











(2)在二叉树的第 i 层至多有 2i-1 个结点(i>=1)

(3)高度为 k 的二叉树至多有 2k-1 个结点

(4)若叶子结点有 n0 个,度为 2 的结点有 n2 个,则  n0 = n2 +1

(5)一般来说,对于第 i 个结点,它的父亲结点为第 [i/2] 个结点,它左孩子为第 2i 个结点,它的右孩子为第 2i+1 个结点

3.满二叉树:树中每层必须满,共有 2k-1 个结点


(1)具有 n 个结点的完全二叉树的高度为 [log2n]+1





1.二叉搜索树:对于任何结点,它的左子树所有结点关键字 <= 该结点关键字 <= 它的右子树所有结点关键字


 1 class Node:
 2     def __init__(self, key, right, left, p):
 3         '''节点(关键字,左孩子,右孩子,父节点)'''
 4         self.key = key
 5         self.right = right
 6         self.left = left
 7         self.p = p
 9 class Binary_search_tree:
10     '''二叉搜索树'''
11     def __init__(self, root):
12         '''以根节点初始化一棵树'''
13         self.root = root
14     def tree_insert(self, z):
15         '''在树中插入节点'''
16         y = None
17         x = self.root
18         while x != None:
19             y = x
20             if z.key < x.key:
21                 x = x.left
22             else:
23                 x = x.right
24         z.p = y
25         if y == None:
26             self.root = z
27         elif z.key < y.key:
28             y.left = z
29         else:
30             y.right = z
32     def inorder_tree_walk(self, x):
33         '''中序遍历'''
34         if x != None:
35             self.inorder_tree_walk(x.left)
36             print(x.key)
37             self.inorder_tree_walk(x.right)
39 root=Node(6,None,None,None)
40 tree=Binary_search_tree(root)
41 List=[5,2,5,7,8]
42 for i in List:
43     node=Node(i,None,None,None)
44     tree.tree_insert(node)
45 print(tree)
46 print(tree.inorder_tree_walk(tree.root))
47 -------------------------------------------------------
48 <__main__.Binary_search_tree object at 0x032B7890>
49 2
50 5
51 5
52 6
53 7
54 8
55 None



 1 def tree_search(tree, x, k):
 2     '''查找一个具有给定关键字的节点,x表示指向树根的指针'''
 3     if x == None or k == x.key:
 4         return x
 5     if k < x.key:
 6         return tree_search(tree,x.left, k)
 7     else:
 8         return tree_search(tree,x.right, k)
10 def iterative_tree_search(tree, x, k):
11     '''迭代的树的搜索'''
12     while x != None and k != x.key:
13         if k < x.key:
14             x = x.left
15         else:
16             x = x.right
17     return x
19 def tree_minimum(tree, x):
20     '''最小关键字元素,最左边的节点'''
21     while x.left != None:
22         x = x.left
23     return x
25 def tree_maximum(tree, x):
26     '''最大关键字元素,最右边的节点'''
27     while x.right != None:
28         x = x.right
29     return x
31 def tree_successor(tree, x):
32     '''树的前继'''
33     if x.right != None:
34         return tree_minimum(tree,x.right)
35     y = x.p
36     while y != None and x == y.right:
37         x = y
38         y = y.p
39     return y
41 root=Node(15,None,None,None)
42 tree=Binary_search_tree(root)
43 List=[6,18,3,7,17,20,2,4,13,9]
44 for i in List:
45     node=Node(i,None,None,None)
46     tree.tree_insert(node)
47 print(tree)
48 print(tree_search(tree, root, 13).key)
49 print(tree_maximum(tree,root).key)
50 print(tree_minimum(tree,root).key)
51 print(tree_successor(tree,tree_search(tree, root, 13)).key)
52 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
53 <__main__.Binary_search_tree object at 0x0391B530>
54 13
55 20
56 2
57 15



