adi i2s 提供的axi_lite接口说明

总共定义了4个寄存器,位宽32位,也就是 偏移地址*4
when 0 => I2S_RESET_REG <= wr_data;

when 1 => I2S_CONTROL_REG <= wr_data;

when 2 => I2S_CLK_CONTROL_REG <= wr_data;

when 6 => PERIOD_LEN_REG <= wr_data;

1:I2S_RESET_REG --地址0*4
i2s_reset <= I2S_RESET_REG(0);
tx_fifo_reset <= I2S_RESET_REG(1);
rx_fifo_reset <= I2S_RESET_REG(2);--》高有效复位
2:I2S_CONTROL_REG --地址1*4
tx_enable <= I2S_CONTROL_REG(0) = '1';

rx_enable <= I2S_CONTROL_REG(1) = '1';
3:I2S_CLK_CONTROL_REG ---地址2*4
bclk_div_rate <= to_integer(unsigned(I2S_CLK_CONTROL_REG(7 downto 0)));

lrclk_div_rate <= to_integer(unsigned(I2S_CLK_CONTROL_REG(23 downto 16)));
4:PERIOD_LEN_REG ----地址6*4
period_len <= to_integer(unsigned(PERIOD_LEN_REG(15 downto 0)));

when 1 => rd_data <= I2S_CONTROL_REG and x"00000003";

when 2 => rd_data <= I2S_CLK_CONTROL_REG and x"00ff00ff";

when 6 => rd_data <= PERIOD_LEN_REG and x"0000ffff";

when 10 => rd_data <= rx_sample & std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(cnt, 8));---》地址10*4

when 10 --》高24位为采样接收的数据 -》低8位为分频计数器的值

posted @ 2018-04-27 17:46  木心的木偶  阅读(536)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报