Copies specified channels from input arrays to the specified channels of output arrays.
C++: void mixChannels(const Mat*src, size_t nsrcs, Mat* dst, size_t ndsts, const int* fromTo, size_t npairs)
C++: void mixChannels(const vector<Mat>&src, vector<Mat>&dst, const int*fromTo, size_t npairs)
src– Input array or vector of matrices. All the matrices must have the same size and the same depth.
nsrcs– Number of matrices in src.
dst– Output array or vector of matrices. All the matrices must be allocated. Their size and depth must be the same as in src[0].
ndsts– Number of matrices in dst.
fromTo – Array of index pairs specifying which channels are copied and where.
fromTo[k*2] is a 0-based index of the input channel in src.
fromTo[k*2+1] is an index of the output channel in dst. The continuous channel numbering is used: the first input image channels are indexed from 0 to src[0].channels()-1 , the second
input image channels are indexed from src[0].channels() to src[0].channels() + src[1].channels()-1, and so on. The same scheme is used for the output image channels. As a special case, when fromTo[k*2] is negative, the corresponding output channel is filled with zero .
npairs– Number of index pairs in fromTo.
Mat rgba( 3, 4, CV_8UC4, Scalar(1,2,3,4) ); Mat bgr( rgba.rows, rgba.cols, CV_8UC3 ); Mat alpha( rgba.rows, rgba.cols, CV_8UC1 ); // forming an array of matrices is a quite efficient operation, // because the matrix data is not copied, only the headers Mat out[] = { bgr, alpha }; // rgba[0] -> bgr[2], rgba[1] -> bgr[1], // rgba[2] -> bgr[0], rgba[3] -> alpha[0] int from_to[] = { 0,2, 1,1, 2,0, 3,3 }; mixChannels( &rgba, 1, out, 2, from_to, 4 );
mat grav0;
for( int c = 0; c < 2; c++ ) { int ch[] = {c, 0}; mixChannels(&timg, 1, &gray0, 1, ch, 1);