(3)保证删除,插入等操作都能在O(lg n)时间内维护size属性
1 class Node: 2 def __init__(self, key, right, left, p, color, size): 3 self.key = key 4 self.right = right 5 self.left = left 6 self.p = p 7 self.color = color 8 self.size = size 9 10 11 class tree: 12 def __init__(self, root, nil): 13 self.root = root 14 self.nil = nil 15 16 def tree_insert(self, z): 17 y = self.nil 18 x = self.root 19 while x != self.nil: 20 y = x 21 if z.key < x.key: 22 x = x.left 23 else: 24 x = x.right 25 z.p = y 26 if y == self.nil: 27 self.root = z 28 elif z.key < y.key: 29 y.left = z 30 else: 31 y.right = z 32 z.left = self.nil 33 z.right = self.nil 34 z.color = "RED" 35 # z插入成功后,size初始化为1 36 z.size = 1 37 # 红黑树性质维护 38 self.rb_insert_fixup(z) 39 # 更新结点z的父结点直到根结点的size属性 40 while z.p != self.nil: 41 z.p.size += 1 42 z = z.p 43 44 def left_rotate(self, x): 45 y = x.right 46 x.right = y.left 47 if y.left != self.nil: 48 y.left.p = x 49 y.p = x.p 50 if x.p == self.nil: 51 self.root = y 52 elif x == x.p.left: 53 x.p.left = y 54 else: 55 x.p.right = y 56 y.left = x 57 x.p = y 58 # 左旋导致两个结点的size属性失效,size属性更新如下: 59 y.size = x.size 60 x.size = x.left.size + x.right.size + 1 61 62 def right_rotate(self, y): 63 x = y.left 64 y.left = x.right 65 if x.right != self.nil: 66 x.right.p = y 67 x.p = y.p 68 if y.p == self.nil: 69 self.root = x 70 elif y == y.p.left: 71 y.p.left = x 72 else: 73 y.p.right = x 74 x.right = y 75 y.p = x 76 # 右旋导致两个结点的size属性失效,size属性更新如下: 77 x.size = y.size 78 y.size = y.right.size + y.left.size + 1 79 80 def rb_insert_fixup(self, z): 81 while z.p.color == "RED": 82 if z.p == z.p.p.left: 83 y = z.p.p.right 84 if y.color == "RED": 85 z.p.color = "BLACK" 86 y.color = "BLACK" 87 z.p.p.color = "RED" 88 z = z.p.p 89 else: 90 if z == z.p.right: 91 z = z.p 92 self.left_rotate(z) 93 z.p.color = "BLACK" 94 z.p.p.color = "RED" 95 self.right_rotate(z.p.p) 96 else: 97 y = z.p.p.left 98 if y.color == "RED": 99 z.p.color = "BLACK" 100 y.color = "BLACK" 101 z.p.p.color = "RED" 102 z = z.p.p 103 else: 104 if z == z.p.left: 105 z = z.p 106 self.right_rotate(z) 107 z.p.color = "BLACK" 108 z.p.p.color = "RED" 109 self.left_rotate(z.p.p) 110 self.root.color = "BLACK" 111 112 def inorder_tree_walk(self, x): 113 if x != self.nil: 114 self.inorder_tree_walk(x.left) 115 print(x.key) 116 self.inorder_tree_walk(x.right) 117 118 def tree_search(self, x, k): 119 if x == self.nil or k == x.key: 120 return x 121 if k < x.key: 122 return self.tree_search(x.left, k) 123 else: 124 return self.tree_search(x.right, k) 125 126 def rb_transplant(self, u, v): 127 if u.p == self.nil: 128 self.root = v 129 elif u == u.p.left: 130 u.p.left = v 131 else: 132 u.p.right = v 133 v.p = u.p 134 135 def tree_minimum(self, x): 136 while x.left != self.nil: 137 x = x.left 138 return x 139 140 def rb_delete(self, z): 141 y = z 142 y_original_color = y.color 143 if z.left == self.nil: 144 x = z.right 145 self.rb_transplant(z, z.right) 146 elif z.right == self.nil: 147 x = z.left 148 self.rb_transplant(z, z.left) 149 else: 150 y = self.tree_minimum(z.right) 151 y_original_color = y.color 152 x = y.right 153 if y.p == z: 154 x.p = y 155 else: 156 self.rb_transplant(y, y.right) 157 y.right = z.right 158 y.right.p = y 159 self.rb_transplant(z, y) 160 y.left = z.left 161 y.left.p = y 162 y.color = z.color 163 if y_original_color == "BLACK": 164 self.rb_delete_fixup(x) 165 166 def rb_delete_fixup(self, x): 167 while x != self.root and