Hihocoder #1095 : HIHO Drinking Game (微软苏州校招笔试)( *【二分搜索最优解】)
#1095 : HIHO Drinking Game
Little Hi and Little Ho are playing a drinking game called HIHO. The game comprises N rounds. Each round, Little Hi pours T milliliter of water into Little Ho's cup then Little Ho rolls a K-faces dice to get a random number d among 1 to K. If the remaining water in Little Ho's cup is less than or equal to d milliliter Little Hi gets one score and Little Ho drinks up the remaining water, otherwise Little Ho gets one score and Little Ho drinks exactly d milliliter of water from his cup. After N rounds who has the most scores wins.
Here comes the problem. If Little Ho can predict the number d of N rounds in the game what is the minimum value of T that makes Little Ho the winner? You may assume that no matter how much water is added, Little Ho's cup would never be full.
The first line contains N(1 <= N <= 100000, N is odd) and K(1 <= K <= 100000).
The second line contains N numbers, Little Ho's predicted number d of N rounds.
Output the minimum value of T that makes Little Ho the winner.
- 样例输入
5 6 3 6 6 2 1
- 样例输出
题目分析:输入n个数,这n个掷的筛子数的大小范围是:[1, k].也就是大一行输入的两个数n,k;
现在要找到一个最小的T 让小ho赢了小hi。
代码:#include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <math.h> #include <cctype> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; //枚举T //如果d>=杯子里的水, hi++, ho全喝光 //如果 d<杯子里的水, ho++, ho喝掉d的量 //枚举区间[1, k+1] int a[100001]; int n; bool Drink_t(int t) //测试看看每次t的水,小ho能不能赢? { int hi=0, ho=0; int cnt=0; //代表杯子里的水 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { cnt+=t; if(a[i]>=cnt) { hi++; cnt=0; } else if( a[i]<cnt ) { ho++; cnt=cnt-a[i]; } } if(hi>ho) return false; //表示输了 else return true; //表示赢了 } void B_search(int low, int high) { int mid; while(low<=high) { mid=(low+high)/2; if( Drink_t(mid)==true && Drink_t(mid-1)==false ) //只有当前这个mid可以赢,一旦mid-1就不能赢了,这个答案才是最小的 { break; } else if(Drink_t(mid)==true) { high=mid-1; } else if(Drink_t(mid)==false ) { low=mid+1; } } printf("%d\n", mid ); } int main() { int k; while(scanf("%d %d", &n, &k)!=EOF ) { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) scanf("%d", &a[i]); B_search(1, k+1); } return 0; }