SDUT 3035 你猜我猜不猜你猜不猜(字符串 规律性)
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In the past 39th annual ACM international collegiate programming contest in Beijing station in Asia that Triple_S sent by our school team won the SDUT in Reginal bronze 11. At the same time,the team’s name is cray which is to let the host after reading the wrong three times, still missed a word to read. But zhuhu gave a high evaluation to the team.
As the creator of this team, I want to say is, in fact I was reminded of a game which is named ”ni cai wo cai bu cai ni cai bu cai wo cai bu cai”, may be the teacher didn\'t remember it. The name is just due to a conversation with a girl, so the origin is simple.
A:Why are you so diao?
B:Ni cai.
A:Ni cai wo cai bu cai.
B:Ni cai wo cai bu cai ni cai bu cai.
A:Ni cai wo cai bu cai ni cai bu cai wo cai bu cai.
Then do you know the content of their first conversation X?OK,in order to avoid the mle , RE professionals will popularize related knowledge for you . Please seize this chance!
The operation is very simple, only need to output the first letter of each word .For example , You can substitute N for Ni . Next, I\'ll demonstrate specific operation steps
For everytestcase, each line of input a Character , said A or B.
Then enter an Integer X (0<=X<=10^5), said the figure’s the first X words.
Output the words.
A 2 A 3 B 3
Ncwcbc Ncwcbcncbcwcbc Ncwcbcncbcwcbcncbc
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { char ch; int n; int i, j; while(cin>>ch>>n) { if(ch=='A') { if(n==1) { cout<<"Waysd\n"; continue; } else if(n==2) { cout<<"Ncwcbc\n"; continue; } else { cout<<"Ncwcbc"; for(i=0; i<n-2; i++) { cout<<"ncbcwcbc"; } cout<<endl; continue; } } else if(ch=='B') { if(n==1) { cout<<"Nc\n"; continue; } else if(n==2) { cout<<"Ncwcbcncbc\n"; continue; } else { cout<<"Ncwcbcncbc"; for(j=0; j<n-2; j++) { cout<<"wcbcncbc"; } cout<<endl; continue; } } } return 0; }