x.color == "BLACK": 168 if x == x.p.left: 169 w = x.p.right 170 if w.color == "RED": 171 w.color = "BLACK" 172 x.p.color = "RED" 173 self.left_rotate(x.p) 174 w = x.p.right 175 if w.left.color == "BLACK" and w.right.color == "BLACK": 176 w.color = "RED" 177 x = x.p 178 else: 179 if w.right.color == "BLACK": 180 w.left.color == "BLACK" 181 w.color = "RED" 182 self.right_rotate(w) 183 w = x.p.right 184 w.color = x.p.color 185 x.p.color = "BLACK" 186 w.right.color = "BLACK" 187 self.left_rotate(x.p) 188 x = self.root 189 else: 190 w = x.p.left 191 if w.color == "RED": 192 w.color = "BLACK" 193 x.p.color = "RED" 194 self.right_rotate(x.p) 195 w = x.p.left 196 if w.right.color == "BLACK" and w.left.color == "BLACK": 197 w.color = "RED" 198 x = x.p 199 else: 200 if w.left.color == "BLACK": 201 w.right.color == "BLACK" 202 w.color = "RED" 203 self.left_rotate(w) 204 w = x.p.left 205 w.color = x.p.color 206 x.p.color = "BLACK" 207 w.left.color = "BLACK" 208 self.right_rotate(x.p) 209 x = self.root 210 x.color = "BLACK" 211 212 def print_tree(self, z): 213 if z != self.nil: 214 print(z.key, z.color, ":", end='') 215 print("( ", end='') 216 print(z.left.key, z.left.color, " ", end='') 217 print(z.right.key, z.right.color, end='') 218 print(" )", end='') 219 220 # 找出统计树中的第i小的关键字 221 def os_select(self, x, i): 222 r = x.left.size + 1 223 if i == r: 224 return x 225 elif x < r: 226 return self.os_select(x.left, i) 227 else: 228 # 注意这种情况就应该找以x为根结点的右子树中第i-r小的关键字了。 229 return self.os_select(x.right, i - r) 230 231 # 确定一个元素的秩:返回对T中序遍历对应的线性序中x的位置 232 def os_rank(self, x): 233 r = x.left.size + 1 234 y = x 235 while y != self.root: 236 if y == y.p.right: 237 r += y.p.left.size + 1 238 y = y.p 239 return r
1 class Node: 2 def __init__(self,right,left,p,color,inter,maxx): 3 self.key=inter.low 4 self.right=right 5 self.left=left 6 self.p=p 7 self.color=color 8 #新增区间属性 9 self.inter=inter 10 #新增附加信息maxx 11 self.maxx=maxx 12 13 #代表区间的类 14 class Inter: 15 def __init__(self,low,high): 16 self.low=low 17 self.high=high 18 19 class tree: 20 def __init__(self,root,nil): 21 self.root=root 22 self.nil=nil 23 def tree_insert(self,z): 24 y=self.nil 25 x=self.root 26 while x!=self.nil: 27 y=x 28 if z.key<x.key: 29 x=x.left 30 else: 31 x=x.right 32 z.p=y 33 if y==self.nil: 34 self.root=z 35 elif z.key<y.key: 36 y.left=z 37 else: 38 y.right=z 39 z.left=self.nil 40 z.right=self.nil 41 z.color="RED" 42 z.maxx=max(z.inter.high,z.left.maxx,z.right.maxx) 43 #红黑树性质维护 44 self.rb_insert_fixup(z) 45 #更新父结点直到根结点的maxx 46 while z.p!=self.nil: 47 z.p.maxx=max(z.p.maxx,z.maxx) 48 z=z.p 49 50 def left_rotate(self,x): 51 y=x.right 52 x.right=y.left 53 if y.left!=self.nil: 54 y.left.p=x 55 y.p=x.p 56 if x.p==self.nil: 57 self.root=y 58 elif x==x.p.left: 59 x.p.left=y 60 else: 61 x.p.right=y 62 y.left=x 63 x.p=y 64 #左旋导致两个结点的max属性改变,更新如下 65 y.maxx=x.maxx 66 x.maxx=max(x.left.maxx,x.right.maxx,x.inter.high) 67 68 69 def right_rotate(self,y): 70 x=y.left 71 y.left=x.right 72 if x.right!