 1 def tree_delete(tree, z):
 2     '''树的删除节点,分情况讨论'''
 3     if z.left == None:
 4         #1.z没有左孩子节点,用右孩子来替代他
 5         transplant(tree,z, z.right)
 6     elif z.right == None:
 7         #2.若z没有右孩子,用他的左孩子来替代他
 8         transplant(tree,z, z.left)
 9     else:
10         #如果有两个孩子,在z的右子树中找他的后继(最小关键字),并让y替代z的位置
11         y = tree_minimum(tree,z.right)
12         if y.p != z:
13             #若y不是z的左孩子,用y右孩子替换y并成为y的双亲的一个孩子,再将z的右孩子转换为y的右孩子
14             transplant(tree,y, y.right)
15             y.right = z.right
16             y.right.p = y
17         #用y替换z并成为z的双亲的一个孩子,再用z的左孩子替换为y的左孩子
18         transplant(tree,z, y)
19         y.left = z.left
20         y.left.p = y
22 def transplant(tree, u, v):
23     '''删除u后,树的替代,以一棵v为根的子树来替换一棵u为根的子树
24     结果:u的双亲变为v的双亲,v成为u的双亲的相应孩子'''
25     if u.p == None:
26         #1.若u是根节点,直接初始化一个v为根节点的树
27         tree.root = v
28     elif u == u.p.left:
29         #2.若u是他父节点的左孩子,更新他父节点的左孩子为v
30         u.p.left = v
31     else:
32         #3.若u是他父节点的右孩子,更新他父节点的右孩子为v
33         u.p.right = v
34     if v != None:
35         #如果v不为空,u的父节点变为v的父节点
36         v.p = u.p
38 root=Node(15,None,None,None)
39 tree=Binary_search_tree(root)
40 List=[6,18,3,7,17,20,2,4,13,9]
41 for i in List:
42     node=Node(i,None,None,None)
43     tree.tree_insert(node)
45 print(tree.inorder_tree_walk(tree.root))
46 print('#'*30)
47 tree_delete(tree,tree_search(tree, root, 13))
48 print(tree.inorder_tree_walk(tree.root))
49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 2
51 3
52 4
53 6
54 7
55 9
56 13
57 15
58 17
59 18
60 20
61 None
62 ##############################
63 2
64 3
65 4
66 6
67 7
68 9
69 15
70 17
71 18
72 20
73 None





1.红黑树是一种确保拥有对数阶O(lg n)高度的二叉搜索树






  1 class Node:
  2     def __init__(self, key, right, left, p, color):
  3         self.key = key
  4         self.right = right
  5         self.left = left
  6         self.p = p
  7         self.color = color
  9 class RB_tree:
 10     '''红黑树'''
 11     def __init__(self, root, nil):
 12         self.root = root
 13         self.nil = nil
 15     def tree_insert(self, z):
 16         '''树的插入'''
 17         y = self.nil
 18         x = self.root
 19         while x != self.nil:
 20             y = x
 21             if z.key < x.key:
 22                 x = x.left
 23             else:
 24                 x = x.right
 25         z.p = y
 26         if y == self.nil:
 27             self.root = z
 28         elif z.key < y.key:
 29             y.left = z
 30         else:
 31             y.right = z
 32         z.left = self.nil
 33         z.right = self.nil
 34         z.color = "RED"
 35         self.rb_insert_fixup(z)
 37     def left_rotate(self, x):
 38         '''左旋:y是x的右孩子,y变为x和y原来右子树的父节点,x变为x原来左子树和y左子树的父节点'''
 39         y = x.right
 40         x.right = y.left
 41         if y.left != self.nil:
 42             y.left.p = x
 43         y.p = x.p
 44         if x.p == self.nil:
 45             self.root = y
 46         elif x == x.p.left:
 47             x.p.left = y
 48         else:
 49             x.p.right = y
 50         y.left = x
 51         x.p = y
 53     def right_rotate(self, y):
 54         '''右旋:x是y的左孩子,x为x原左孩子和y的父节点,y为x原右孩子和y右孩子的父节点'''
 55         x = y.left
 56         y.left = x.right
 57         if x.right != self.nil:
 58             x.right.p = y
 59         x.p = y.p
 60         if y.p == self.nil:
 61             self.root = x
 62         elif y == y.p.left:
 63             y.p.left = x
 64         else:
 65             y.p.right = x
 66         x.right = y
 67         y.p = x
 69     def rb_insert_fixup(self, z):
 70         while z.p.color == "RED":
 71             if z.p == z.p.p.left:
 72                 y = z.p.p.right
 73                 if y.color == "RED":
 74                     z.p.color = "BLACK"
 75                     y.color = "BLACK"
 76                     z.p.p.color = "RED"
 77                     z = z.p.p
 78                 else:
 79                     if z == z.p.right:
 80                         z = z.p
 81                         self.left_rotate(z)
 82                     z.p.color = "BLACK"
 83                     z.p.p.color = "RED"
 84                     self.right_rotate(z.p.p)
 85             else:
 86                 y = z.p.p.left
 87                 if y.color == "RED":
 88                     z.p.color = "BLACK"
 89                     y.color = "BLACK"
 90                     z.p.p.color = "RED"
 91                     z = z.p.p
 92                 else:
 93                     if z == z.p.left:
 94                         z = z.p
 95                         self.right_rotate(z)
 96                     z.p.color = "BLACK"
 97                     z.p.p.color = "RED"
 98                     self.left_rotate(z.p.p)
 99         self.root.color = "BLACK"
101     def inorder_tree_walk(self, x):
102         if x != self.nil:
103             self.inorder_tree_walk(x.left)
104             print(x.key)
105             self.inorder_tree_walk(x.right)
107     def tree_search(self, x, k):
108         if x == self.nil or k == x.key:
109             return x
110         if k < x.key:
111             return self.tree_search(x.left, k)
112         else:
113             return self.tree_search(x.right, k)
116 nil=Node(0,None,None,None,"BLACK")#哨兵节点,黑色
117 root=Node(7,nil,nil,nil,"BLACK")#根节点,黑色
118 t=RB_tree(root,nil)
119 T=[4,18,3,6,11,19,2,9,14,22,12,17,20]
120 for i in T:
121     z=Node(i,None,None,None,"RED")
122     t.tree_insert(z)
123 TT=[7,4,18,3,6,11,19,2,9,14,22,12,17,20]
124 for i in TT:
125     zz=t.tree_search(t.root,i)
126     print(i,' ',zz.color)
127 -------------------------------------------
128 7   BLACK
129 4   BLACK
130 18   BLACK
131 3   BLACK
132 6   BLACK
133 11   RED
134 19   RED
135 2   RED
136 9   BLACK
137 14   BLACK
138 22   RED
139 12   RED
140 17   RED
141 20   BLACK




