioOut;
public int dwBps;
public int dwConnectionDuration;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct RasEntryName
public int dwSize;
//[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=(int)RasFieldSizeConstants.RAS_MaxEntryName + 1)]
public string szEntryName;
//#if WINVER5
// public int dwFlags;
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=260+1)]
// public string szPhonebookPath;
public class RAS
[DllImport("Rasapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "RasEnumConnectionsA",
SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern int RasEnumConnections
ref RASCONN lprasconn, // buffer to receive connections data
ref int lpcb, // size in bytes of buffer
ref int lpcConnections // number of connections written to buffer
[DllImport("rasapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
internal static extern uint RasGetConnectionStatistics(
IntPtr hRasConn, // handle to the connection
[In, Out]RasStats lpStatistics // buffer to receive statistics
[DllImport("rasapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public extern static uint RasHangUp(
IntPtr hrasconn // handle to the RAS connection to hang up
[DllImport("rasapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public extern static uint RasEnumEntries(
string reserved, // reserved, must be NULL
string lpszPhonebook, // pointer to full path and
// file name of phone-book file
[In, Out]RasEntryName[] lprasentryname, // buffer to receive
// phone-book entries
ref int lpcb, // size in bytes of buffer
out int lpcEntries // number of entries written
// to buffer
[DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public extern static int InternetDial(
IntPtr hwnd,
[In]string lpszConnectoid,
uint dwFlags,
ref int lpdwConnection,
uint dwReserved
public RAS()
public enum DEL_CACHE_TYPE //要删除的类型。
Cookie //表示Cookie
public class RASDisplay
[DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern bool DeleteUrlCacheEntry(
private string m_duration;
private string m_ConnectionName;
private string[] m_ConnectionNames;
private double m_TX;
private double m_RX;
private bool m_connected;
private IntPtr m_ConnectedRasHandle;
RasStats status = new RasStats();
public RASDisplay()
m_connected = true;
RAS lpras = new RAS();
RASCONN lprasConn = new RASCONN();
lprasConn.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RASCONN));
lprasConn.hrasconn = IntPtr.Zero;
int lpcb = 0;
int lpcConnections = 0;
int nRet = 0;
lpcb = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RASCONN));
nRet = RAS.RasEnumConnections(ref lprasConn, ref lpcb, ref
if (nRet != 0)
m_connected = false;
if (lpcConnections > 0)
//for (int i = 0; i < lpcConnections; i++)
RasStats stats = new RasStats();
m_ConnectedRasHandle = lprasConn.hrasconn;
RAS.RasGetConnectionStatistics(lprasConn.hrasconn, stats);
m_ConnectionName = lprasConn.szEntryName;
int Hours = 0;
int Minutes = 0;
int Seconds = 0;
Hours = ((stats.dwConnectionDuration / 1000) / 3600);
Minutes = ((stats.dwConnectionDuration / 1000) / 60) - (Hours * 60);
Seconds = ((stats.dwConnectionDuration / 1000)) - (Minutes * 60) - (Hours * 3600);
m_duration = Hours + " hours " + Minutes + " minutes " + Seconds + " secs";
m_TX = stats.dwBytesXmited;
m_RX = stats.dwBytesRcved;
m_connected = false;
int lpNames = 1;
int entryNameSize = 0;
int lpSize = 0;
RasEntryName[] names = null;
entryNameSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RasEntryName));
lpSize = lpNames * entryNameSize;
names = new RasEntryName[lpNames];
names[0].dwSize = entryNameSize;
uint retval = RAS.RasEnumEntries(null, null, names, ref lpSize, out lpNames);
//if we have more than one connection, we need to do it again
if (lpNames > 1)
names = new RasEntryName[lpNames];
for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
names[i].dwSize = entryNameSize;
retval = RAS.RasEnumEntries(null, null, names, ref lpSize, out lpNames);
m_ConnectionNames = new string[names.Length];
if (lpNames > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
m_ConnectionNames[i] = names[i].szEntryName;
public string Duration
return m_connected ? m_duration : "";
public string[] Connections
return m_ConnectionNames;
public double BytesTransmitted
return m_connected ? m_TX : 0;
public double BytesReceived
return m_connected ? m_RX : 0;
public string ConnectionName
return m_connected ? m_ConnectionName : "";
public bool IsConnected
return m_connected;
public int Connect(string Connection)
int temp = 0;
int retVal = RAS.InternetDial(IntPtr.Zero, Connection, INTERNET_AUTO_DIAL_UNATTENDED, ref temp, 0);
return retVal;
public void Disconnect()
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public struct RASCONN
public int dwSize;
public IntPtr hrasconn;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 257)]
public string szEntryName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 17)]
public string szDeviceType;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 129)]
public string szDeviceName;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct RasStats
public int dwSize;
public int dwBytesXmited;
public int dwBytesRcved;
public int dwFramesXmited;
public int dwFramesRcved;
public int dwCrcErr;
public int dwTimeoutErr;
public int dwAlignmentErr;
public int dwHardwareOverrunErr;
public int dwFramingErr;
public int dwBufferOverrunErr;
public int dwCompressionRatioIn;
public int dwCompressionRatioOut;
public int dwBps;
public int dwConnectionDuration;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public struct RasEntryName
public int dwSize;
//[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=(int)RasFieldSizeConstants.RAS_MaxEntryName + 1)]
public string szEntryName;
//#if WINVER5
// public int dwFlags;
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=260+1)]
// public string szPhonebookPath;
public class RAS
[DllImport("Rasapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "RasEnumConnectionsA",
SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern int RasEnumConnections
