Spring+shiro session与线程池的坑
在java web编程中,经常使用shiro来管理session,也确实好用
- shiro来获取session的方式
/** * Returns the currently accessible {@code Subject} available to the calling code depending on * runtime environment. * <p/> * This method is provided as a way of obtaining a {@code Subject} without having to resort to * implementation-specific methods. It also allows the Shiro team to change the underlying implementation of * this method in the future depending on requirements/updates without affecting your code that uses it. * * @return the currently accessible {@code Subject} accessible to the calling code. * @throws IllegalStateException if no {@link Subject Subject} instance or * {@link SecurityManager SecurityManager} instance is available with which to obtain * a {@code Subject}, which which is considered an invalid application configuration * - a Subject should <em>always</em> be available to the caller. */ public static Subject getSubject() { Subject subject = ThreadContext.getSubject(); if (subject == null) { subject = (new Subject.Builder()).buildSubject(); ThreadContext.bind(subject); } return subject; }
Subject subject = ThreadContext.getSubject();