Danish Gambit 简记

这是最近的一盘棋,这个过程太过于之唐了,暴露了两边都是 一千五百分 水平 的无力事实



博客主要是看一下这个丹麦弃兵(Danish gambit):

  1. e4 e5
  2. d4 exd4
  3. c3


三个变种:Gambit declined(由黑方决定) Single Gambit/Double Gambit(白方决定)

Gambit Declined

  1. c3 d5


  1. exd5 Qd5
  2. cxd4 Nc6
  3. Nf3 Bg4
  4. Be2


谱招到这里就结束了,这里只需要注意不能觉得 Bxf3 能多兵即可,因为白方接下来 Bxf3,接黑方 Qd4,那么白方 Bxc6 将军就能把后抽掉了。如图


Gambit accepted

如果选择 dxc3 那么就被叫做 Danish gambit accepted,这是 lichess.org 上的一段介绍:

The Danish Gambit Accepted is popular among club players, but not so popular at the highest level. That is because, it is easy for black to fall into one of the many traps on this line, but if black knows what to do, white can get no more than equality out of the opening.
White has two main options from this position:
4. Bc4 - Double Danish Gambit
4. Nxc3 - Single Danish Gambit
Although it may have been known earlier, Danish player Severin From essayed the gambit in an 1867 Paris tournament and he is usually given credit for the opening. The Danish gambit was popular with masters of the attack including Alexander Alekhine, Frank Marshall, Joseph Henry Blackburne, and Jacques Mieses, but as Black's defenses improved it lost favor in the 1920s. Today it is rarely played in top-level chess.

White will sacrifice one or two pawns for the sake of rapid development and attack. With care, Black can accept one or both pawns safely, or simply decline the gambit altogether.

  • single gambit

    1. Nc3

    到这里谱招应该就结束了,以下是 lichess.org 上的一些后续招法,但是可以看出来黑棋胜率明显都低于白方,但是都是一个可以接受的水平。毕竟白方有一个 Qb3 出后的线路



  • double gambit


    1. Bc4

      这也是比较直觉的走法,因为我们要保持对 f7 格子的进攻,这可以通过接下来上 Qf3 来进一步威胁。

      • 此时如果黑方选择 cxb2 接下来 Bxb2


        The pawn is recaptured. White has great attacking chances with her two open bishops and quick development, but Black is up two pawns. A player who is up two pawns can safely assume that they're going to win any endgame that arises, which means White's attack needs concrete results - either material, or checkmate.

        有两个谱招:d5(Schlechter Defence)或者 Bb4+(哥本哈根防御)

        1. d5

          By playing 5...d5, Black aggressively strikes back at the center, releasing the bishop to catch up in development, returning a pawn in the process. White main move is 6. Bxd5, and the main continuation is 6...Nf6 7. Bxf7+ Kxf7


          接下来 8. Qxd8 Bb4+ 9. Qd2 Bxd2+ 10. Nxd2 获得均势


          Alternatively after 6. Bxd5 Nf6, 7. Nc3?! is tried, but after 7...Nxd5 8. Nxd5 Nd7! (8...c6?? 9. Nf6+ gxf6 10. Qxd8+ Kxd8 11. Bxf6+ and White wins an exchange) Black has an advantage as he is still up a pawn and has the bishop pair, but accurate play is needed.


          英文段落括号里面是另一个在 Nd5 后的走法,这里的 Nd5 的目的可以通过括号里面白方的进攻来看到:通过 Nf6 将军强行打开 g7 兵来获得抽奖的机会。


          除了 Bxd5 之外还有 Qxd5 威胁换后,但是这样明显是对进攻损失比较大的,我们不希望看到。
          另外可以 exd5 但是这招明显不对,直接给了 f7 固若金汤的机会,我们也不希望看到

        2. Bb4+


          5...Bb4+ is the Copenhagen Defence. Committing the bishop to b4 invites a later Qb3, but who doesn't love developing a piece with check when you're behind in development?

          以上是 lichess.org 对当前局面的分析。

      • 黑方此时除了 cxb2 之外还可以考虑 c2 来避免白方黑格象对大对角线的进攻。不过这里基本上也可以说是脱离谱招了,剩下的部分也是正常出子,黑方进行防御了。

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