=self.nil: 73 x.right.p=y 74 x.p=y.p 75 if y.p==self.nil: 76 self.root=x 77 elif y==y.p.left: 78 y.p.left=x 79 else: 80 y.p.right=x 81 x.right=y 82 y.p=x 83 #右旋导致两个结点的max属性改变,更新如下 84 x.maxx=y.maxx 85 y.maxx=max(y.right.maxx,y.left.maxx,y.inter.high) 86 87 def rb_insert_fixup(self,z): 88 while z.p.color=="RED": 89 if z.p==z.p.p.left: 90 y=z.p.p.right 91 if y.color=="RED": 92 z.p.color="BLACK" 93 y.color="BLACK" 94 z.p.p.color="RED" 95 z=z.p.p 96 else: 97 if z==z.p.right: 98 z=z.p 99 self.left_rotate(z) 100 z.p.color="BLACK" 101 z.p.p.color="RED" 102 self.right_rotate(z.p.p) 103 else: 104 y=z.p.p.left 105 if y.color=="RED": 106 z.p.color="BLACK" 107 y.color="BLACK" 108 z.p.p.color="RED" 109 z=z.p.p 110 else: 111 if z==z.p.left: 112 z=z.p 113 self.right_rotate(z) 114 z.p.color="BLACK" 115 z.p.p.color="RED" 116 self.left_rotate(z.p.p) 117 self.root.color="BLACK" 118 def inorder_tree_walk(self,x): 119 if x!=self.nil: 120 self.inorder_tree_walk(x.left) 121 print(x.key) 122 self.inorder_tree_walk(x.right) 123 def tree_search(self,x,k): 124 if x==self.nil or k==x.key: 125 return x 126 if k < x.key: 127 return self.tree_search(x.left,k) 128 else: return self.tree_search(x.right,k) 129 130 def rb_transplant(self,u,v): 131 if u.p==self.nil: 132 self.root=v 133 elif u==u.p.left: 134 u.p.left=v 135 else: 136 u.p.right=v 137 v.p=u.p 138 def tree_minimum(self,x): 139 while x.left!=self.nil: 140 x=x.left 141 return x 142 143 144 def rb_delete(self,z): 145 y=z 146 y_original_color=y.color 147 if z.left==self.nil: 148 x=z.right 149 self.rb_transplant(z,z.right) 150 elif z.right==self.nil: 151 x=z.left 152 self.rb_transplant(z,z.left) 153 else: 154 y=self.tree_minimum(z.right) 155 y_original_color=y.color 156 x=y.right 157 if y.p==z: 158 x.p=y 159 else: 160 self.rb_transplant(y,y.right) 161 y.right=z.right 162 y.right.p=y 163 self.rb_transplant(z,y) 164 y.left=z.left 165 y.left.p=y 166 y.color=z.color 167 if y_original_color=="BLACK": 168 self.rb_delete_fixup(x) 169 170 171 def rb_delete_fixup(self,x): 172 while x!=self.root and x.color=="BLACK": 173 if x==x.p.left: 174 w=x.p.right 175 if w.color=="RED": 176 w.color="BLACK" 177 x.p.color="RED" 178 self.left_rotate(x.p) 179 w=x.p.right 180 if w.left.color=="BLACK" and w.right.color=="BLACK": 181 w.color="RED" 182 x=x.p 183 else: 184 if w.right.color=="BLACK": 185 w.left.color=="BLACK" 186 w.color="RED" 187 self.right_rotate(w) 188 w=x.p.right 189 w.color=x.p.color 190 x.p.color="BLACK" 191 w.right.color="BLACK" 192 self.left_rotate(x.p) 193 x=self.root 194 else: 195 w=x.p.left 196 if w.color=="RED": 197 w.color="BLACK" 198 x.p.color="RED" 199 self.right_rotate(x.p) 200 w=x.p.left 201 if w.right.color=="BLACK" and w.left.color=="BLACK": 202 w.color="RED" 203 x=x.p 204 else: 205 if w.left.color=="BLACK": 206 w.right.color=="BLACK" 207 w.color="RED" 208 self.left_rotate(w) 209 w=x.p.left 210 w.color=x.p.color 211 x.p.color="BLACK" 212 w.left.color="BLACK" 213 self.right_rotate(x.p) 214 x=self.root 215 x.color="BLACK" 216 217 def print_tree(self,z): 218 if z!=self.nil: 219 print(z.key,z.color,"[",z,inter.low,",",z.inter.high,"]",":",end='') 220 print("( ",end='') 221 print(z.left.key,z.left.color," ",end='') 222 print(z.right.key,z.right.color,end='') 223 print(" )",end='') 224 def interval_search(self,i): 225 x=self.root 226 while x!=self.nil and (i.high<x.inter.low or x.inter.high<i.low): 227 if x.left!=self.nil and x.left.maxx>=i.low: 228 x=x.left 229 else: 230 x=x.right 231 return x 232 233 if __name__=="__main__": 234 inter=Inter(0,0) 235 nil=Node(None,None,None,"BLACK",inter,0) 236 inter=Inter(16,21) 237 root=Node(nil,nil,nil,"BLACK",inter,21) 238 t=tree(root,nil) 239 TT=[8,9,25,30,5,8,15,23,17,19,26,26,0,3,6,10,19,20] 240 for i in range(0,len(TT),2): 241 inter=Inter(TT[i],TT[i+1]) 242 z=Node(nil,nil,nil,"RED",inter,0) 243 t.tree_insert(z)