2024-06-03 英语学习纪要

  • coincidence 第一次自然拼读这个词的时候我的断开方式是 coin cidence 但是现在发现词根是 co 所以它的含义也就是 n. 巧合

  • drastic adj.剧烈的,急剧的
    drastic measures 严厉的措施
    drastic change 巨变
    drastic shortage of food 事物相当短缺
    副词形式为 drastically

  • agreeable adj. 令人愉悦的
    We spent a most agreeable day together.我们在一起度过了非常美好的一天
    He seemed extremely agreeable. 他非常讨人喜欢


  • conservative

    我们知道 conservation 是保护区的意思。那么自然 conserve 就得有 保护/节省 的意思。直接说 “保护的” 非常别扭,那么可以引申成 保守的,这样的推测很 intuitive

    the conservative view of his parents 他父母的保守观念

  • cabin seats 机舱里面的座位
    我们都知道 cabinet 是 储物箱/内阁(a cabinet meeting) 之类的意思
    之前还接触了一个词是 closet,也就是 壁橱。然后有一个词是 WC,全称是 NOIWC water closet

  • it can be seen from the cheapest budget airlines to the world's largest carriers:balabala balabala

    这里的 carrier 是客运航空公司,和它长得很相似的 carriage 才是车厢的意思

  • aviation 航空 civil aviation 民用航空

  • it's also a trend that emerged years ago and has simply stuck. 有一个兴起于很多年前的趋势,但它只是不再发展,保留至今。

  • B->bold I->Italic U->underline 分别表示加粗,斜体,下划线
    bold 这个词除了加粗之外,还可以表示
    “大胆自信的” bold move大胆的行动
    形状颜色线条明显的,突出的 the bold outline of mountain against the sky

  • induce v.
    引导(劝说/诱使)nothing would induce me to take this job. 这是一种正式表达
    导致 drugs that induce sleep 安眠药

  • living out of a car 依靠汽车生活。
    额第一开始显然理解成了完全相反的含义,这里 out of 表示 “在...的状态中”

  • i am warming up to the idea. 我的翻译是“我大概理解你意思了”
    warm up这里是“为...做准备”的意思

  • deteriorate v.恶化 his health condition has deteriorated these past few weeks.

    第一眼看见这个词的时候以为词根是 territory,然后去掉领土可以被引申成摧毁,似乎在很多场景下就解释得通了,但是实际上好像关系很有限,毕竟多了一个 r

  • leg behind 落后于
    She has legged behind most of her co-workers in output

  • curtail v.限制,缩短 Spending on books has been severely curtailed.用于买书的开销已经被严重缩减了

  • high tide (海水的)涨潮时期
    you can't walk along this beach at high tide.

  • spouse 配偶


  • eliminate v.淘汰;消除
    Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.

    不要和 estimate 弄混,这里是 minate 不是 mate

    我觉得记混的一个重要原因就是读音的混淆,需要饱满发“minate”的音如果总是含混不清地发 mate 那么就会造成一些问题。

  • feasible adj.可行的 a feasible idea

    以下是一个 google 的结果。


  • prevalent 流行的 adj

    a prevalent view 一种流行的观点

    我们自然有一个疑问就是 prevalent popular 这两个都表示“流行”的词有啥区别?我随即想到 popular 的另一种翻译是“受欢迎的”,但是这并没有回答我的疑问,quora 上解答如下。

    What is the difference between in vogue, popular, and prevalent?
    As is usual in English these expressions can have several meanings. Since you have grouped them together, I would suggest the following meanings:
    In vogue means in fashion especially with regard to clothes.
    Popular is an adjective and can mean that the noun concerned is liked by a large number of people. For example “Braveheart” was a popular film despite its gross historical inaccuracies. It can also refer to something which applies to a large number of people - “popular culture”.
    Prevalent means widespread In a particular area or at a particular time. “Smoking was prevalent worldwide until the late twentieth century.”


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