Apache如何设置Enable Keep-Alive

  在优化网站性能的时候,我们会发现有些站点的Enable Keep-Alive分数很低,如何调整设置呢?HTTP持久连接(英语:HTTP persistent connection,也称作HTTP keep-alive或HTTP connection reuse)是使用同一个TCP连接来发送和接收多个HTTP请求/应答,而不是为每一个新的请求/应答打开新的连接的方法。如何设置Keep-Alive呢?随ytkah一起来看看,以Apache为例


<ifModule mod_headers.c> Header set Connection keep-alive </ifModule>

  2、如果您能够访问您的Apache配置文件,则可以通过在/ etc / httpd / conf /中找到的httpd.conf文件中的这3行更改来打开保持活动状态。

KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 0
KeepAliveTimeout 100


find / -name httpd.conf



– KeepAlive: Set it to "KeepAlive on" to enable keep-alive. To disable it use "KeepAlive off".
– MaxKeepAliveRequests: Sets the maximum number of requests for every keep-alive connection. A good number to start with is 60 requests per connection.
– KeepAliveTimeout: Sets how long your server should wait for new requests from clients. The 15 second default is too high. Set it to 3 seconds to start with and gradually go up when it underperforms. Setting it to a lower amount of seconds results in less parallel connections which again results in less server load.



posted @ 2020-07-24 09:23  ytkah  阅读(334)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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