ref RASCONN lprasconn, // buffer to receive connections data
ref int lpcb, // size in bytes of buffer
ref int lpcConnections // number of connections written to buffer
[DllImport("rasapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
internal static extern uint RasGetConnectionStatistics(
IntPtr hRasConn, // handle to the connection
[In, Out]RasStats lpStatistics // buffer to receive statistics
[DllImport("rasapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public extern static uint RasHangUp(
IntPtr hrasconn // handle to the RAS connection to hang up
[DllImport("rasapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public extern static uint RasEnumEntries(
string reserved, // reserved, must be NULL
string lpszPhonebook, // pointer to full path and
// file name of phone-book file
[In, Out]RasEntryName[] lprasentryname, // buffer to receive
// phone-book entries
ref int lpcb, // size in bytes of buffer
out int lpcEntries // number of entries written
// to buffer
[DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public extern static int InternetDial(
IntPtr hwnd,
[In]string lpszConnectoid,
uint dwFlags,
ref int lpdwConnection,
uint dwReserved
public RAS()
public enum DEL_CACHE_TYPE //要删除的类型。
Cookie //表示Cookie
public class RASDisplay
[DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern bool DeleteUrlCacheEntry(
private string m_duration;
private string m_ConnectionName;
private string[] m_ConnectionNames;
private double m_TX;
private double m_RX;
private bool m_connected;
private IntPtr m_ConnectedRasHandle;
RasStats status = new RasStats();
public RASDisplay()
m_connected = true;
RAS lpras = new RAS();
RASCONN lprasConn = new RASCONN();
lprasConn.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RASCONN));
lprasConn.hrasconn = IntPtr.Zero;
int lpcb = 0;
int lpcConnections = 0;
int nRet = 0;
lpcb = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RASCONN));
nRet = RAS.RasEnumConnections(ref lprasConn, ref lpcb, ref
if (nRet != 0)
m_connected = false;
if (lpcConnections > 0)
//for (int i = 0; i < lpcConnections; i++)
RasStats stats = new RasStats();
m_ConnectedRasHandle = lprasConn.hrasconn;
RAS.RasGetConnectionStatistics(lprasConn.hrasconn, stats);
m_ConnectionName = lprasConn.szEntryName;
int Hours = 0;
int Minutes = 0;
int Seconds = 0;
Hours = ((stats.dwConnectionDuration / 1000) / 3600);
Minutes = ((stats.dwConnectionDuration / 1000) / 60) - (Hours * 60);
Seconds = ((stats.dwConnectionDuration / 1000)) - (Minutes * 60) - (Hours * 3600);
m_duration = Hours + " hours " + Minutes + " minutes " + Seconds + " secs";
m_TX = stats.dwBytesXmited;
m_RX = stats.dwBytesRcved;
m_connected = false;
int lpNames = 1;
int entryNameSize = 0;
int lpSize = 0;
RasEntryName[] names = null;
entryNameSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RasEntryName));
lpSize = lpNames * entryNameSize;
names = new RasEntryName[lpNames];
names[0].dwSize = entryNameSize;
uint retval = RAS.RasEnumEntries(null, null, names, ref lpSize, out lpNames);
//if we have more than one connection, we need to do it again
if (lpNames > 1)
names = new RasEntryName[lpNames];
for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
names[i].dwSize = entryNameSize;
retval = RAS.RasEnumEntries(null, null, names, ref lpSize, out lpNames);
m_ConnectionNames = new string[names.Length];
if (lpNames > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
m_ConnectionNames[i] = names[i].szEntryName;
public string Duration
return m_connected ? m_duration : "";
public string[] Connections
return m_ConnectionNames;
public double BytesTransmitted
return m_connected ? m_TX : 0;
public double BytesReceived
return m_connected ? m_RX : 0;
public string ConnectionName
return m_connected ? m_ConnectionName : "";
public bool IsConnected
return m_connected;
public int Connect(string Connection)
int temp = 0;
int retVal = RAS.InternetDial(IntPtr.Zero, Connection, INTERNET_AUTO_DIAL_UNATTENDED, ref temp, 0);
return retVal;
public void Disconnect()
Private Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Integer, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByRef phkResult As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function RegEnumKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegEnumKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Integer, ByVal dwIndex As Integer, ByVal lpName As String, ByVal cbName As Integer) As Integer
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER As Integer = &H80000001
Const ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS As Short = 259
Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Short = 0
Dim hKey As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim astr As String = New String("", 256)
If RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "RemoteAccess\Profile", hKey) = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
While RegEnumKey(hKey, i, astr, 256) = ERROR_SUCCESS
MsgBox(astr) '链接名称
i += 1
End While
End If
'Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("RemoteAccess\Profile", True)
Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function RegEnumKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegEnumKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Integer, ByVal dwIndex As Integer, ByVal lpName As String, ByVal cbName As Integer) As Integer
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER As Integer = &H80000001
Const ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS As Short = 259
Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Short = 0
Dim hKey As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim astr As String = New String("", 256)
If RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "RemoteAccess\Profile", hKey) = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
While RegEnumKey(hKey, i, astr, 256) = ERROR_SUCCESS
MsgBox(astr) '链接名称
i += 1
End While
End If
'Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("RemoteAccess\Profile", True)