 1     def rb_transplant(self, u, v):
 2         if u.p == self.nil:
 3             self.root = v
 4         elif u == u.p.left:
 5             u.p.left = v
 6         else:
 7             u.p.right = v
 8         v.p = u.p
10     def tree_minimum(self, x):
11         while x.left != self.nil:
12             x = x.left
13         return x
15     def rb_delete(self, z):
16         y = z
17         y_original_color = y.color
18         if z.left == self.nil:
19             x = z.right
20             self.rb_transplant(z, z.right)
21         elif z.right == self.nil:
22             x = z.left
23             self.rb_transplant(z, z.left)
24         else:
25             y = self.tree_minimum(z.right)
26             y_original_color = y.color
27             x = y.right
28             if y.p == z:
29                 x.p = y
30             else:
31                 self.rb_transplant(y, y.right)
32                 y.right = z.right
33                 y.right.p = y
34             self.rb_transplant(z, y)
35             y.left = z.left
36             y.left.p = y
37             y.color = z.color
38             if y_original_color == "BLACK":
39                 self.rb_delete_fixup(x)
41     def rb_delete_fixup(self, x):
42         while x != self.root and x.color == "BLACK":
43             if x == x.p.left:
44                 w = x.p.right
45                 if w.color == "RED":
46                     w.color = "BLACK"
47                     x.p.color = "RED"
48                     self.left_rotate(x.p)
49                     w = x.p.right
50                 if w.left.color == "BLACK" and w.right.color == "BLACK":
51                     w.color = "RED"
52                     x = x.p
53                 else:
54                     if w.right.color == "BLACK":
55                         w.left.color == "BLACK"
56                         w.color = "RED"
57                         self.right_rotate(w)
58                         w = x.p.right
59                     w.color = x.p.color
60                     x.p.color = "BLACK"
61                     w.right.color = "BLACK"
62                     self.left_rotate(x.p)
63                     x = self.root
64             else:
65                 w = x.p.left
66                 if w.color == "RED":
67                     w.color = "BLACK"
68                     x.p.color = "RED"
69                     self.right_rotate(x.p)
70                     w = x.p.left
71                 if w.right.color == "BLACK" and w.left.color == "BLACK":
72                     w.color = "RED"
73                     x = x.p
74                 else:
75                     if w.left.color == "BLACK":
76                         w.right.color == "BLACK"
77                         w.color = "RED"
78                         self.left_rotate(w)
79                         w = x.p.left
80                     w.color = x.p.color
81                     x.p.color = "BLACK"
82                     w.left.color = "BLACK"
83                     self.right_rotate(x.p)
84                     x = self.root
85         x.color = "BLACK"


posted on 2018-07-26 10:53  温润有方  阅读(356)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报